"Golden Years!" Datou stood upright, and shouted: "Brothers, I just made Brother Hu that guy today."

"Brother Big Head, is there an ambush?" A gangster reminded.

"Ambush!" Datou sneered and said: "Ambush is just an ambush, it just depends on whose fist is bigger. Today, even if Brother Hu is not there, smashing the golden age is also killing him. Brother Hu's prestige."

A group of gangsters, led by the big head, came out of the TV in a mighty way, and then, after an appointment time, they dispersed their actions.

The big head is not a brave man, he didn't rush to the golden age, but started a careful plan.

An hour later, it was more than nine o'clock in the evening, and the lights were shining brightly.

At several intersections near Golden Years, several small car accidents occurred at the same time, and the already congested roads were immediately blocked.

This is the usual technique of some gangsters. After a few car accidents, it can delay the speed of the police coming, and similarly, it can also delay the speed of the other party's reinforcements.

At the gate of Golden Years, a sudden storm surged, and hundreds of gangsters with a red cloth tied to their foreheads gathered from all directions.

These gangsters seemed to come out of the ground all of a sudden. Small businesses nearby and those passing by, seeing the situation, naturally knew that something big was going to happen, and all of them hid in places they thought were safe to watch the excitement.


"Golden days."

The Golden Years is a private room, a very large private room, comparable to Long Ge's "Underwater Dragon Palace", with luxurious decoration and mainly golden tones. It was quiet inside the private room. A dozen big men in black suits stood in a row behind the huge leather sand. Brother Hu lowered his head and used a bank card to divide some white powder into strips...

"Swoosh..." Brother Hu shook his head suddenly, the white line on the coffee table disappeared, Brother Hu slightly closed his eyes, leaned on the sand slowly, enjoying the pleasure of hallucination.

"Peng!" The door was pushed open abruptly, and a gangster ran in almost scrambling, with a panicked expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Brother Hu suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared fiercely at the bastard.

"Hu... Brother Hu, there are more and more people outside..." The gangster was so frightened by Brother Hu's ferocious face that he stuttered and couldn't speak.



"Such a trivial matter bothers me, get out!" Brother Hu said angrily.



"..." The gangster opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything, and ran out anxiously.


A long strip of white powder was swept away, Brother Hu was like a ferocious beast lurking on the sand, giving people a feeling of chilling down the spine.

"Brother Hu, why don't we go and have a look..." a sturdy middle-aged man behind Brother Hu asked cautiously.

"Look at that, I don't believe that there are still people in the city who dare to come to Golden Years to make trouble." Brother Hu said with a sneer.

"Maybe it's the big head..."

"Big head, okay, it's good that it's big head, so I don't have to look for him all over the world." Brother Hu suddenly took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles, and laughed ferociously.





"The big head is coming... The big head is coming..."

Suddenly, there was a thrilling loud noise and screams outside the private room, and the messy footsteps made people feel that the corridor was full of people.

The big head leaned on his upper body, and after entering the door, the big head took control of the monitoring room of Golden Age, and took away all the monitoring data no matter what time it was.

In the eyes of many, the big head is a simple-minded gangster with limbs and limbs. In fact, the big head is thick and thin, with strong anti-reconnaissance methods. He will never get carried away because of his enthusiasm for a while.

More than 230 people were divided into four directions, controlling the back door and fire exits of Golden Years. The entire Golden Years, whether it is the waiter or the young master, is not allowed to leave. As long as they encounter resistance, they will be abolished...

One is prepared, the other is defenseless, and the number of the big head is already superior. Under the shock of the bloody killing, in just a few minutes, the entire golden age is controlled by the big head, and some guests and waiters are honest. Really stay in the corner.

The big head is deeply embedded in the strategic policy of the Americans, preemptive and decisive.

For a large-scale fight like this, if there are no idlers, it will take at least half an hour for the police department to mobilize enough police forces, and sometimes, it will last for more than an hour. After all, most of the police have already left work at this time Yes, it will take a lot of time to gather them together and equip them with police equipment.

Of course, the police stations in the urban area will have police on duty, but the police will not be so stupid that a dozen people rush here to arrest people like this kind of large-scale fight with hundreds of people.

The big head is very clear about the working habits and efficiency of the police, and he is sure to end the fight in half an hour.

