Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 112 Stupid Woman

Tian Hong used the stalking technique taught by Hei Wuchang to follow him all the way.

What is worth mentioning here is that Tian Hong had no experience with some small spells in the past. In Tian Hong's predecessor, Tian Hong had an innate body, and his mighty true energy repelled all demons. Need some small spells and tricks to assist yourself.

During the massacre with the Eighteenth Route Anti-King, Tian Hong was besieged by a huge formation composed of more than 100 million troops. Under the aura of Tiangang, he was smashed and destroyed, and he was blown away with a few hammers. More than 100 million troops were beaten to pieces by his horse's double hammers. Eighteen anti-kings offered letters of surrender...

Tian Hong always believes that any crooked way is vulnerable to real power.

Tian Hong is actually grateful for Hei Wuchang. If Hei Wuchang didn't teach him some magic tricks, it would be much more difficult for him to survive in this world. At least, it would be impossible to track him as easily as he is now. do it.

Tian Hong's master Ziyang Zhenren is obsessed with alchemy and utensil refining, but he is not good at spells. Ziyang Zhenren taught Tian Hong the Panlong Ten Stars Nirvana. It is also the cultivation of the physical body, and has almost no dabble in supernatural powers and spells.

And the pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns is also a masterpiece of Ziyang real person. Ziyang real person used two sacred stones as eyes to refine a pair of big cylinder hammers weighing [-] jin. They were completely tailor-made for Tian Hong. However, it is rare to be able to use the pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns. Even Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu who possesses the power of the four elephants, cannot use it as a weapon...

That is to say, Tian Hong has learned nothing from Master Ziyang except Panlong Ten-Star Nirvana and the simple method of refining weapons. Even the alchemy that Master Ziyang is best at, Tian Hong has nothing. I know, because Tian Hong has no interest in alchemy at all, and the method of refining weapons is also because of the need for marching and formation, so he only learned some superficiality.

To use a modern analogy, cutting-edge technologists can make missiles and atomic bombs, but they can't cook tea eggs or marinated eggs.

The Great Nirvana of the Panlong Ten Stars is the missile atomic bomb, and some of the little skills and spells taught by Hei Wuchang are tea eggs and marinated eggs.

Following this road, I actually entered a primeval forest with a towering canopy.

Because there are lush trees and weeds and vines growing along the way, Tian Hong didn't dare to follow too closely. After all, Tian Hong just hides, not disappears. If he follows behind, he will still hang on to the branches and vines.

The good thing is, because the sixth brother's clothes are thin and he likes to be clean, he has to make a detour when he sees a caterpillar. His movements are slow, and Tian Hong doesn't have to worry about getting lost when he follows.

Time passed little by little, and the sunlight in the woods gradually dimmed. However, the sixth brother showed no sign of going back home, but instead walked further and further away from the primeval forest.

Of course, it is said that it is a virgin forest. In fact, the two of them stopped and stopped for a few hours. If there is an open place with few trees, you can still see the Taoist temple on Wulei Mountain when you look back. The only difference in the building complex is that because of the dark sky and the long distance, the crudely built Taoist temple seems to be covered with a hazy veil, full of mysterious and ethereal feeling...

Run across the mountain to die!

Trekking among the mountains, the sense of visual distance will make people feel mentally exhausted. It seems that they are right in front of them, but it takes several hours. Sometimes a small mountain looks like a mountain. It takes an unimaginable amount of time to cross the mountain.

However, soon, Tian Hong didn't have to think about the time issue anymore, because the twilight was completely pulled down, the earth was shrouded in a layer of blue mist, the sky became a vast and boundless dome, and the stars were like bright stars. The pearls are inlaid on the dome.

Tian Hong didn't know how far Sixth Brother was going to go, so he regretted following him a bit.

What the hell is she looking for?

Tian Hong wished he could run over and snatch the sheepskin map to see what was painted on it.

