Xiaobai frowned slightly, then looked at the prince with a wry smile, and said dumbfoundedly, "Boss, isn't this very good?"

"Why not?" the prince asked slowly while sipping his coffee, looking at Xiaobai meaningfully.

Of course Xiaobai knew the intention of the prince's question, after all, his boss wanted him to mature quickly.But why didn't you test yourself when discussing the previous combat plan, but this time to test yourself for these secular worlds?

Seeing Xiaobai's puzzled expression, the prince pursed his lips and smiled, "You must be wondering why you were not tested during combat reasoning before, but now you are tested?"

Xiaobai nodded coldly.

The prince smiled, then looked at Xiao Hei who was not far away, and said, "To be honest, you and Xiao Hei, if I wasn't by your side, there would be no problem with your combat literacy."

"It can even be said that the endless weird ideas you two sometimes have, even I find it really unexpected."

"In this case, it should be a nightmare for your opponents."

Speaking of this, the prince paused for a while, and then continued, "But the shortcomings of the two of you are actually very obvious."

Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully.

The prince smiled, and said softly, "What worries me about the two of you now is when you interact with people in your life."

"You two, you have been with me for so many years. Anyway, if there is any trouble, I always take the lead, so the two of you have never really improved in your daily life."

Xiaobai pursed his lips, then smiled, "Boss, don't forget what you said to the two of us back then."

Instead, the prince was stunned for a while, then blinked vigorously, and looked at Xiaobai puzzled, "For so many years, I have talked too much with the two of you, you would never want me to talk to you." Do you remember every sentence?"

"Humph", Xiaobai pursed his mouth again, "I said boss, it's not right for you to do this, do you want to go back on what you said?"

The prince smiled wryly and shook his head, "I just said, I said too much, it was impossible to remember every sentence, but I didn't say, what I said, I reneged."

"Oh, that's right." Xiaobai pursed his lips, nodded, and then smiled, "Understood, I understand, then I can rest assured."

The prince glanced at Xiaobai unhappily, and then asked, "By the way, you just said, what did I say, and then I didn't remember it, which made you so nervous?"

"Looking at your posture just now, you almost turned against me."

"Haha", Xiaobai laughed loudly, and then saw that everyone looked over, as if they had interrupted other people's work.Then he lowered his voice embarrassingly.

"Boss, do you remember what you said to us when the three of us came back from the Middle East alive?"

Upon hearing about the incident in the Middle East, the prince closed his eyes unconsciously, and suddenly felt that the prince, who had a natural expression, had tightened his body.

After a short time, the prince let out a deep breath, and his body, which had been tense due to excitement, slowly relaxed.

Opening his eyes, staring at Xiaobai, he said slowly after a long time, "I promised you at the beginning that the three of us will be together for the rest of our lives."

Xiaobai's nerves, which were tense because of the prince's excited expression before, gradually relaxed when he saw that the prince had fully recovered and said that sentence at the same time.

"Boss, is this sentence still valid now?"

The prince frowned, looked Xiaobai carefully up and down again, and then asked suspiciously, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"Could it be that during this period of time, what did I do, say, or hint at, that made you, or did it make you think this way?"

Xiaobai pursed his lips, then lay down on the sofa closest to the prince, looked at the roof, and said softly, "The words just now are not only felt by the two of us now, but have been felt for a long time. This feeling."

The prince didn't let go of his brows, and frowned again, then turned sideways and looked at Xiao Bai seriously, "Tell me, tell me what you want to say recently or what you want to ask, or what you want to ask. come out."

"I really didn't expect that the two of you would have such an idea now."

"Of course," the prince paused, "during this period of time, the people and things around us have changed a lot, but I really left you two in the cold, so now you have this Thoughts, I also understand."

"But for me, if I don't understand, I don't understand, and if I don't understand, I don't understand. I still hope you can tell me, what is it that makes my two life and death brothers, and makes my two brothers once said The life and death brothers who want to be together for a lifetime, now ask me if that sentence is still valid."

Xiaobai shrugged, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the prince's words. Instead, he looked at the prince excitedly, smiled and said, "Boss, may I think that your current reaction should I'm quite excited, the real situation of the matter may be completely different from what Xiao Hei and I imagined?"

