Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 106 Charming Scenery


Everyone was eager to move, but seemed a little hesitant. Obviously, that **** is a ruthless character, and everyone here is very afraid of him.

"Brother Liu, the rivers and lakes also have their own rules. Although we are all gangsters, we can be regarded as respectable gangsters in the city. If the **** does something stupid, everyone can't get rid of it. In this society, if you want a woman, you only need to Spend money, have a lot of it, no one will be stupid enough to play the game of rape, if you go to jail because of this, I'm afraid our life in the cell will be difficult..."

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, everyone couldn't help but fight coldly. In prison, rapists are the worst, followed by drug addicts and petty thieves.

Most of the people who hang out on the road have experience in prisons, even if they have never been in prison, they have heard of it. Someone once said that after a rapist was thrown into prison, he poured water, poured tea, washed the toilet and worked hard every day. , I have to use a toothbrush to wash the thing underneath every day, it really feels like a year...

This story is widely circulated in the rivers and lakes.

Think about it, if you use your toothbrush to wash the work every day after you go in because of this matter, then life would be worse than death.

Inexplicably, almost every gangster thought of this legend, and their faces changed dramatically.

Being in jail is not terrible, the most terrible thing is being tortured in a prison cell. Generally speaking, real gangsters in prison will have a high status, at least, they will not be the target of bullying. However, like those who break the rules of the world, such as abducting women and children, Gangsters who rape women and take revenge on their families are all targets of repression in prisons, and it is not uncommon for them to be tortured to death in prisons.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look, Brother Hu, let's take the blame together." A gangster stood up.

"Yes, carry it together!"

Immediately, several gangsters stood up and responded.

Seeing these gangsters, Tian Hong suddenly realized that these gangsters are not so hateful, at least, they also have their rules, and absolutely do not allow others to break the rules, even if it is his own.

If there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and if there are rivers and lakes, there will be rules of the rivers and lakes!

The dozen gangsters were afraid of disturbing Brother Hu, so they opened the door delicately, then walked to the kitchen at the back, opened the back door, and outside the back door were piles of dry firewood, neatly stacked.

Several people carefully removed the dry wood, revealing a cave.

Looking at this cave, Tian Hong suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't find it, there was another cave here.

"Who?" A deep voice came from inside the cave.

"It's us." Brother Liu replied.

"Don't come in." The voice inside was extremely severe.

"****, I have a pack of cigarettes here, brothers see you alone, come to play with you for a little bit of fun."

"No!" The inside immediately rebuffed.

"****, everyone is here..."

A group of people ignored the voices inside, went straight into the cellar, and removed a few bundles of dry firewood on the wall of the cave, revealing a jagged stone, turned around, and behind it was another cave entrance, which was very narrow. Just enough for one person to squeeze in, several people filed in.

"If you come in again, I'll shoot!" The voice of the person inside became impatient.

The gangsters glanced at each other, with a bad expression on their faces, because there was a moaning sound inside, which seemed very painful.

"****, if you have the ability, shoot us all to death!" The little five seemed to be ruthless, holding a pistol, grabbing a bundle of dry firewood from the ground with one hand to protect his chest, and strode in. .

Xiao Wu's determination seemed to have affected the others, and they all followed Xiao Wu and walked in.

After walking less than 20 meters, there was a tall dome in this cave, at least hundreds of square meters in size. There were lights in the cave, strange rocks, and the air was a bit humid, making it look gloomy.

"Don't move!" Above the hole, there was a big man with his upper body naked and tattoos all over his body, holding a five-gun shotgun, looking at everyone fiercely.

"******, what are you doing?" Brother Liu asked loudly as everyone's expressions changed when they saw****** was stretching their upper body.

"Why do I need to tell you?" **** asked with a smirk.

"Fuck, get me down!" Xiao Wu scolded.


There was an earth-shattering noise, and the shotgun in Mr. Zhang's hand suddenly shot. Xiao Wu was caught off guard. Although he was protected by dry firewood, he was hit by the shotgun on both legs, and his body was also hit by shotguns. His face was covered in blood, it was horrible, and there were also people around him who were injured by shotguns, but it was not as serious as Xiaowu.

All the people were stiff, looking at the **** on the high platform with resentment.

"I only listen to Brother Hu, anyone who is not convinced and finds Brother Hu, get out of here immediately!" The **** laughed wildly.

"****,You will regret this……"

Brother Liu hadn't finished his sentence. Suddenly, his expression became dull. He saw that **** suddenly wanted to be controlled by an invisible force. His body slowly lifted into the air, and the shotgun fell to the ground. , with a frantic twist on his face...

A boundless fear spread among the crowd.

**** made a weak sound of "ahhh", slowly, slowly, ****'s head made an unbelievable twisting movement, and people heard a burst of "click, click" fracture The voice, and then, ****'s limbs hang down feebly...

Everyone wanted to run, but their feet seemed to be filled with lead, and they were extremely heavy.

The sound of heavy breathing echoed in the cave, and people felt as if their blood had stopped flowing. They saw that ****'s neck was still twisting, and his head had already made a 360-degree turn.


There was a sound of skin cracking, and then a sound of "puff", ****'s strong body fell to the ground like a cloth bag, rolled down from the stage, that head was still dangling in the air, **** A pair of eyes are still wide open, full of boundless fear...

In the air, there was a strong smell of blood, which made people sick.

"Kneel down" In the air, a majestic voice echoed.

Looking at the empty cave, a group of gangsters were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground in a "plop plop".

"You guys still have a conscience. This king is very merciful, and I will spare you from dying. What happened today, if anyone

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