It can be said that sixth brother's pride is written on his face.

However, she immediately felt something was wrong, because Tian Hong didn't retreat as she thought, nor did she show any panic or fear. ...

Although Sixth Brother felt that something was wrong, she naturally couldn't be afraid because Tian Hong's smile was a little weird.


not good!

Tian Hong moved suddenly, but instead of retreating and running away, Tian Hong walked towards her with firm eyes and firm steps...

"What do you want to do?" Looking at Tian Hong's mysterious smile, Sixth Brother was a little timid, but he didn't dare to go forward, and asked weakly.

"beat you!"

Tian Hong sneered, and as soon as he finished speaking, his tense body suddenly bounced up like a spring, and he swung out a huge fist mercilessly.


The speed was really too fast, before the flames on Sixth Brother's body rose up, his delicate body had already made a muffled sound of skin and flesh hitting, and flew out.

"Ah..." Sixth Brother let out a shrill scream, and the punch hit his cheek like a lightning strike.

However, her nightmare was just the beginning.

When she just felt the pain, a huge foot stepped on her bald head without mercy. She felt that the foot was exerting force, and her head felt like it was going to explode.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, woo... Tian Hong... don't kill me..." Sixth Brother burst into tears, and the breath of death filled the air.

"Stand up the fire!" Tian Hong exerted a little force, and he felt that the sixth brother's bald head almost sank into the grass, which gave him an inexplicable pleasure.

"Sheng... I'm going to raise my fire..." Sixth brother was completely scared now, that foot was like a thousand weights, making her body unable to move at all.


Tian Hong snorted coldly, let go of his feet, turned around and walked towards the bonfire and wild boar. The moment he turned around, he felt a hot temperature, as if the flame was burning.

Murderous intent was rushing in the air, and the frightening Sanwei real fire filled every inch of space.

Sixth brother was slowly getting up, and those bright eyes turned red, as if they were burning.

Tian Hong didn't turn around to look, as if he couldn't feel the monstrous murderous intent, he sat down with his back to Brother Six.

Tian Hong was waiting for that shocking blow.

This time, he will no longer be merciful. It is not his style to pass Sixth Brother over and over again. To give up his back to Sixth Brother is actually to give himself the opportunity to kill Sixth Brother. reason.

Subconsciously, Tian Hong has always regarded Sixth Brother as a weak person and a woman, but Tian Hong has noble royal blood flowing in his bones, and he does not want to kill women.

Of course, if it was during the war years, Tian Hong would not hesitate to kill anyone of the opposite sex, but now is not the war years...

Looking at Tian Hong who was quietly sitting by the campfire, the psychological conflict of the sixth brother had reached the point where it could not be further increased.


Still don't kill?

"Start the fire." Just when the sixth brother was hesitating, Tian Hong's faint voice came.

"Ah... um... fire up, fire up..."

The sixth brother body for a while, the monstrous murderous intent disappeared inexplicably, and ran to Tian Hong's side with a cautious expression on his buttocks.

Seeing Sixth Brother's pitifully swollen face, Tian Hong's tense muscles also slowly relaxed. This woman is completely convinced.

"You still want to kill me?" Tian Hong asked.

"Ah... no no... dare not... don't think about it..." Sixth Brother Yu's face changed color, and he waved his hands quickly.

"Then why not fire?"

"I'm promoted, I'll be promoted soon..."


Sanwei Zhenhuo immediately came out through the body, and lit the pile of bonfires that had been prepared long ago.

After Tian Hong put the wild boar away, he turned around and restored the surrounding repelling formations to their original appearance. Then, he began to grill the wild boar with a focused face, while the sixth brother took out a small mirror from nowhere, crying , inspecting the swollen cheeks by the firelight.

"Tian Hong, you are too cruel, look, so ugly..." Brother Six had a painful expression on his face.

"I saved you, but you are going to kill me." Tian Hong said coldly.

"I'm just scaring you, it will really kill you." The sixth brother gave Tian Hong a white look.

"..." Tian Hong didn't bother to argue with her, he couldn't help but stare blankly at the sixth brother's coquettish look.Occasionally, Sixth Brother would act like a little girl, which made people lose their minds.

"How can you see people like this... woo woo... The first brother will definitely laugh at me when he sees it." The sixth brother rubbed his cheeks, fidgeting.

Tian Hong stood up and walked close to the woods.

"what are you doing?"

Tian Hong didn't answer, just kept pulling some things on the ground. When he came back, he already had a handful of various green grasses and roots in his hands.

I washed the green grass in the pond, chewed it into a green paste, rubbed it into granules, and handed it to Brother Six.

"What is this? It's so disgusting!" Sixth Brother avoided Tian Hong's hand with a look of disgust.

"Jiuzhuan Ludan Pills, clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and exorcising evil spirits, for external use, applied to the wound, it will be effective immediately."

"Is there such a god?" Sixth Brother took out a handkerchief and took the green pills.

Tian Hong didn't have the heart to explain to her the most common herbal pill on the battlefield, and started to focus on grilling again. He still hoped to use this wild boar to lure the nine-clawed demon dragon.

To that monster dragon, Tian Hong always had a mentality that he could not return empty-handed after entering the treasure mountain.

The sixth brother was waiting for Ai Ai by himself, and after looking in the mirror non-stop, finally, he made up his mind and decided to use that disgusting pill.

When the ball was softened into a thin paste and applied on the cheeks, immediately, a cool and comfortable feeling dredged the limbs and bones through the meridians of the face...

"Wow, it's amazing..."

Seeing the redness and swelling in the mirror disappear quickly, the sixth brother couldn't help being ecstatic and dancing.

"Tian Hong, I have decided, I will invest in you, we will open a herbal medicine shop, I promise, I promise we will make a lot of money..."

"By the way, there are also roasted wild boars. We open two shops, one for herbal medicine and the other for roasted wild boars. I invest, I invest. Tian Hong, why don't you..."

"Let me do the math, one person earns one hundred, ten customers earn one thousand, one hundred customers earn ten"

"Tian Hong, promise me, we sign the contract, you three and I seven... Hey, hey... talk, it's a big deal, I three you seven, okay... Hey hey... You are too cruel, okay, I'm two you Eight, do you want to..."


Tian Hong stared at the wild boar, his body was as motionless as a rock, he felt as if he was living in hell, this woman made him have the urge to run away.

"Crack, click..." There was a sound of chopping wood in the distance.

Hearing the sound of chopping wood, Tian Hong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. The nine-clawed demon dragon finally came. He would rather face the nine-clawed demon dragon than face a chattering woman.

No wonder it is said in the book that one woman is equal to five hundred ducks.

Tian Hong believes that when it comes to money, the sixth brother alone can stop an army of ducks...


p: Sorry, the update is late, this is the first explosion, and it lasted until two o'clock in the morning!

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