"Bullshit!" The prince slapped Xiaobai on the shoulder fiercely, and then stared at him fiercely, "Don't mess with me for now, just tell me, what's going on?"

"Hey," seeing the prince's expression, Xiao Bai was no longer as nervous and uneasy as before.

"Anyway, for a long time recently, a lot of things have indeed happened around the three of us, whether it's people or things, they have changed a lot."

"For example, there are more and more sister-in-laws around you now. In the entire villa, except for hummingbird and white crane, other women are already counted as sister-in-laws of me and Xiao Hei."

"Seeing that you have been coping with those sister-in-laws for a long time every day, the two of us really don't have the heart to bother you anymore."

"You have to know that things like feelings will fade after a long time."

Just seeing the cannibalistic look in the prince's eyes, Xiaobai hurriedly said, "Of course, Xiaohei and I will definitely not change our attitude towards the relationship between the three of us."

"But in fact, you have too many things to do now, and the two of us brothers can help you too limited."

The prince frowned, "Who said this? Why do you say that the two of you can help me too little?"

"This sentence, or this feeling, did the two of you feel it yourself, or did someone say it to you two, or hinted at something?"

Seeing the prince looking at him nervously, Xiaobai pursed his lips, and said, "Of course it was the two of us who felt it. After all, we are not fools. If someone really provokes us in front of the two of us I'm afraid I really don't have the guts to deal with alienation."

The prince nodded, then breathed a sigh of relief, then shook the red wine in his hand, "Go on."

Xiaobai pursed his lips, and then continued, "I believe you can also feel it now. What you are facing now is no longer the original simple tactics and battle arrangements, but has become a business. gone."

"To be honest, you have said that business warfare is not your strong point, so for the two of us, it is even more of a shortcoming for the two of us."

"Sometimes, when we were analyzing something, the two of us could only hide in a corner, not daring to say anything, or we didn't have any ideas at all."

"You have to know, before, the two of us gave ideas, but every time after we finished speaking, everyone laughed at the two of us, saying everything. Oh, by the way, the word ridicule is not accurate , it should be said that they all thought that the two of us were joking."

"After all, the two of us have almost no experience in shopping malls, and we don't know any shopping mall skills, so what we say and suggestions are largely amateurs among laymen."

"It's been a long time, and the two of us really dare not say anything more. We can only nod our heads after you finish speaking, that's all."

"And when you nod, you have to be natural. You can't be too pretentious or fake. If people see that the two of us don't know how to pretend to understand, it will be even more embarrassing, and the result will be even worse."

The prince sighed softly, and closed his eyes.But because of the excitement in his heart, the knuckles of the right hand holding the wine glass have turned white.

And Xiaobai also focused his attention on the roof at this time, and just murmured softly, "The one who helps you make up your mind every day is either Sister Manman, Sister Meng, or that De Chuan from Plaster Country. Sakura."

"And when we came out to carry out missions with you, it was basically either Brother Jianmang or Miranda who came up with the idea. The two of us really felt that we were so useless."

"However, the two of us still like to go out with you to perform missions. After all, Xiaobai and Xiaohei who carry out missions are the real Xiaobai and Xiaohei."

"Moreover, only when we are carrying out the task, the two of us feel that we are not a burden, and we have not become your burden."

"Enough!" The prince slammed the wine glass in his hand against the opposite wall, and his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

Following the prince's roar, the people not far away who were busy with their own affairs immediately focused their attention on the prince and Xiaobai.

But the prince's eyes at this moment, except for Xiaobai opposite him, could no longer accommodate anyone.

"Tell you," the prince said slowly in an almost hoarse voice, "I will tell you clearly today."

"No matter what kind of situation we are facing now, no matter whether the situation is a flat river or a sea of ​​swords and flames."

"No matter what kind of changes have happened to the people and things around me, no matter what they look like after the changes, whether you two like it or not."

The prince straightened his upper body from the sofa, then stared closely at Xiaobai's eyes, and said word by word, "I will tell you two again today, no matter what happens in the future, no matter what this matter means to our lives What will happen, the three of us will live together forever."

"I swear!" The prince raised his right hand, and then said loudly, "Even if it is a sea of ​​swords and swords, we will never separate the three brothers!"

Seeing the prince's serious attitude, Xiaobai swallowed hard, then managed to force a smile and nodded, "Boss, the three of us will never be separated!"

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