Brother Hu and his group ran out in a hurry under the watchful eyes of Golden Age employees and customers, while Shi Shiran followed closely behind, holding various muskets in their hands, depending on the situation. It's like being escorted by the big head to send out the golden years.

Brother Hu never imagined in his dreams that this scene caused his image to collapse among his subordinates.

Out of the hall of Golden Years, Brother Hu and his group looked at the hundreds of gangsters who were staring at them, hesitated for a moment, and instead of fleeing separately, they walked together. Will it be worse.

As long as a dozen of them don't disperse, the big head doesn't dare to do anything to them, the lethality of a dozen guns is no fun.

At the gate of Golden Years, there are several cars owned by Brother Hu. Surrounded by a group of gunmen, Brother Hu gets into the car and drives away...

Watching a group of people get into the car and slowly advance in the traffic jam, the big head smiled and took out his mobile phone.

"Scars, it's up to you."

"Big Brother, don't worry, the brothers are already ready." The voice on the phone seemed confident.

While the rolling traffic was moving slowly, a dozen gangsters holding slingshots were waiting in front of a dark green belt, staring closely at the luxury cars as they slowly moved over, and their bodies followed slowly in the green belt Move with the vehicle.

There was a vibration, and a young man with a long scar on his face connected the vibration phone.

"Bingge, the police are here." An excited voice came from the phone.

"How many are here?" Scarred Soldier waved his hand to signal the dozen or so gangsters around him to stop.

"I don't know the details. It is estimated that there are more than 20 police cars coming from several intersections."

"Okay, keep an eye on it." The Scar Soldier hung up the phone: "Action!"






Concentrated marbles shot towards those cars, and there was a deafening explosion sound from the glass. Immediately, those cars were like ants in a frying pan. A dozen big men thought they were ambushed by the big head, and got out of the car one after another. Take cover and return fire.

Screaming gunshots rang out over the city, and the hearts of the hundred policemen who rushed over were all beating for no reason.

Almost everyone knows that the big cleansing of the city is about to begin.

No government will allow gangsters to shoot and fight in the streets.

Scar soldiers disappeared into the night, but the police joined the battle group...

The battle of Golden Years shocked the entire city. The next day, although the major newspapers chose to remain silent, the streets and alleys were discussing yesterday's shootout.

Brother Hu escaped, but three of his men were captured.

The three of them were enough to tear apart Brother Hu's empire structure. On the third day, Brother Hu became a wanted criminal on the Internet. Because of his involvement in guns and gangsters, more than 30 of his men were wanted on the Internet.

Datou became a real man of the city.

At the moment when Brother Hu was wanted, Datou had already started to use force to conquer the docks, transport convoys, and gravel boats...

In fact, the big head was hardly resisted. When Brother Hu and his men ran away and caught them, those who had business dealings with Brother Hu were all in fear, and they didn't have the heart to fight against the big head. Of course, The point is, without Brother Hu, they don't have the capital to fight against the big head.

In three days, the big head took control of all the industries involving Brother Hu.

Datou's style is vigorous and resolute, as long as it is under the name of Brother Hu, it will be blocked. If it is a person who cooperates with Brother Hu, Datou will use both soft and hard methods to force the other party to cooperate with him.

In order to fight against some of Brother Hu's potential forces in a negative way, [-] new trucks from the "Zhenhua Transportation Company" of Datou appeared overnight. Thirty muck trucks were ordered to avoid being coerced.

In the face of strong force and strength, some companies and individuals who resisted cooperation with a passive attitude quickly succumbed.

The reason is very simple, if you choose to cooperate, you will have a living, and if you continue to fight, you will only lose your job. Thirty muck trucks will not have an impact on the transportation market of the entire city, but it can create an unparalleled pressure, tearing people apart. Break the psychological defense of many people.

Big head wins!

The big-headed soldier won without bloodshed!

