Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 105 Kidnapping

Tian Hong was locked in a side room, and two men with live ammunition guarded the door, and the other party didn't seem to care that Tian Hong dared to resist.

In fact, Tian Hong is afraid to throw a mouse now, and he really dare not resist.

Without confirming the location of Su Manman and the others, Tian Hong could only wait for the change.

What surprised Tian Hong was that the other party left him alone after locking him in a side room, but brought a large bowl of rice at night. Although the quantity was not much, the food was authentic farmhouse style and very delicious.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, from the words of the two guards, Tian Hong finally understood the ins and outs. He was not Brother Hu's target, but Brother Hu's target was the big head.

To capture a group of women and him here, all the goals are to make the big head fall.

As for the reason for arresting those women, it was mainly because he was afraid that Tian Hong would resist too much and ruin the event. It was undoubtedly much easier to arrest a group of women to coerce Tian Hong than to kidnap Tian Hong directly with violence.

All the news shows that Tian Hong is not a fuel-efficient pedal, which is why Brother Hu is afraid.

It seems that you can see the big head tomorrow.

In the dead of night, Tian Hong sensed that the two people outside were already sleeping soundly, and summoned Hei Wuchang. When Hei Wuchang appeared on the Soul Calling Banner, he immediately uttered a shrill scream, and hid in the Soul Calling Banner again. Hetian Hong lost contact.

What happened?

After Tian Hong thought for a while, he immediately thought of the problem. Obviously, this Wulei Xianshan has a certain kind of restriction, and the gods should not be approached. And go.

Perhaps, this restriction has something to do with that nine-clawed demon dragon!

After thinking about it, Tian Hong used his living soul to communicate with Heiwuchang in the soul-calling banner. Tian Hong's living soul is the soul of the Yang body, and he is not afraid of the restrictions set by the Yin God.

Of course, if it was in normal times, Tian Hong would definitely not dare to use his birth soul, which would easily attract the pursuit and killing of Emperor Yin, but it is different in Wulei Xianshan. Even if Emperor Yin knew his location, he would still It is impossible to enter the range of the Wulei Xianshan, because the Yin Tianzi is also the Yin God of the underworld.

Unless, the Yin Tianzi can attract the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to hunt down and kill him, obviously, this possibility is very small. After all, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not belong to the Yincao Difu, and the Yin Tianzi wants to inform the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as soon as possible. a bit difficult.

"My lord, where are we?" Hei Wuchang trembled in the soul-calling banner, with a terrified expression on his face.

"Five Thunder Immortal Mountain."

"Ah... lord... lord... a villain and even a yin body, the yang energy of the Wulei Xianshan is too mighty for a villain to bear, please forgive the villain for not being able to meet the prince outside." Hei Wuchang's face changed color impressively, and said tremblingly .

"It's okay, I just use my living soul to communicate with you."

"Thank you, my lord. My lord came to Wulei Xianshan to find the inner alchemy of the nine-clawed demon dragon? If that's the case, the villain can't help me. In Wulei Xianshan, let alone me and other low-powered yin gods." Even ordinary immortals from the upper realm should take a detour when they encounter this place, in case the nine-clawed demon dragon suddenly wakes up, it is said that the wind blown by the demon dragon can tear people's flesh apart..."

"I don't care about the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon for the time being. I have some personal matters now. A few friends have been kidnapped here and threatened by me. I don't know what can I do?" Tian Hong asked.

"My lord, the villain hates the coercion and kidnapping the most. Why don't you let the villain help the prince to collect their souls, so that they will never live in the [-]th floor of hell!" Hei Wuchang immediately showed a fierce face, a black face There are fierce lights.

"Can you kill them now?"

"Ah... this... this is a little difficult. If it weren't for this Wulei Xianshan, the villain would naturally not be merciful to such scum, and he would have all kinds of ways to kill them. But, this Wulei Xianshan, let alone Killing people, the villain can't even protect himself..." Hei Wuchang said pitifully.

"If you want to kill them, I have my own way. The key is to find my coerced friends now. If they don't find them, I will also throw them out."

Tian Hong snorted coldly, Hei Wuchang felt as if his soul had been stabbed by a knife, and the cold murderous intent made him feel like he was sitting on a needle blanket.

This is something that Hei Wuchang has never understood. So far, Hei Wuchang has not discovered that Tian Hong has killed a single person, but the overwhelming murderous intent emanating from Tian Hong always makes him feel terrified.

"My lord, this is a bit difficult. If it's just killing people, the villain still has some methods, but it's a little difficult to find someone, because this is Wulei Xianshan, and the villain's soul search method doesn't work at all. , can only be found by the prince himself."

"Well, is there any way to get out without anyone noticing?" Tian Hong asked after thinking for a while.

"My lord, it's very simple. Just find something and use a trick to cover your eyes, and you can walk out in a big way."

"it is good……"

The two acted immediately, Tian Hong found a broom, and through the method taught by Hei Wuchang, the broom immediately turned into exactly the same as Tian Hong, curled up on the chair and dozing off.

"My lord, this blindfold can last for three hours, and you must come back after three hours."


Looking at the other self sitting on the chair, Tian Hong was overjoyed, and immediately used Hei Wuchang's method of penetrating the wall to go out.

Tian Hong checked several rooms first, and saw Brother Hu taking drugs under the light. Under the dim light, Brother Hu became a lot haggard. Obviously, this period of time was also a torment for him.

In another room, Tian Hong saw a few hooligans gathering together to gamble. The hooligans didn't seem to be very interested, and they all placed bets. They were not focused on gambling at all, and the room was filled with smoke. , the atmosphere is a bit depressing...

Tian Hong didn't leave, but stood there quietly waiting. He has now confirmed that there is no Su Manman and the others in this house, and the only clue now is to let these gangsters slip up when they are chatting.

Sure enough, a group of gangsters seemed to have no interest in gambling and started chatting.

"Xiao Wu, I always feel that Brother Hu has changed now." A gangster threw his poker on the table with a lot of thoughts.

"I also have this feeling. Why don't you come out to mess around? No one has family members. If you can't do it well and seek revenge from your family members, wouldn't that be a mess?" a gangster said dissatisfied.

"That's right, if this matter gets out, we won't be able to mess around in the future, hey..."

"Yeah yeah……"


Everyone talked about the time of the kidnapping. Obviously, these people didn't like Brother Hu's style.

Tian Hong listened for a full hour, except for some complaining about Brother Hu, he hardly heard any valuable words.

Just when Tian Hong was considering whether to use force to subdue these people, a gangster casually mentioned Su Manman and the others.

"Brother Liu, will the **** guarding those women bully those women?" The gangster named Xiao Wu suddenly asked.

When Xiao Wu asked the question, suddenly, the whole room became quiet, and all eyes fell on Xiao Wu's face.

There was a trace of worry on everyone's face.

"There's no way, Brother Hu only trusts ****." A gangster shook his head.

"I see... I see... why don't we go and see ****, and say that we can give him some cigarettes, which can restrain **** to some extent. If **** does something stupid, we will Group of people, never think about going back to the market, I still have a wife and children, I still want to go home..." Xiao Wu's eyes showed a gloomy look, he was already tired of this life of fleeing.


p: The third explosion, there will be more later, please support with red tickets!

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