Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 113 The Nine-Clawed Demon Longxian

Enduring the strong hunger and the urge to kill, Tian Hong followed the sixth brother for more than an hour. At this time, it was already four o'clock in the morning, and the mountains were foggy. , like thousands of horses galloping in the desert, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling and the waves are turbulent.

Now, even Tian Hong has no choice.

In the sub-primitive forest surrounded by countless mountains, if there is heavy fog, it is difficult to distinguish the direction, the lush leaves, the annual rings of the trunk, the abundance of aquatic plants... These experiences are all useless, because, The mountains are steep and the sunlight is not normal at all.

It is more difficult to identify the direction in this kind of sub-primitive forest with towering ancient trees than in the desert.

Tian Hong could only follow the sixth brother through the thorny forest, two people are better than one, besides, Tian Hong pinned his hopes on the sheepskin map in the hands of the sixth brother.

After walking for a while, Tian Hong was completely disappointed with the sixth brother's IQ.

Tian Hong even began to wonder whether the IQ of a supernatural person is inversely proportional to his ability?

If someone stood in the sky and had a bird's-eye view at this time, they would find two ragged men and women trekking hard in the woods one after the other.


The sixth brother in front speeded up, as if he had noticed something, Tian Hong hurriedly also speeded up to follow, and soon came to a huge grassland, surrounded by mountains, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, with weeds in the middle Not raw, it looks like a football field in a stadium.


Tian Hong suddenly understood why the sixth brother was so excited, because, on the side of the cliff, there was an old man in a gray Chinese mountain suit squatting on the ground busy, constantly moving his body, his expression was very focused.

Obviously, Sixth Brother wanted to ask the old man how to get out.


Tian Hong immediately realized that something was wrong. The dense fog that had permeated the grassland seemed to disappear suddenly. The bright moonlight from the sky generously fell on the grassland. It condenses and hovers in the middle, and the wind does not disperse, like a sticky fat that cannot be melted.

Tian Hong really wanted to call Sixth Brother to stop, but it was too late, because Sixth Brother had already run in front of the old man.

"Old man, old man, where is this place? I'm lost..." Seeing someone, the sixth brother excitedly ran to the old man with white beard and asked.

"The road is here..."

The old man raised his head, opened it suddenly, and with a smirk on his face, turned into the head of a huge beast. Tian Hong could see clearly in the flash, the head of the giant beast was like a horse, its eyes were like a crab, and its beard was like a sheep. Horns like deer, ears like ox, mane like lion, scales like carp.

Nine-clawed demon dragon!

Tian Hong was like a sculpture, stunned. He never dreamed that he would accidentally meet the legendary nine-clawed demon dragon. Although he wanted to find the demon dragon this time, he never thought it would be so sudden meet.

Tian Hong knows very well that even if his skills are fully restored, he is not necessarily an opponent of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon. If the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon is really so easy to deal with, in the tens of thousands of years of human history, the Nine-clawed Demon Dragon has already It was captured by Taoists and used as a mount, or refined into a great tonic inner alchemy.

The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon can live to this day, and can still control a radius of [-] kilometers even though it is suppressed, so that the Yin God cannot enter, which shows how powerful it is.

During this trip to Wulei Xianshan, Tian Hong hoped to take a sneak attack to obtain the inner alchemy of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon. idea.

Just as Tian Hong was stunned, the huge mouth of the nine-clawed demon dragon suddenly opened, and suddenly it seemed to stand upright, covering the stars in the sky, like a cave with no top, but it was dark but you could see it. To boulder-white teeth.


The sixth brother took a deep breath. It was almost an instinctive self-protection. His body retreated violently, and black flames rose several feet high all over his body. Tian Hong, who was more than 100 meters away, felt the scorching heat wave.

Between life and death, Sixth Brother's potential can be said to have been brought to the extreme, but he still couldn't escape the giant mouth that towered above the sky, and was swallowed in one gulp. However, the food didn't seem delicious, like a branding iron...


Caught off guard by the high temperature, the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spit out Sixth Brother. The airflow that he spit out was like a violent storm, and it was mixed with a disgusting fishy smell...

After the sixth brother was swallowed into his mouth, he was immediately fainted by the stench, and after being spat out, he shot towards Tian Hong like a meat bullet.

The demon dragon seemed a little annoyed, opened its mouth and chased after the sixth brother, but the huge head couldn't move, opened its mouth and bit the air a few times, making a "click, click" sound, and the impact of the teeth seemed to be chewing. Like pig iron, it is frightening...

Apparently, the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was suppressed by the restriction, and his body couldn't escape from the cliff.

While Tian Hong was thinking, the sixth brother had already bumped into him, so he had to catch it with both hands. The huge impact made the two of them roll like gourds rolling on the ground, and they rolled for dozens of meters before stopping. Fortunately, because the sixth brother Fainted out, the hot temperature has disappeared, otherwise, Tian Hong might turn into a roast suckling pig this time.

However, the force of this collision made Tian Hong's invisibility technique useless, revealing his original shape.


Just when Tian Hong thought that the demon dragon would not be able to pursue him, he breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the sound of air being torn apart was heard in the sky, which was soul-stirring.

"not good!"

Tian Hong looked up, and saw a big claw covered with golden scales, that claw was like a huge black cloud, covering a radius of tens of square meters, the momentum was frightening, faintly mixed with thunder and lightning.

It was too late to think about it.

Almost instinctively, Tian Hong threw the Shield of Ten Thousand Kings onto it.


There was a loud sound of landslides and ground cracks, and the golden giant claws hit the prohibition of the Shield of Kings. The whole valley seemed to be shaking. The ground shook and the mountains shook, and powders of different colors fell from the sky. The Shield of Kings was just a face-to-face meeting, and it was blasted into powder...

However, the Shield of Kings still bought a little time for Tian Hong, which was enough time, and Tian Hong retreated like lightning with his unconscious Sixth Brother in his arms.

Tian Hong believes that as long as he leaves the physical attack range of the nine-clawed monster dragon, he will be safe.

Unfortunately, Tian Hong was wrong!

If the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was restricted by the physical body, then Yin Gods like Hei Wuchang would not shy away.

After the giant claw grabbed Tian Hong in vain for a few times in vain, it immediately disappeared into the air. Then, dark clouds rolled in the sky, thunder and lightning struck, and the winding lightning illuminated the entire night sky.

Looking at the thunderbolt and lightning that meanders for dozens of miles, Tian Hong felt a chill run down his spine, he was deeply afraid of thunder and lightning.





Tian Hong arranged spirit stones on the ground like a lunatic, and the thousands of catties of spirit stones were kept in the grass like garbage.

Layer after layer of repelling formations were laid out continuously. Fortunately, Tian Hong had already weighed them clearly when he picked up these middle-grade spirit stones. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to set up formations now.

The repelling formation formed an invisible line of defense, and at this time, the thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to be brewing to the extreme, as if the sky was about to fall, and the huge thunder and lightning were actually thicker than a bucket, which was extremely frightening.

"Peng!" An earth-shattering thunderbolt exploded on the repelling formations, tearing apart three repelling formations.

Tian Hong was horrified, he never imagined that in the repelling formation he had worked so hard to arrange, the opponent broke through three lines with just a single thunderbolt. Being struck to death by lightning, thousands of years later, still being struck to death by lightning...


p: In this chapter, I deleted and wrote, wrote and deleted, and it took three hours to code it. I implore the support of the red tickets, and continue to code!

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