Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 108 The Tao Is Me!


Tian Hong found in embarrassment that his big hands were still walking on Su Manman's delicate white body, and almost immediately, those hands were retracted as if electrocuted.

The atmosphere was a bit weird, but what Tian Hong didn't expect was that Su Manman didn't show any expression other than glaring at him. He put on his clothes in an orderly manner, with a holy radiance on his face, sacred and inviolable...

Su Manman was calm, suffocatingly calm.

After she got dressed, she helped Zhao Qian get dressed again without asking Tian Hong. After helping Zhao Qian get dressed, Su Manman sat in front of Tian Hong.

"Thank you for coming to save us." Su Manman said softly.

"I'm sorry for hurting you and Zhao Qian." Tian Hong couldn't help feeling disappointed when he saw the cold Su Manman.

"No, none of us were hurt. I think you came at the right time." Su Manman blushed and dared not look into Tian Hong's eyes.

"That's good." Tian Hong took a long breath.

The two chatted for a while, and Tian Hong knew that Brother Hu had started arresting people as early as the day before yesterday. As for Zhao Qian, it was an accidental injury at night. At that time, Zhao Qian and Murong Xue were together.

"By the way, where's Brother Hu?" Su Manman asked.

"He can't escape." Tian Hong said confidently.

"Crack!" The sound of a gun being loaded broke the silence in the cave, and I saw Brother Hu striding in with a rifle in his hand with a grim expression on his face.

"Where are my subordinates?" Brother Hu's eyes were bloodshot, and veins bulged on his forehead, like a ferocious beast.

Brother Hu never dreamed that when he woke up from the hallucination of drugs, none of his subordinates saw it.

"Okay, you didn't run away, which saved me some effort."

Tian Hong stood up, jumped off the platform, and pushed towards Brother Hu step by step.

"Stop, don't move!" Brother Hu felt an inexplicable chill on his back, and the cold murderous intent that hit his face made his hand holding the gun tremble uncontrollably.

Tian Hong didn't bother to talk too much with this gangster who betrayed his relatives, so he walked over...

Su Manman's eyes were always looking down, and when he saw Tian Hong walking towards him with a gun, his heart beat wildly.

Soon, Su Manman was shocked by the scene in front of him, only to see that Tian Hong ignored the black muzzle of the gun, and still pushed forward step by step with great firmness.

Looking at Tian Hong's fearless and majestic power, Sumanman's eyes showed a trace of intoxication, but this trace of intoxication was only for a moment, and the clarity of the Lingtai made her return to normal. True Qi seems to flow more smoothly, flowing continuously in the limbs and bones...

Brother Hu felt that his body was extremely heavy, as if every cell was filled with lead, the boy forced him over step by step, the heavy pressure made his body look like a lifeless stone, an invisible wave The power bound his body, making it impossible for him to move an inch,

Just when Su Manman was stunned, Tian Hong had already grabbed Brother Hu's throat with one hand, and a deep voice of "Ah..." came out from Brother Hu's throat, but he couldn't move at all.

"Your subordinates said that there are rules in the world, and if you break the rules, you will be punished!"

When Tian Hong raised his arm, Brother Hu's body was lifted into the air. With a shake of his arm, a huge force surged away. Brother Hu's strong body flew out like a kite with a broken thread, "Peng!" With a muffled sound, Brother Hu's body slammed into the jagged stone of the cave wall, like a watermelon that was smashed open, red, white, purple, black... all kinds of colors, all over the place. land……


Su Manman let out a horrifying cry, knelt on the ground suddenly, and retched desperately, as if wishing to vomit out his internal organs.

Tian Hong's insolent and unparalleled killing methods, let alone a weak woman like Su Manman who dare not even kill a chicken, even some Jianghu figures dancing on the tip of their knives saw this bloody killing.

Tian Hong's physical supernatural power recovered very quickly through various means, and the domineering spirit in his bones became more and more vigorous. When he met someone who could kill him, he did not have the slightest psychological barrier at all, and he couldn't help but use the usual means of killing.

More than 1000 years ago, apart from using the pair of unparalleled sledgehammers to hammer people like flies, what Tian Hong liked most was to throw people in the air and tear them apart, or throw people out of thin air and hit obstacles. Violent factors flowed in his veins, and with the recovery of martial arts, the devil lurking in Tian Hong's inner world was being released...

Tian Hong didn't think about this, all he thought about was getting back his own things.

Whether it is the remnant soul suppressed in the [-]th floor of hell, Wan Liyun, or the golden hammer that beats the drum, these are the things that Tian Hong must find back.