Under some people's deliberate fueling, Datou quickly reached the pinnacle of underworld power. Every day, there are countless casino owners, loan shark bosses, drug dealers, and some pornographic entertainment venues, including some responsible persons in hotels. People will use various channels to communicate with the big head.

No matter what age, the underworld will exist in various forms.

A real businessman knows how to maintain a proper relationship with these people, even if they can't be friends, at least they can't be enemies...

What is Tiger doing?

Brother Hu didn't leave the city, the city is the place where he was born and raised, he didn't want to leave here, he wanted to take back everything that belonged to him.

There is only one obstacle for him: the big head!

This is an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs. The mouse in the warehouse is the owner, and now there is one more guest.

Brother Hu has been hiding here for four days. In the past four days, except for arranging people to go out to buy some food, he has hardly left home. There is no need to inquire whether the wind is tight or not. You can imagine it just by watching some obscure news on TV. , the city is launching a big sweep against him...

"Brother Hu, why don't we leave here, leave the city, where will Brother Hu go? Brother Hu, we have money and guns, why don't we have anyone?" A gangster in a dirty white shirt kept calling Brother Hu. Doing work, in the past few days, he can't remember how many times he has done work for Brother Hu, but unfortunately, Brother Hu is unmoved.

Now, Brother Hu is still unmoved. Brother Hu is sitting on the dilapidated sofa with a gloomy face, looking up at the light-transmitting glass that he made, and holding a few mobile phones in his hand.

Brother Hu didn't answer the bastard's words. After thinking for a while, he made another call. The call was connected, and the person who answered the call was a woman.

"who are you?"

"My surname is Wang, from the Procuratorate. Is Secretary Wu there?"

"Oh... wait a minute." The woman hesitated for a moment and closed the phone.

"Hello, who are you?" A thick and deep voice came from the phone.

"Secretary Wu, I'm Ah Hu..."

"Crack!" The phone hung up.

"Peng!" Brother Hu suddenly stood up, dropped his phone to the ground, and yelled: "***, I usually call you brothers and sisters, I'm in trouble now, so I don't know each other anymore!"

"Brother Hu, don't you understand? Someone is going to punish you!" A gangster sighed.


"It's nothing more than Li Huanyu, Brother Qing and the others, and of course, Datou."

"Hmph, Li Huanyu and Brother Qing are still qualified, what is the big head." Brother Hu sneered, from the beginning to the end, he did not regard the big head as an opponent.

"Brother Hu, the problem lies with the big head. If there is no big head, Li Huanyu and Brother Qing can't do anything about you."

"Eh... That makes sense. Is there any way to get rid of Datou?" Brother Hu was taken aback for a moment, then sat down on the sand. He never cared about Datou. In fact, it was Datou who made him so miserable.

"Brother Hu, it's a bit difficult to handle. Now the big head is in full swing, the whereabouts are kept secret, and there are a large number of people following around when we go out. Besides, we are now being watched by the police, why not..."

"Why not?" Brother Hu frowned.

"Why don't we leave, avoid the limelight, and come back after the limelight passes..." Ai Ai said.

"Slap!" A loud slap hit the gangster's body.

"Fart!" Brother Hu jumped into a rage and said, "I can't get it right now, and I won't get it right in the future. Now some people still remember me, Brother Hu. When the limelight passes, who will remember me, Brother Hu!"

A group of gangsters suddenly fell silent and did not dare to speak out, and the beaten gangster lowered his head with a look of resentment.

"Does Datou have any relatives?" Brother Hu asked with a sneer.

"No." Several gangsters shook their heads.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"One, however, has left the city to study in Beijing..."

"That's a you have any other friends?" Brother Hu asked with a look of disappointment.

"Tian Hong."

"Tian Hong!" Brother Hu's pupils constricted impressively, like pinholes, shooting out a beast-like light.


p: Start to explode, this is the first explosion, please support the red ticket!

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