Slowly, Sixth Brother also became anxious, and the black practice clothes on his body were also scratched by dense thorns, and there were countless scratches on the bald snow-white head. What made her most depressed was that the mosquitoes in the mountains were as big as It was very big, and she had to spend a lot of time driving away mosquitoes. The sheepskin map became her fan, and she kept waving it in the air, which made Tian Hong's heart skip a beat...

Finally, the sixth brother, who was bitten by mosquitoes intolerable, took out a multifunctional Swiss Army knife from his lap, and chopped some fat-rich branches to make a torch.

Burning the torch was an easy task for her, without even doing a move, a black flame ignited the torch.

Looking at the bald head reflecting the fiery red light, Tian Hong always has an urge to laugh.

However, soon, Tian Hong didn't want to laugh anymore, because he found that the sixth brother seemed to have lost his way. They had gone around in one place for several times. He walked forward with an excited expression, and occasionally unfolded the sheepskin map in his hand to take a look...

What a stupid woman!

Tian Hong sighed secretly, he had to use a branch to block where they circled, hoping to remind Sixth Brother.

After three circles in less than one square kilometer, the belated bald head encountered the branch lying in front of him for the third time, and then he patted his head, realizing that he was lost.

Seeing Sixth Brother's suddenly enlightened expression under the torch, Tian Hong wanted to commit suicide.

If he hadn't followed most of the night, he would have gone home long ago.

This time, Sixth Brother seemed to be much more cautious. First, he used the stars in the sky and the growth of branches to determine the direction, then chose a direction, and proceeded cautiously.

As time went by, Tian Hong's patience was worn away bit by bit, because he is hungry now, and he hasn't eaten anything since noon. He believes that even if there is a cow in front of him , he was able to kill it too.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the two were 200 meters apart, and came to a grassland of about 500 square meters with a small pond in the middle of the grass.

It is estimated that the sixth brother is also tired. He sat down to rest by the pond of less than ten square meters, and tossed something out of his clothes. He sat quietly by the pond without moving...

1 minutes!

two minutes!

3 minutes!


A full half an hour wasted in Sixth Brother's meditation, watching Sixth Brother's eyes staring at the pond, Tian Hong didn't know what she was doing, after all, the distance between the two was too far away, It's hard to see clearly, and Tian Hong didn't dare to get too close in this quiet forest at night.

"Fuck, where is it, there are no fish in such a big pond!"

The sixth brother in the distance cursed fiercely, and Tian Hong, who was bitten and scratched by mosquitoes, was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died. This stupid woman actually fished in a pond less than ten square meters on the mountain...

Just when Tian Hong was about to go crazy, the sixth brother seemed to know that fishing was hopeless, so he put away some tools and started to set up a few simple traps. It may be that the animals in this mountain forest rarely encounter humans, and they were caught soon. A huge mountain mouse, the sixth brother washed the mountain mouse in the pond with a disgusted face, lit a bonfire, and started a barbecue.

The fragrance filled the air, and Tian Hongyue felt hungry.

It took a full half an hour, and the fat mountain mouse was roasted golden and dripping with oil. However, the sixth brother was not very interested. He kept sniffing and sniffing his nose, and opened his mouth several times. With a look of disgust, she still didn't bite down, and then, she made a move that Tian Hong wanted to kill.


It took more than an hour from catching to grilling, and the roasted golden mountain mouse was thrown into the pond without hesitation by the sixth brother.

"It's too ugly, how can I eat this..." Sixth Brother muttered, without any regretful expression on his face, then, after tidying up, he walked into the woods again.

"Brother, as long as you can eat it, it doesn't matter what it looks like!" Tian Hong's heart was bleeding, and he felt a feeling of grinding through his stomach.

When Tian Hong passed the pond, he wished he could jump in and pick up the mountain mouse.


p: There is a chapter at 1 o'clock, and it will continue to explode!

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