Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 101 Replacement

Tian Hongshi went away, leaving the bald woman standing beside the Humvee frantically.

Tian Hong didn't know, he asked Hei Wuchang to punish this arrogant bald woman a little bit, but it made her suffer. Tian Hong didn't know that the Hummer car brand had already ceased production, and spare parts had to be imported from abroad. The tires are also imported. If only one tire blows up and there is a spare tire, if all four tires blow up, the car will be temporarily paralyzed...

After Tian Hong rushed to the school dormitory from Liuye Lake, he immediately summoned Hei Wuchang, and got a cheat book on horizontal kung fu from Hei Wuchang.

This cheat book has a vulgar name: "Viagra".

Tian Hong realizes that the current situation of Da Tou is very dangerous. So far, Da Tou can be regarded as Tian Hong's only friend. Faced with this predicament, Tian Hong believes that it is necessary for Da Tou to learn a martial art of self-defense.

Hei Wuchang introduced this secret book, saying that it is an ancient and strange book, as long as he learns it, he will be able to protect three thousand females, his muscles will be solid, and he will be invulnerable to swords and guns...

Naturally, Tian Hong didn't care about Yu Nu Sanqian, he was more concerned about his invulnerability, if he could make Datou truly invulnerable, then Tian Hong wouldn't have to worry about Datou's life safety.

Obtaining the martial arts secret book is the first step. Tian Hong still needs to annotate the martial arts secret book clearly. Tian Hong doesn't expect the illiterate big head to understand ancient Chinese.

While Tian Hong was translating ancient Chinese in the dormitory with banknotes, Datou was fighting back fiercely.

Tian Hong underestimated the current influence of the big head.

After the big head swaggered away from the pier, his reputation became even more widespread. In just a few hours, the outside world spread his news, saying that he had a background and background.

At this time, Datou lived up to expectations, gathered his men and horses, and began to prepare for a round of crazy revenge.

It can be said that no one thought that Datou could gather hundreds of people within a few hours, especially when nearly 200 people were arrested at the dock.

Others didn't think of it, and neither did Brother Hu.

"Fort Tucker" is not a fortress, but a wine, a very famous wine. It is said that the owner of this wine used to be an all-powerful person in the city, but later he opened a wine to enjoy himself.

Although the owner of the wine is no longer in the Jianghu, but his brothers in the Jianghu still give enough face and will cheer from time to time. If there is any rush, the owner of the wine will come forward to reconcile.

The owner of the wine is called "Brother Long".

Today, Brother Long entertained Brother Hu in the private room of the largest "Underwater Dragon Palace".

The Undersea Dragon Palace is a large private room, at least 120 square meters, luxuriously decorated, a huge wall is composed of a fish tank, and there are gorgeous tropical fish in the fish tank, all kinds of tropical fish exude charming brilliance under the lights , making people feel as if they are really in the Dragon Palace under the sea.

The sound and lights in the private room are turned off, only the fish tank shoots out. In this huge space, it seems a bit deep...

Near the wall of the private room, a dozen or so people in black suits stood in a row with stern expressions.

At the two ends of the huge black marble coffee table, sat two influential figures in the city, Brother Long and Brother Hu.

Brother Long is tall, over 40 years old, and his facial features are a bit like Hong Kong Star Building. However, compared with Dasha, he is more fierce, because on his right face, there is a scar extending from his forehead to his chin. There is a deep mark on the face and eyelids, which looks shocking and terrifying.

Brother Hu is somewhat similar to Brother Hua, with fair skin and about forty years old, but his body is much stronger, and he looks extremely stable and sturdy.

The atmosphere in the private room is a bit dignified.

Brother Long and Brother Hu each held a glass of red wine dangling in their hands, and the red wine reflected dreamlike colors under the deep light.

After a long silence, Brother Long spoke.

"Ah Hu, this matter has become a big deal. You chopped Brother Qing, and now Brother Qing's life or death is uncertain. The people above are silent, and Li Huanyu has been silent everywhere. The important people in the whole city seem to be deliberately keeping Watching the distance from you..." Brother Long took a sip of wine lightly and said.

"Brother Long, although my brother is ignorant, he is my brother after all. He has been deposed. If I don't do anything, how can I still mess around in the city?" Brother Hu had a gloomy expression on his face, and his voice A little low, obviously, he also has a heavy pressure.

