Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 110 There are treasures everywhere

Entering the entrance steps, there is a long bamboo corridor. From a distance, it is simple and scattered, mysterious, magical, sacred, simple and deep, ethereal and heavy...

However, this kind of favorable impression became less and less as Tian Hong went deeper. The bamboo corridor is not a real bamboo corridor, but the main body is made of cement. When you look closely, it feels weird, which makes Tian Hong most depressed Unfortunately, construction seems to be going on along the way, and the construction technology is appalling.

After going through several so-called Taoist temples, the goodwill that was originally established has disappeared.

This is no longer a real Taoist holy place, the ground is full of the smell of copper, and almost every Taoist priest in the hall will ask you to draw lots. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you draw lots. It will let you change the ticket, and the fee for changing the ticket can easily be hundreds of dollars.

Tian Hong has had at least five tourists change their tickets. Those who changed their tickets seem to lack professional ethics, or they don’t know how to change their tickets at all. They are obviously full of red faces, but they just say it’s worthless. It’s obviously bad luck. But it was smooth sailing as they said...

The utensils in the Taoist temple are also crudely made, not to mention exquisite beauty, let alone have any artistic value. The incense cauldron is engraved with a few "Made by XX Machinery Factory" in a zigzag pattern, which makes Tian Hong disgusted as if he swallowed a fly.

Except for the smoky feeling of a Taoist temple, Tian Hong's impression of this place is almost extremely bad.




Almost all of them are fake. The gold foil on the bodies of all gods is obviously not gold, at least a layer of metal powder has been painted on them. As for the tall and magnificent Taoist temple, it is directly made of reinforced concrete, and it is rare to see any wood. Taoist nun The magic weapon used is even more shoddy, without the slightest attention...

Seeing this, Tian Hong couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This so-called Taoist holy land has been reduced to the level of pawns and peddlers.

Looking at the scattered buildings on the mountain, Tian Hong suddenly lost confidence in this place. Undoubtedly, this is a place of outstanding people, and it is also a picturesque place. It's just that the people who drive here don't know what true Taoism is. holy place.

In a real Taoist holy place, every plant, every tree, every brick and every tile is exquisite, not just pursuing similarity in shape, this kind of symbolic implication is not an abstract philosophical concept, but the meaning and purpose of melting into the content of the image .The layout of the royal temple is an artistic space composed of different shapes and proportions, and it is formed by the movement of oblique lines and arcs, and the warmth and coldness of colors.However, the majestic and precipitous nature of the mountains brings difficulties such as nonlinearity, chaos and unpredictability to architecture.

When Wudang Mountain was built, in order to solve the harmony between the building and the environment, "imperial envoys promoted" Yin-Yang classics Wang Min and Onmyoji Chen Yupeng took their disciples to every corner of the mountain, looking for dragons, sand and acupuncture points, using the unique Fengshui technique The perfect curve effect not only solves the aesthetic problems of rhythm, rhythm, and overall unity of the ancient buildings in Wudang Mountains, but also mobilizes people's aesthetic emotions to develop towards cultural stereotypes.

Undoubtedly, from a distance, Wulei Xianshan already has a similar shape. It is estimated that this is because the ruins of ancient buildings were used to form this architectural complex.

However, in some details, these buildings are really embarrassing, and there is almost no place to be commended. A discerning person can tell that they are done by laymen.

Whether there is a nine-clawed demon dragon here seems to be unknown.

Inexplicably, Tian Hong suddenly lost confidence in this place.

If you just talk about the scenery, it doesn't need much, and it is not an exaggeration to call it "the first scenic spot in South Chu". However, it is a bit far-fetched to say that this is a Taoist holy place.

After pausing and thinking for a while, Tian Hong still walked up the mountain, since he came, he will be safe!

At this time, it was already noon, the sun was strong, and there were few tourists. If the mountain trails were not for those rough artificial guardrails, they would be unique, especially some calligraphy works left by the ancients, which are refreshing, and there is a kind of unexpected surprise of another village. .

Just as he was about to board the Medicine King Palace, Tian Hong suddenly saw a familiar figure.

The bald "six brothers".

The woman was wearing a black exercise uniform, her head was tied into a ponytail, and she was coming out of the Medicine King Hall, looking very preoccupied.

Almost immediately, Tian Hong cast a blindfold on his body.

