Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 120 Nine-Day Fire-Repelling Talisman

Tian Hong didn't seem to be able to hear Sixth Brother's entreaties. He sat by the campfire and thought for a while, then climbed up the tree and fixed Sixth Brother's body in one direction so that she couldn't see the direction of the campfire.

After avoiding the sight of the sixth brother, Tian Hong also turned on the roast pig, slowing down the speed of the barbecue, and the soul was connected with the black impermanence in the summoning banner.

"The villain sees the prince." Hei Wuchang kowtowed.

"Well, get up, the king has something to ask."

"My lord, please tell me, the villain must know everything and say everything!" Heiwu saw Tian Hong's spirit communicate with him, and immediately knew that Tian Hong hadn't left Wulei Xianshan, so he didn't cooperate.

"The repelling formation can attract the nine-clawed demon dragon to strike with lightning. Now I set up the repelling formation to lure the old man transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon. If the old man is not transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon, then the repelling formation will naturally be destroyed If the old man is the nine-clawed demon dragon, there will be no lightning strike."

"What the prince said is very true. This method can just tell whether the old man is transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon, and can grasp the body of the nine-clawed demon dragon. It's useless to trap it." Hei Wuchang nodded after hearing this.

"Well, as long as the monster dragon is trapped by me in the repelling formation, I will have a way to deal with him. However, there is a woman beside me who is born with three flavors and true fire, and is moody. I don't want to kill her now. Why don't you kill her?" How about you think of a way to take her into the soul calling banner..."

" can't do it, my lord." Hei Wuchang turned pale with shock.


"This soul-calling banner is most jealous of the three flavors of the real fire. The villain is a yin god, and he avoids the three flavors of the real fire. How dare we share the same flag."

"This is a difficult problem..." Tian Hong couldn't help frowning.

"My lord, don't you know a lot about formations and weapon refining?"


"From what the lord said, the villain guessed that the woman must be born with three flavors of real fire. She didn't practice and didn't know how to control the three flavors of real fire. The real fire turns back, wait until the woman understands the way to control the three flavors of the real fire, at that time, the prince has already recovered his supernatural powers, and the mere three flavors of the real fire, why not be afraid of it!"

"Haha, okay, I'm stupid, I didn't think of such a simple method, even a mere repelling formation can resist her Sanwei Zhenhuo, but I almost killed this king." Tian Hong suddenly realized, and laughed out loud.

"My lord, the repelling formation has both positive and negative sides, just like the shield of kings refined by my lord. You only need to get a miniature shield and hang it on your body as a talisman, and even that woman can't help you... Alas, what a pity It's already..." Hei Wuchang said and then suddenly sighed.

"What a pity?"

"Unexpectedly, there are still people in this world who know the real fire of the three flavors. Unfortunately, ghosts and gods have been strictly prohibited from accepting apprentices a few years ago. It must be a group of gods competing for disciples..."

Tian Hong couldn't help but also let out a long sigh. He thought of Su Manman. Su Manman was undoubtedly a talented and intelligent person, but it's a pity...


Tian Hong's body trembled, why was it strictly forbidden to accept apprentices a few years ago?

"Black impermanence, ghosts and gods, why is it strictly forbidden to accept disciples?" Tian Hong vaguely felt something was wrong.

"The villain's status is low, how can he know these things? It is said that the gods in the upper realm seem to have reached a consensus that it is strictly forbidden to accept disciples in the mortal world. There are only a handful of people who have achieved the Tao, and because of this, the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the world is declining day by day. Although many people say they believe in Buddhism, in fact, they are only seeking a kind of spiritual comfort, not The real practice of Buddhism and Taoism, in the mortal world, the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been reduced to a tool for some people to make money..."

Looking at the helpless expression on Hei Wuchang's face, Tian Hong suddenly discovered that the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism seem to be in a very dangerous situation. From some temples and Taoist temples in Wulei Xianshan, it can be seen that this famous mountain and great river have been reduced to Hei Wuchang said the money-making tool, there is no master who is dedicated to cultivation.

If the Tao is not broad, who will cultivate the Tao?

If the Buddha does not appear, who still believes in the Buddha?

Why did the gods of the upper world reach a consensus not to accept disciples?

For any religious belief, accepting disciples is the most direct and effective way to promote its beliefs. If you do not accept disciples, you will encounter many difficulties in promoting the teachings.

After being absent-minded for a while, Tian Hong waved back Hei Wuchang, took out some medium-grade spirit stones from the soul-calling flag, and also took out the few treasured top-grade spirit stones. He urgently needs a defense against the three-flavored real fire amulet.

If he can't resist the Sanwei Zhenhuo, Tian Hong believes that the possibility of being burned to death by that moody woman is more than [-]%.

He didn't have the slightest confidence in the bald woman's verbal promise, it was purely an intuition.

He used three hundred catties of mid-grade spirit stones and three top-grade spirit stones to refine an amulet. Tian Hong felt a pain in his flesh when he saw the three top-grade spirit stones disappear. There is no way to hurt.

Three hundred catties of mid-grade spirit stones is indifferent to Tian Hong, even if it is thirty thousand catties, he will not be heartbroken. In this Wulei Xianshan, there are as many middle-grade spirit stones as there are, the key is three top-grade spirit stones, five Although there are middle-grade spirit stones in many places in Leixian Mountain, top-grade spirit stones are still very rare...

Although Tian Hong knows a lot of refining techniques, the refining methods are a bit unfamiliar. Although it took three hundred catties of medium-grade spirit stones and three top-grade spirit stones, plus two hours, he could only refine one and thumb Big and small, dark, without the slightest artistic value.

Tian Hong didn't care too much, now that he was short of time, the most urgent thing to do was to guard against the three-flavored real fire. As for the beauty of the amulet, he could spend some time refining it in the future.

"Nine-day fire-repelling talisman!"

Tian Hong gave this dark, shoddy thing a majestic name.

The nine-day fire-repelling talisman is fundamentally different from the soldiers-repelling formation. It needs the three-flavored real fire to activate the formation.

Actually, it’s not that Tian Hong can’t endow the Nine Heavens Fire Repelling Talisman with other functions. The main reason is that in the Wulei Xianshan, except for the landscape formation, any formation will attract the lightning attack of the Nine-clawed Demon Dragon. Tian Hong doesn’t want to Before being burned to death by the Sanwei real fire, he was struck to death by lightning.

In Tian Hong's memory, the fear of thunder and lightning is far greater than the fear of Sanwei Zhenhuo.

Tian Hong let out a long sigh of relief after finishing the nine-day fire-repelling talisman. Now the sixth brother is like a fishbone in his throat, and he can't spit it out.

"Bah!" Just as Tian Hongchang stood up, there was a muffled sound from behind him. When he turned around, he saw Sixth Brother crawling up from the ground in disgrace, his bald head was scorched black. On the ground, those sharp bamboo knives have been burned to ashes...

It turned out that when the sixth brother Cheng Tianhong was refining the amulet, he secretly burned the bamboo knife on the ground to ashes, and then burned the rattan tied to his body.

"Hey, classmate Tian Hong, you've made Sixth Brother so hard..."

The sixth brother wiped the dust off his face, and rushed towards Tian Hong. Every step he took, he kicked the rebel formation that Tian Hong had set up into chaos. With a smug smile on his face, his whole body was wrapped in black flames, and his arrogance was overwhelming.


p: Tomorrow Monday, start to explode!

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