Tian Hong didn't know that the wind and rain were turbulent in the rivers and lakes. He was concentrating on translating that "Viagra" into an easy-to-understand children's book.

At the same time, Tian Hong hastened to refine the Shield of Kings.

The Aegis of Kings consumes up to a thousand jin of stones every day. Now the Aegis of Kings is unfolded to reveal its original shape. It is as elegant as a nobleman. The surface is composed of three main colors. , against the dazzling golden oracle bone inscriptions.

It's a pity that the Shield of Kings still lacks a high-grade stone as an eye. Although the appearance of the shield has been refined enough, its power has not improved much.

Today is the fifth day since Brother Hu fled, and today, Tian Hong finally completed the translation work, translating the thin "Viagra" into a handwritten booklet.

"Big head, where are you?" Tian Hong called the big head from the public phone booth.

"Who...Tian Hong...I'm in Kaiyue Hotel, why are you still using the public phone, come here quickly, I'll buy you a top-notch mobile phone, you can still watch, quack..."

After hanging up the phone, Tian Hong rushed to Excelle Hotel immediately. When he was less than 200 meters away, that is, less than 500 meters away from the school gate, a black unlicensed car slipped silently behind Tian Hong.

Tian Hong stopped his body, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Tian Hong." The glass of the window slid down slowly, and a big man wearing sunglasses looked at Tian Hong.

Tian Hong stared straight at the man wearing sunglasses, exuding a burst of icy breath.

"Your phone number." The big man in sunglasses felt the icy aura emanating from Tian Hong's body, shivered, took out a phone and dialed it, and handed it to Tian Hong.


"Tian Hong, save me..."

"Who?" Tian Hong suddenly grabbed the phone.

"I'm Qinqin... woo woo... and Su Manman and Murong Xue... and... woo woo... and... yes..." There was a rustling sound on the phone , It seems that the phone has changed to another person.

"Tian Hong, I'm Liu Ruyan, and Zhao Qian and the others, don't come, they want to make you... crawl..." There was a slap on the phone, and the phone seemed to be snatched.

"Tian Hong, I'm Brother Hu, hehe, I didn't expect that I'll wait for you, hahahaha...!"

Before Tian Hong could speak, Brother Hu laughed wildly and hung up the phone.

Tian Hong didn't ask any more questions, and opened the door to get in the car. The expression on his face made the driver in the sunglasses feel like he had fallen into a hole in the ice.

The car drove slowly, got a license plate after leaving the urban area, and actually got on the highway.

After driving all the way for nearly an hour, after running at least [-] kilometers, the car got off the high road. The car passed a small county town, and then went out of the city and entered the mountainous area, circling up among the high mountains.

"Wuli Mountain Scenic Area!"

Impressively, when Tian Hong saw these words, his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

"Is this the Five Thunder Immortal Mountain?" Tian Hong, who had been silent all this time, asked.

"Outsiders become Wulei Mountain, and the locals call it Wulei Mountain." The driver didn't seem to want to hide it, and besides, there are so many road signs here that there is no way to hide it.

Wulei Mountain, Wulei Mountain...

Sure enough, it is a place of outstanding people, pleasant climate, beautiful environment, dense vegetation, criss-cross ravines, clouds and fog in the mountains, strange peaks, and mighty spiritual energy rolling and winding in the air, endless, like the water of a big river, majestic.

However, Tian Hong didn't feel the breath of the nine-clawed demon dragon.

All ancient divine beasts have a mighty aura like the sun and the moon. Since the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon has been sealed from death for tens of millions of years, its mana is naturally unimaginable, and its aura should be extremely strong.

Is the demon dragon dead?

Could it be that the demon dragon will isolate itself from the breath of the outside world during the period of dormancy?

Of course, there is the worst possibility, that is, with my current ability, I can't detect the breath of the demon dragon at all.

If it is the last possibility, then the supernatural power of the nine-clawed demon dragon is beyond human imagination...

"Here we are, get out of the car!" The car stopped suddenly, and the big man in sunglasses interrupted Tian Hong's thoughts.

After getting off the car, Tian Hong discovered that there are at least tens of kilometers away from the five peaks at the top of the mountain. Strictly speaking, this place is still at the foot of the mountain, just because the altitude is higher.

In front of it is a winding path, with a cliff as deep as ten meters on one side and a steep cliff on the other.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack!

Looking at this small path that is not enough for two people to walk side by side, Tian Hong couldn't help thinking of the phrase "easy to defend but difficult to attack".

If you can find a few powerful Hercules guarding the mouthpiece of this traffic, it will definitely be a wonderful thing.

Naturally, Tian Hong could not have imagined that Brother Hu saw the precipitousness of this place. Basically, as long as there is someone to guard the wind, it is simply impossible to carry out arrest activities here. Dashan can escape at any time.

After walking for about one kilometer, the two came to a farmhouse with a separate door. The farmhouse is in a trough-shaped terrain, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there are lush bamboos growing on the mountains. It is green and the scenery is pleasant.

In front of the farmhouse is an open field, the terrain is very high, and it is built of stones. The sight line is very good, and it is almost possible to see clearly the small path one kilometer away...

Walking into the open field, Tian Hong saw Brother Hu lying on the couch.

The couch was under a huge camphor tree. Brother Hu was naked with his upper body exposed, revealing his sturdy muscles, and a patch of fur on his chest, like a wild beast.

The current Brother Hu is not as ferocious as a beast, but he looks very comfortable. On his right hand is a long tobacco pipe carved from bamboo roots. Under his left hand is a small wooden stool with a thick tea mug on it. The tea mug emits pleasant tea. fragrant.

If it weren't for that black patch of chest hair, the current Brother Hu would be like a figure in an ink and wash landscape painting.

"What about them?" Tian Hong went straight to Brother Hu.

"You want to do it?" Brother Hu showed a sarcastic smile on his face, and he felt Tian Hong's tense muscles.

"Let them go." Tian Hong's eyes were extremely fierce.

"Student Tian Hong, as long as you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, I can guarantee that any woman who has the slightest relationship with you will be raped first and then killed. Hehe, do you want to try?" Brother Hu said with a sinister smile.

"You really are not as good as the big head." Tian Hong suddenly sighed.

"Why?" Brother Hu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Tian Hong to say such a sentence.

"If the big head is a hero, you can only be called a villain. At least, the big head will not touch your woman. I don't know the current rules of the arena, but I believe that any person in the arena will abide by the principle of not harming his family. Well, there is nothing wrong with a woman being a trophy, but it is only the winner's trophy, not the loser's trophy. From this point of view, you will only be a villain to be reviled. Even if the big head does not replace you, you will will be replaced by others..."

Tian Hong talked eloquently, and the gangsters around him all looked ashamed. Just as Tian Hong said, gangsters hate their family members the most. If someone who is at a disadvantage wants to make trouble for the other's family, wouldn't this world be a mess? up?

"Shut up!" Brother Hu stood up abruptly, and said with a smirk on his face, "You will know right away, who is the real winner, Datou or I!"


p: Today's second hit, ask for red ticket support!

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