Why is she here?

Seeing the bald woman climbing up towards the Guanyin Temple, Tian Hong's heart moved, and he quickly stepped up to follow.

Soon, Tian Hong caught up with the female "sixth brother". The bald woman didn't seem to come to burn incense and worship Buddha. don't let go...

"The thunder sweeps the palace, the bells and drums ring, and the dust cleans itself." Suddenly, the bald woman muttered something.

"Thunder sweeps the temple, bells and drums ring by itself, and dust cleans itself." Tian Hong couldn't help being stunned. He remembered Hei Wuchang said this sentence, which meant that when the nine-clawed demon dragon appeared, the lightning and thunder would clean up some Taoist temples. , the bells and drums will ring by themselves, and the most amazing thing is that all the dust will disappear and the windows will be bright and clean.

Tian Hong held his breath and followed behind the bald woman step by step.

"What thing has such supernatural powers, it can actually possess this kind of sexual power. This Wulei Xianshan has a long-standing reputation, and it doesn't look very good..."

Hearing the bald woman muttering to herself, Tian Hong immediately understood that this woman was here to hunt for treasures, probably because she had heard too many legends about Wulei Xianshan, believed that there were treasures here, and came here to collect the treasures, no wonder she said To stay here for a week, it is estimated that she will spend these few days looking for the legendary treasure in Wulei Fairy Mountain.

Just as Tian Hong guessed, "Sixth Brother" has been devastated these few days. She almost searched these three buildings and dozens of buildings inside and out, but she didn't get any results.

Looking at the snow-white bald head, Tian Hong, who followed closely behind her, had a childlike innocence. He couldn't help but blow a mischievous breath, and a cool breeze passed over the back of her head...

"Who is it?" Sixth Brother turned around abruptly, his almond eyes widened, and he looked as if he was facing an enemy. The temperature in the air suddenly rose, like a stove, but unfortunately, there was nothing behind her.


Brother Six scratched his bald snow-white head, looking around with his big black and white eyes, with a suspicious look on his face.

Looking at her suspicious appearance, Tian Hong strongly controlled his smile, but Tian Hong was also secretly startled, what kind of supernatural power does this woman possess?It can actually increase the temperature by tens of degrees in an instant, and Tian Hong feels that his skin has a feeling of being burned.

If she is allowed to accumulate her skills, how many degrees can she make the temperature reach?

Really great!

No wonder the three and Gong Bei'er are afraid of her, it seems that this woman still has some real kung fu.

The sixth brother's sixth sense seems to be keen, Tian Hong didn't dare to be too presumptuous, kept a certain distance, and watched her keep searching from a distance.

Tian Hong's precautions were prescient. During the search, the sixth brother would suddenly turn around for no reason, and even attack. Even Tian Hong, who was ten meters away, could feel the scorching heat.

Calmly followed the suspicious sixth brother to the highest hall. It is said that this is the place closest to the sky. The mountain breeze is blowing, and the cool breeze makes people feel refreshed. Seeing the mountains rising one after another, surrounded by mist and greenery, makes people linger and forget to return.

Although the sixth brother was extremely vigilant, he didn't notice Tian Hong behind him. He ran along a few strands on his forehead, and instead of entering the hall, he walked around the hall, and Tian Hong followed suit. After a circle, when he walked to the back of the hall, Tian Hong's pupils suddenly constricted, like pinholes, and his heart started beating crazily...


Countless spirit stones!

Behind the temple, there is a steep hillside, almost at a right angle of ninety degrees, extremely steep. On the hillside, there are countless spirit stones interspersed among them. In Hong's eyes, these spirit stones are like bright pearls...

The richness of the spirit stones here made Tian Hong amazed. Not only are they dense, they have extended to Tian Hong's feet, and the grades are also quite high. There are many top-quality spirit stones among them. , just one piece is enough to build a giant shield.

Almost involuntarily, Tian Hong picked up a mid-grade spirit stone under his feet...

"Ah..." An ear-piercing scream startled Tian Hong. When he looked up, he saw the bald woman looking in his direction with a frightened expression on her face. Immediately, she ran around the hall without a trace. trace.


p: Postpone the filial piety, coded a chapter, now I'm going, the next chapter may be very late, brothers and sisters, don't wait, go to bed early, and don't forget to leave the red ticket!

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