After seeing Xiao Bai's already very embarrassed expression, the prince glanced at him coldly, and then gave the same gaze to Xiao Hei who was secretly watching the two of them not far away.

Seeing the look in the prince's eyes, Xiao Hei shivered involuntarily, and then saw Xiao Bai secretly making a gesture to him for help, after struggling a bit hesitantly in his heart, he still bit the bullet and turned to the prince on the sofa. He and Xiaobai leaned over.

"Well, boss, the two of us..."

"Okay, stop talking," the prince frowned, then stared at Xiao Hei without any kindness, and then looked at Xiao Bai, who looked like an eggplant had been beaten by frost.

"I said, you two, can you stop messing with me?"

"What time is it now?" The prince paused, pursed his lips, and continued, "Don't you understand how complicated the external environment we are facing now?"

"Our current goals are more than ever before, and they are all tasks that are simply impossible to complete. You two are still thinking about doing this with me."

"Ahem!" Xiaobai cast a hard look at Xiaohei, then turned to look at the prince with a smile on his face, "Boss, this matter is actually because the two of us didn't think it through, otherwise, we couldn't have done it at this juncture. I told you about this, you said yes?"

Seeing Xiaobai and Xiaohe with flattering faces, the prince lost any temper in an instant.

After all, the two of them have been with me for many years. Whether it is bitterness or bitterness, the three of them have always faced it together. No matter how difficult the choice is, the three of them are still living and dying together.

Because of Xiaobai's distrustful frankness before, the prince's mood became irritable in an instant.But now that he has calmed down, there is only reluctance and guilt left in his heart.

After all, deep down in the prince's heart, he has always firmly believed that he, Xiaobai and Xiaohei will live together forever, and he has been doing so now.

But one thing to know is that no matter what you do, you still have to care about the inner thoughts of those who are with you.

"Well, I admit, I haven't paid enough attention to you two lately." Looking at the awkward faces of Xiaobai and Xiaohei, the prince became unnaturally embarrassed.

After all, being able to take the initiative to admit mistakes is a very rare thing.

"A lot of things have really happened recently. Whether it is our life or our circle, it has undergone earth-shaking changes from the simple life before."

"Before, what we had to do every day was to perform tasks, or wait for tasks to be performed, and there were very few other things that could happen."

"So our living conditions at that time were very simple, and we didn't need to intrigue with others, as long as we could take advantage of the surrounding environment and the opponent's weaknesses when fighting."

"But we're in a completely different environment now."

"Our current battlefield has changed from the previous overseas battlefield to the current domestic shopping mall." The prince pursed his lips, and then said, "Actually, the things you encountered, the confusion and confusion you encountered , I also encountered it in the previous days."

"It's different from what you imagined. I'm actually very uncomfortable with this kind of life and communication, and the intriguing and deceitful fighting environment. What I'm even more uncomfortable with is the kind of opponent who smiles all day long and hides his knife in his smile."

"According to my previous understanding, as long as it is an opponent, I will punch each other without hesitation. No matter what I want to talk about, I will talk about it after the fight."

Hearing what the prince said, Xiaobai and Xiaohei nodded vigorously, expressing that their thoughts were completely consistent with those of the prince.

Seeing the two of them nodding, the prince shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Although I have the same thoughts and discomforts as you, but in order to survive, I must make changes."

"To change, you must either change the current surrounding environment, or change yourself to adapt to the surrounding environment." The prince pursed his lips, sighed softly, and then said unwillingly, "Before, I really Trying hard to change the environment and atmosphere that surrounds us."

"But I regret to tell you that I failed."

"Since the first one has failed, we can only choose the second one, which is to adapt to the environment by ourselves." The prince loosened his shoulders, spread his hands, and said relaxedly, "Fortunately, the second way, I succeeded."

Xiaobai and Xiaohei's expressions were not relaxed at this time, or they had already started to frown, not only listening to the prince's words, but also thinking in their own hearts.

As if he knew what the two of them were thinking, the prince then said softly, "None of you know, and I didn't tell you two. At the beginning, I went out to talk to people about some business matters, All have to be at home, let Manman tell me in advance, I will have a plan in my heart, otherwise, I really dare not say anything that has anything to do with business."

"Until now, in many negotiations, I need Manman or Sister Meng to be by my side." The prince pursed his lips, and then continued, "I will give you the simplest example."

"The two of you should know that the night Mr. Xiao came to Binhai, the two of us talked for a long time in the backyard."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded.