"Who doesn't know what kind of gangster Ah Hua is in the city? If he doesn't get chopped off this time, he will be chopped off by someone else next time. It's your fault. You shouldn't blame Brother Qing. , Brother Qing can be regarded as one of the people with the highest seniority, even we used to be under his subordinates back then, if you and Brother Qing hadn’t fallen out back then, we are still under Brother Qing now..."

"Brother Long, this time it was obviously Brother Qing who was acting as a hindrance. If it wasn't for him, would Datou dare? Besides, there are rumors in the world that Brother Qing subsidized Datou with a large sum of money, and it is precisely because of this money that Datou took the risk Come out." Brother Hu interrupted Brother Long and said angrily.

"Well, Ah Hu, this is your fault. Everyone in the Jianghu knows that the big head is doing things for Li Huanyu, but you put the blame on Brother Qing. Even if Brother Qing gave the big head a sum of money, That's what happened after the big head saw A Hua." Brother Long showed a dissatisfaction with A Hu.

"I can't control so much. In short, my brother was hacked. I must be in the top position. My brother Hu is also a well-known figure in the city. If I swallow this matter, will the brothers still obey me in the future? "Brother Hu said with a sneer.

"Ah Hu, I called you here today, not to discuss who is right and who is wrong, but to settle this matter. There is news from above that many important people have come down recently, and I don't want to see bloody events in the city, so , I'm just a peacemaker, I hope you can give Brother Qing a step down..."

"Stairs! My Brother Hu gave Brother Qing a step, who will give me Brother Hu a step?!"

"Then according to your thinking, Li Huanyu should also be abolished?" Brother Long was obviously a little angry and stood up.

"If Li Huanyu dares to intervene, I, Brother Hu, dare to touch him."

"Okay, Ahu, it's too much to say if you don't speculate. Forget it, you can do it yourself. This time, I, Aaron, have done my best."

"Brother Long, thank you for your kindness." Brother Hu also stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand, and drank it down.

"Ah Hu, based on our friendship for many years, I will tell you that the big head has not been arrested. He is already calling people. Moreover, most of the docks in the city have been controlled by the big head with coercive means. You It's best to keep a low profile for a while, and besides, don't provoke Li Huanyu, he's not Brother Qing, he's a businessman, a red-capped businessman!"

"Brother Long, I won't move Li Huanyu, but here with the big head, anyway, I won't give anyone face, so leave!"

Ah Hu put down his wine glass and strode out, followed by a row of men in black suits.

Seeing Ah Hu leave, Brother Long took out a cigar and lit it, leaned slowly on the huge leather sand back, stared at the blue dome, and let out a sigh.

After smoking a cigarette, Aaron took out a mobile phone.

"Tang Ju, Ah Hu won't let go here." Aaron said succinctly.

"Ah Hu's wings are stiff now, let the big head let it go. You can disclose a little information. Now, it depends on whether the big head is a dragon or a bug." The other party thought for a while.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Long smoked another cigarette, took out another small mobile phone from the briefcase beside him, and dialed several numbers one after another to find Datou. When he dialed the fifth number, the other party got in touch. big head.

"Brother Big Tou, someone is looking for you." A gangster held the phone and looked suspiciously at the big head with a stern face in the distance who tied his arms with cloth strips.

During the battle at the pier, Datou was stabbed three times in the body, but fortunately, they were all skin traumas, not bones, and did not affect limb movements.

Now, Datou has gathered ten groups of people from the TV station to attack 230 people, and is going to divide his troops into several groups to smash Brother Hu's place.

Although these 230 people are a group of mobs, when the mob gathers together, it is a force that can change history.

"Why don't you call me... Hey, I forgot to turn on my phone..." The big head took the mobile phone handed to him by the gangster, and yelled, "Who are you? Talk if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, Lao Tzu now was busy!"

"Don't ask me who I am, I'll tell you a piece of news, Brother Hu is now..." Brother Long paused, looked at the message on another phone and said, "Golden Years."

"Brother, the golden age is very big... Hey, hey..."

The big head said "Hello" a few times, but the other party had already hung up the phone, and when he called again, the phone was turned off.


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