Of course, we still need to find out who sealed him for more than 1000 years. For Tian Hong's character of revenge, he will naturally not forget this bloody feud.

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!

The ancient god of killing is waking up bit by bit. No one knows what the future holds for Tian Hong, not even himself...

There will be inertia in everything you do, such as exercising, sleeping, or having sex. If you exercise regularly, if you suddenly stop exercising one day, you will feel very uncomfortable. The same goes for sleeping. If you habitually have sex every day, If you don't do it for a day, you will feel very uncomfortable.

Undoubtedly, Tian Hong killed two people in a short period of time, which has opened the door of killing in his heart.

In fact, Tian Hong has been deliberately suppressing the killing intent from the beginning to the end. He is very clear that his current strength is not enough to protect his body. At the same time, according to the knowledge he has learned, this world has a set of views It seems to be a fair code of conduct. If there is no monstrous power, killing people will only cause endless troubles for themselves.

"This is cultivating the Tao!" Tian Hong walked up to Sumanman step by step, looking down at Sumanman who was retching on the ground, his voice was like ice for thousands of years.

"This is cultivating Taoism?!" Su Manman raised his head and stared blankly at Tian Hong, who was exuding violent murderous intent. Tian Hong was like a ferocious devil. Su Manman felt cold all over, and boundless fear spread in his veins.

"Cultivating the Tao is not the paradise you imagined, let alone the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Whether it is cultivating the Tao or the Buddha, it is a process of killing and fighting. The inner demon is equivalent to beheading a part of one's body. This is a bloody conquest. On the road of cultivating the Tao, there are Yin gods, ghosts and immortals, six reincarnations, and the three thousand great thousand worlds... There are so many things, when When you practice to the peak, you will find that you have nothing, you have gained nothing, but you have lost a lot..." Tian Hong sat down slowly, staring into Sumanman's eyes, as if to see through Sumanman's eyes. Man's soul is average.

"Then why do you want to practice?" Su Manman lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and stared back at Tian Hong, motionless, with an expression like a child listening to a teacher's lecture.

"I...I'm different..." Tian Hong was speechless for a moment.

"What's different about you?" Su Manman looked at Tian Hong slyly. She already knew that Tian Hong wanted to use this bloody killing to dissuade her from continuing to practice.

"I'm not a mortal." Tian Hong hesitated for a moment.

"Maybe, I'm not a mortal." Sumanman's bright eyes were as bright as stars in the night sky.

"..." Tian Hong was once again speechless.

"I want to have power. I like the feeling of wanting nothing. I want to be with this world forever. I prefer the kind of quiet stay..." Sumanman murmured in a low voice.

"What is cultivating the Tao? You may endure the thousand-year loneliness even more?"

"All scriptures, all Buddhist teachings, and all religious forms are guidelines. If a practitioner's understanding of 'Tao' is limited to simple language, writing, scriptures, or religious forms, then such a person, whether in a temple, No matter how high the status and qualifications of Taoist temples and seminaries are, they are still not considered as true monks, let alone true knowers of the truth. All the knowledge of this kind of people about "Tao" is just a formality. Manman seeks the Tao, the heart, the source, and himself, so why should he be afraid of the thousands of years of loneliness..." Su Manman looked at Tian Hong faintly .

Listening to Su Manman's discourse, Tian Hong's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Su Manman to have his own set of theoretical support when he learned by himself without a teacher.

"You've decided?" Tian Hong sighed, his efforts were in vain, but it seemed that Su Manman's determination to cultivate was strengthened instead.

"Tian Hong, Su Manman is not the only one who has been alone for thousands of years. Why should I be afraid?" Su Manman stood up slowly, and kissed Tian Hong's forehead lightly.

"My way is different from your way. I am the way, and the way is me. Why should I seek the way!" Seeing Su Manman's free and easy way, Tian Hong stood up impressively and laughed loudly, seeing Su Manman's free and easy way.

"I am the Tao, and the Tao is me..." Su Manman's eyes sparkled, and the man in front of him would always surprise her.

"The Tao is nothingness, just like the road. If there are many people who seek it, it will become the Tao. What's the difference between the eternal reincarnation and the three thousand worlds? It's just the same goal. I am the Tao, so why bother to seek it!"

"Tian Hong, who are you... Hey, they woke up..."

"Where is this?" Cao Qinqin was the first to wake up. After opening her eyes, she looked around blankly. She didn't know that she was kidnapped. She just felt like she had a long, long dream.


p: The first explosion, kill, kill, kill the red ticket...

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