The prince continued, "That night, Mr. Xiao and I were in the backyard, and we were talking about the establishment of a private bank."

"To be honest, I didn't have a clue at the time. What is a private bank? What do private banks do? Can they make money? How much money can they make?"

"I don't know anything about these things."

"Fortunately, Mr. Xiao should also know that business matters are not my strong point, so he very interestingly asked me to call Manman and Sister Meng over."

"So, what the two of you said before, about the decision-making power in business, I always ask Manman, Sister Meng, and Yingzi, isn't that nonsense."

The prince leaned forward, approached Xiaobai and Xiaohei, and looked at them seriously, gliding past their eyes, and asked with a smile, "Tell me, you two, about business If I don't ask the three of them about the business, should I ask the two of you?"

"Well, even if I believe you two, even if you two are wrong, I will still choose to listen. But you two tell me, when you don't understand, will you pretend to understand? Deceive me?"

Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei shook their heads naturally.

"That's right," the prince leaned back into the sofa again, and then said, "So, you two, young fellows, actually got the jealousy of three women in this kind of thing, I don't know what to do. It's better to cry or laugh."

Xiao Bai smiled awkwardly, then pursed his mouth, "Boss, the two of us have already said before that we both think too much, and we won't in the future, so don't squeeze us like this again."

"Bullshit!" The prince gave Xiaobai a hard look, and then said, "You two are really interesting, you complain yourself, and it's over after you finish talking? Can't you let me complain too?"

Xiao Hei swallowed hard, then smiled mischievously, "Okay, okay, Boss, you can continue, and the two of us will continue to listen."

The prince glanced at Xiao Hei, and then said, "I said, can the two of you be motivated?"

"After knowing what I'm going to face in the future, I keep looking at the time to learn more business knowledge. Why can't you two use some spare time to read more business books?"

"Tell me, are those women in our villa just your sister-in-law?"

"Let's talk about Mengmeng first, not to mention that Mengmeng is younger, but Mengmeng's business ability, you should all know before, after all, before coming to Binhai with me, Mengmeng was doing venture capital."

"Although when we arrived in Binhai, everyone regarded her as a little sister, and most of the time, they didn't express their opinions, but this is where she is the most shrewd."

Xiaobai scratched his head in confusion, then blinked, "Boss, what do you mean?"

The prince pursed his lips, "It's very simple. Mengmeng knows the status of Manman and Sister Meng in the villa. When the two of them come up with ideas, they will not easily intervene."

"Of course, afterward, in private, Mengmeng will still tell me her thoughts and opinions, and at the same time discuss her thoughts with Manman and Sister Meng."

"From this point on, she can already be a good teacher for the two of you in life."

Xiaobai and Xiaohei nodded vigorously.

"But you still don't forget Mengmeng's talent in business, so, in the villa, Mengmeng, Mengjie, Manman, and even Tokugawa Sakurako, when you have nothing to do, you can ask them for advice. business matters."

"Don't think it's a very shameful thing to ask a woman for advice." The prince smiled. "Actually, when the two of you talk nonsense because you don't understand, that's the most embarrassing time."

Seeing the silent expressions of Xiaobai and Xiaohei, the prince smiled, "Actually, I was just like the two of you before, in order to cover up that I didn't understand anything, so I said everything I wanted."

"The two of you are the same as me before, but I believe that as long as the two of you study with an open mind, you will definitely be able to learn everything."

"After all, you two have been with me for so many years, and I know you two very well." The prince looked at Xiaobai and Xiaohei affectionately, "Really, study hard when you have time. It will be of great benefit in the future.”

"There is always a time when we are not young, and we are now preparing for our future life. Do you two still hope that when you are 50 years old, you will still live in that kind of life?"

"The Huaxia Group is not only mine, but also yours. You two are the masters, but you have no awareness at all. Do you have to rely on others to help you make money?"

Xiaobai pursed his lips and said, "Boss, in fact, the two of us also want to learn something, but you also know that if you can take the two of us with you while studying, then we believe that the learning level of the two of us , will rise in a straight line.”

"That's right, that's right," Xiao Hei also nodded anxiously, "You've already said that we won't be separated in the future, so shouldn't our studies be separated as well?"

The prince rolled his eyes, and looked at Xiaobai and Xiaohe helplessly.I mourned for a minute in silence for his happy life.

Grandma, don’t you know that my learning process is when I flirt?

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