The private rooms of Golden Age were kicked away one by one, and Datou basically encountered no resistance.


With a loud noise, Datou kicked open the solid wooden door of "Golden Years".

Suddenly, Datou's body froze at the door like a sculpture, and in front of him, at least five black muzzles pointed at him.

"You're the big head." Brother Hu sat on the sofa leisurely, playing with the bank card in his hand, with a ferocious smile that made people cold.

"Yes, I'm the big head." The big head took two steps forward, and the special watermelon knife in his hand shone with a palpitating coldness under the dim light.

"You look for me." Brother Hu had a playful expression on his face.

"Yes, I'm looking for you." The big head looked at the dozen or so big men behind Brother Hu with a stiff expression.

"Why are you looking for me?" Brother Hu laughed.

"Abolish you!" Datou paused, with a serious expression.

"Haha...haha...it's up to you!" Brother Hu laughed wildly.

"Yes, just rely on my big head!" The big head suddenly and slowly untied his clothes, and there was actually a row of tiny detonators tied to his chest.

"You want to die with me." Brother Hu said calmly, not being moved by the detonator on Datou's body at all.

"I don't want to." There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Datou's mouth.

"Even if you are wearing a detonator, I can still make you sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

Brother Hu stood up calmly, took out a sharp machete from the bottom of the coffee table, and showed an extremely confident smile on his face.

"Okay, this is Brother Hu!" The big head chuckled, waved his hand, and suddenly there was a sound of loading from behind, and a dozen gangsters rushed in, each with a modified musket.

Brother Hu's face changed color.

His advantage suddenly disappeared. The opponent has a detonator, which can suppress them and prevent them from shooting, because no one can guarantee whether they will hit the detonator. In this world, people who are really not afraid of death There are still not many people, even if there are people who are not afraid of death, they are definitely not gangsters.

Now, the opponent has more than a dozen firearms. Although the power of the firearms is limited, in this narrow space, the dense iron sand may be more powerful than the power of the pistol. What's more, if ten firearms fire at the same time, they No one wants to have a good body...

Not only Brother Hu's face changed color, but also those dozen or so big men in suits changed color.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

Now, it's a stalemate.

"Brother Hu, you have been the big brother for a few years, hehe, Feng Shui turns, and it's our turn to be the younger brother. In this way, you brother Hu can be regarded as a person with a head and face, so I will buy you the big head For the sake of saving face, if you don’t kill them all, how about letting you survive?!” Da Tou walked up to Brother Hu’s side carelessly, and said with an invitation on Brother Hu’s shoulder.

"You think you have the upper hand?" Brother Hu sneered.

"No no... Brother Hu misunderstood. How could the big head be Brother Hu's opponent? The big head is all gunpowder guns, gunpowder guns. Although they are contraband, they are not breaking the law or breaking discipline. However, Brother Hu It is a standard pistol, a standard pistol... Ha ha... Article 120 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" violates the gun management regulations and illegally holds or hides guns and ammunition, and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or control; Seriously, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years... Presumably, you have hidden guns and gathered people to fight.

"What do you want?" Brother Hu was confused for a moment when he was told about legal knowledge.

"What can I do to you Brother Hu... Brother Hu, none of us dare to move now. If we die, everyone will die. Either we will all be shot, or we will all go to jail. In this way, I have a compromise. , I wonder if Brother Hu is interested in knowing?"


"I think, if we leave first, we are afraid that you will be shot in the back. Why don't we let brother Hu go out, and after we go out, we will shoot a few shots into the sky for show. Brother Hu, don't worry, the big head will not shoot you in the back Yes, think about it, my body is full of detonators, if you shoot me, everyone will be done playing together, tell me, is what the big head said reasonable?"

"Okay, if the mountains don't turn around, I'll let you go today!" Brother Hu stepped down the steps, snorted coldly, waved at the dozen or so men in suits behind him, and hurriedly strode out, the big-headed men A group of gangsters made way for a passage.

The current Hu brother can be said to be very anxious. This is an extraordinary period. If a dozen guns are found by the police, even if he has a background, this matter will become a big problem.

Get out of here and settle accounts with that **** boss!

Brother Hu didn't see a smug smile on the face of the big head behind him...


p: It will start to explode tomorrow, and it will continue to explode until next Friday. Brothers, red votes support!

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