Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 109 5 Thunder Mountain

Don't underestimate it.

Finally ****, almost every gangster in the city has a deep-seated fear of this person, because **** is really a ****, he never does things regardless of the consequences, and in the city, only Brother Hu He won't give anyone face if he can restrain ****.

Unexpectedly, these two fearsome characters would die in such a way, and everyone couldn't help being terrified.

Everyone has some questions in their mind.

Who killed **** and Brother Hu?

What method was used to kill it?

Where did some of Brother Hu's men go?


Some questions have become eternal mysteries, except for Su Manman and Hu Ge's subordinates, no one knows, and those who know will never speak out...

Not only are some gangsters full of fear of Tian Hong, but the big head is becoming more and more unfamiliar with Tian Hong.

"Tian Hong, how did you do it?" Big Head glanced at the firelight outside the window and asked.

"You can do it in the future." Tian Hong didn't answer Datou's words directly, and took out the "Viagra" from his arms and handed it to Datou.

"Viagra... Yu Nu Sanqian... Haha... Well... What a baby... You really are a good brother, haha..." Datou opened the book and saw the "Viagra" that had been translated into a children's book. The brief introduction in front of "I was so excited that I laughed wildly.

"Ahem...that's not the point." Tian Hong's head grew dizzy when he saw Datou flipping through the cheats with ecstasy, but he didn't bother to explain, after all, it was also a kind of motivation.

After giving Datou some pointers on "Viagra", the sky was already bright, and the 50 or so gangsters dispersed long ago in order not to attract the attention of the surrounding villagers. Only a group of girls and Datou remained.

A commercial vehicle was left at the foot of the mountain. When a group of people got into the vehicle, they found Tian Hong standing outside the vehicle.

"Tian Hong, get in the car, what are you waiting for?" Datou shouted.

"You go, I still have something to do." Tian Hong waved to them and walked straight up the narrow path.

Everyone had nothing to do with Tian Hong, so they had to leave.

Tian Hong had planned to come to Wulei Xianshan for a long time. Now that he has arrived, he naturally doesn't want to return empty-handed.

Tian Hong didn't have any blueprints in his hands, so he had to communicate with Hei Wuchang with his soul.

"Hei Wuchang, tell me, where will the nine-clawed demon dragon be suppressed?" Tian Hong knew nothing about the Wulei Xianshan.

"My lord, if the villain didn't stay in this summoning banner, he wouldn't even think about entering the Wulei Mountain within a radius of [-] kilometers in this lifetime. How would he know what the weather of the Wulei Mountain is like? However, according to historical records, since Li Jing built it on the mountain, The Taoist temple suppresses the demon dragon, so the demon dragon should be under the Taoist temple, the prince may wish to try his luck along the route of the Taoist temple..."

Tian Hong thought for a while, and there was no better way, so he had to follow the path up the mountain. When he met the villagers, he found out that this old road had been abandoned for many years because of its steepness and steepness. Now the road up the mountain has been built into a winding road. However, If you take a car, you have to detour a long way.

Tian Hong didn't bother to waste time, so he simply took this old road. After all, the time difference between detour and taking a vehicle is not very big.

This trail is actually not small, and it can be regarded as a road. In fact, it is not difficult to understand when you think about it. Wulei Xianshan is a key religious place in the province. It is a famous scenic spot on the east line of Zhangjiajie. The climate on the mountain is pleasant and the environment is elegant. With dense vegetation and fresh air, it is not only a summer resort for tourists, but also a holy place for Taoism. It is known as "the first scenic spot in southern Chu". Even in ancient times, such an important scenic spot had extremely wide roads.

However, although the road is not narrow, it is not easy to walk. The thorns are densely covered, and the lush plants almost occupy the entire road, leaving only a narrow passage in the middle. Tian Hong believes that if it is not because of the local villagers who often walk , it is estimated that this abandoned ancient road has long been annihilated by weeds...

Tian Hong has plenty of time, and doesn't care about some thorns and weeds. Shi Shiran walks on the ancient road. Under the pleasant autumn wind, he can feel the slightest coolness.

It really is a treasure land of geomantic omen!

Looking at the scenery in front of him, even Tian Hong, who is used to seeing famous mountains and great rivers, can't help but admire. This Wuleixian Mountain has verdant trees and fragrant wild flowers; strange peaks and rocks, in various poses and with different expressions, like a huge landscape painting scroll, looking back at the mountain, The exquisite natural wonders of the idyllic villa melt into the ink painting of the fairy painter, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Looking up, there are many pines and cypresses on the mountain, and the mountains are majestic, which makes it more solemn, majestic and lush; there are many streams and springs, which are beautiful and lingering.The misty and changing clouds and mists add a bit of mystery and profundity to it.

It is no wonder that religious places have occupied famous mountains and rivers since ancient times, borrowing the aura of the mountains, borrowing the majesty of the mountains, and borrowing the majesty of the mountains to consolidate the status of religious beliefs among ordinary people. Captured by the aura, when you climb up the mountain after untold hardships, and see the majestic and tall golden body, why don't you prostrate yourself to worship...

After walking for more than two hours, Tian Hong finally saw the stretching buildings on the mountain peak.

The scale of the building complex is very large, the structure is rigorous, and the decoration is also very exquisite. It is well-organized and orderly.The location of the building is also very particular, paying attention to the surrounding environment, paying attention to the mountain shape and water veins, gathering air and storing wind, forming a high degree of harmony between the building and nature, as if connected to the sky, which is extremely majestic.

After walking for another 10 minutes, I finally got on the newly built Panshan Highway. This is the end of the Panshan Highway. Except for a huge parking lot, there are some shops selling some scented paper candles, etc. Maybe it is not the peak tourist season. Many doors are closed, and occasionally the bosses inside the open doors also have a lazy expression. After seeing that Tian Hong is only one person, he has no enthusiasm for doing business.

Naturally, Tian Hong would not buy those scented paper candles. He bought a ticket and looked at the route map. It is very simple, just climb up the mountainside...


p: Because an old man in the author's family was born just now, overbearing has to rush to the funeral home, the update may be later, sorry!

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