Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 111 3 flavors are really hot

Tian Hong stood there blankly, not knowing where his flaws were revealed.

Could it be that his invisibility technique has failed?

However, my arm is clearly transparent...

Tian Hong couldn't help moving his arms, watching the spirit stone floating up and down in the air, Tian Hong couldn't help smiling wryly, and put the spirit stone in his hand into the soul-calling banner, he understood where the problem was.

I'm afraid that any ordinary person will run away when they see a stone flying up in the air.

Suddenly, Tian Hong saw another sneaky bald head appearing at the corner of the hall, those big watery eyes cautiously looked at the direction where Tian Hong was standing...

Tian Hong resisted the urge to laugh and stood there motionless, wanting to see what this fake man would do.

The bald woman observed for more than ten minutes, but when she saw no movement, she came out sneakily again. Every time she took a step, she would watch around vigilantly, and would keep rubbing her eyes. She probably thought it was dizziness at first.

Looking at Sixth Brother's sneaky behavior, Tian Hong couldn't bear it anymore, and with a "puchi", he quickly covered his mouth...

"who is it?"

"who is it?"

Sixth brother seemed to be clicked, suddenly, a ball of black flames burst out from his body, and the flame wrapped around sixth brother, like a demon god from hell.

A leaf swept by the autumn wind fluttered up and down to the side of the sixth brother, "huh" turned into a ball of flames, and instantly turned into black ashes...


Seeing the black flame, Tian Hong couldn't help gasping. This flame is the flame in the body, which is called the three-flavored real fire. In fact, most people have three-flavored real fire inside their bodies. The reason is that there are very few people who can radiate the true fire of the three flavors.

Among the ancient mythological characters, it is said that when Nezha was born, his father Li Jing was shocked, cut off with a sword, separated the meat ball, and jumped out of a child.He has gold bracelets in his gloves and a red silk around his belly, and he walks all over the floor.These gold bracelets and red silk are the treasures of Jinguangdong Cave - "Qiankun Circle" and "Huntian Silk". Therefore, at that time, the ground was full of red light and the house was full of strange fragrance, which was amazing.

In fact, Nezha's most powerful treasures are not Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ribbon, but Huojian Spear and Fenghuo Wheel. These two treasures are driven by Sanwei Zhenhuo, but even Nezha can only drive Huojian Guns and Hot Wheels, not open flames.

Among the mythical figures of the past, the most famous manipulator of Sanwei Zhenhuo is Honghaier, the son of the Bull Demon King. Honghaier is called the Holy Infant King and lives in Huoyun Cave in Kusongjian, Haoshan Mountain.Red Boy is his childhood name, and he also uses the same weapon as Nezha, an eight-foot-long fire-pointed gun, with extraordinary martial arts. He has practiced in the Huoyan Mountain for 300 years, and he has practiced Samadhi real fire. He breathes fire from his mouth and smoke from his nose. He is very good, he often fights with bare feet, even the Taoist Monkey Monkey King does not dare to rob him, which shows how powerful the three flavors are...

This woman, with a mortal body, was able to release Sanwei Zhenhuo out of thin air, even Tian Hong was shocked.

Now, Tian Hong finally understands why the third brother and Gong Beier are afraid of this bald woman. The supernatural powers of the third brother and Gong Beier are not worth mentioning in front of the sixth brother. It is estimated that the two of them will be burned to ashes by her before they start.

Tian Hong didn't know that modern science defines Sanwei Zhenhuo as "spontaneous combustion", and the modern scientific and medical circles deny the statement that the human body spontaneously combusts.Although some people have put forward some theories, there has been no reasonable physiological argument enough to explain how the human body spontaneously combusts or even turns into ashes, because if the bone marrow and tissues of the human body are to be completely burned, it can only be done in a high-pressure crematorium with a temperature exceeding 1648 degrees Fahrenheit. possible.Then, as for the undamaged clothing or some intact skin on the charred corpse, it is even more mysterious...

In fact, all the people who produce nature are people with supernatural powers who possess the congenital three-flavored real fire, but they don't know how to control it, and instead conceive their own crimes and burn themselves.

If a mortal can manipulate the Sanwei Zhenhuo in his body without anyone's guidance, it is undoubtedly an anomaly, and Sixth Brother is this anomaly!

The sixth brother was like a hairy crab, waving his hands, and after a few rounds behind the main hall, his face became airy again, with an expression that I am not afraid of you.

After turning around, he hurriedly left again. When he left, his eyes were a little flustered, as if he was afraid that there would be a ghost behind him...

When Sixth Brother disappeared, Tian Hong's face was flushed because he forced himself to control his laughter. He never thought that Sixth Brother, who appeared to be cold on the surface, would look so childish when he was behind his back.

It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured!

Tian Hong didn't care about the sixth brother anymore, and hurriedly collected spirit stones on the cliff. Faced with this huge number of spirit stones, Tian Hong's appetite naturally changed. He didn't even look at those low-grade spirit stones. Those middle-grade spirit stones, unfortunately, the number of top-grade spirit stones is still very rare. From the top to the bottom, they found a lot of middle-grade spirit stones, and only three top-grade spirit stones were found in total.

However, facing countless middle-grade spirit stones, Tian Hong is already very satisfied. In the past, having two middle-grade spirit stones was like a treasure, but now the three top-grade spirit stones he found are enough to set up a powerful formation eye for the Shield of Kings , but those middle-grade spirit stones can refine the Shield of Kings again. You must know that the predecessor of the Shield of Kings was made of ordinary stones. Compared with the ordinary stones everywhere, middle-grade spirit stones are already rare. treasures...

After collecting at least several thousand catties of middle-grade spirit stones, Tian Hong climbed up the cliff contentedly.

After searching around the front and back of the main hall, and inside and outside the main hall, the sixth brother had already lost his trace.

Where did she go?

Tian Hong looked down the mountain from a distance, and the few tourists could see clearly. Even the inside of the hall was deserted. At this time, it was the off-season for tourism. Not only were there few tourists, but there were also few Taoist priests and nuns who came to work. Most of those who came gathered to chat together, and few stayed in Taoist temples.

If the sixth brother goes down the mountain, he will definitely be able to see it, because there is only one way up and down the mountain.

Tian Hong carefully searched in front of and behind the main hall again. When he searched another hillside, Tian Hong saw the figure of the sixth brother. The sixth brother just walked out of a cluster of trees. , I really couldn't find her.

Sixth brother walked very slowly, stopping every few meters, and opened a black object in his hand to take a look.

Tian Hongyun raised his eyes to look carefully at the black thing, it turned out to be an ancient sheepskin map.

Does she have something?

Tian Hong was overjoyed, and immediately followed him. He is not a good man and a believer. If there is something good, no matter whether she is the sixth brother or the seventh brother, he will naturally snatch it.

Although with Tian Hong's current skills, he is still a little bit afraid of the Sanwei Zhenhuo, but relying on Heiwuchang's invisibility technique, it is still easy to sneak attack and win...


p: Today's fourth explosion, domineering needs motivation, the red ticket is still not violent enough...

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