Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 122 Who Can Eat More?

The sound of chopping firewood was getting closer and closer, and the sixth brother also stopped doing ideological work on Tian Hong, and quickly pretended to be serious about grilling, but his expression was extremely nervous.

"Tian...Tian Hong...I'm afraid..." The sixth brother moved his body and got close to Tian Hong's body, but she was terrified by the lightning bolt.

"I'm here." Tian Hong said lightly.

"Yeah." The sixth brother pressed closer to Tian Hong's body, wishing that the trembling delicate body would be better hidden in Tian Hong's arms, Tian Hong's motionless body gave her a strong sense of security.

A woman is a woman after all, no matter how powerful the woman is, a woman is still a woman, a woman is born to be protected...

As the sound of chopping wood gradually approached, the heartbeats of the two became faster and faster.

Sixth Brother hugged Tian Hong's arm tightly, his white head rested on Tian Hong's shoulder, but Tian Hong didn't notice Sixth Brother's tender body full of warmth at all, all his energy was concentrated on the old man's body.

Judging from the current situation, there is a 90.00% possibility that this old man was transformed into a nine-clawed demon dragon.

However, Tian Hong couldn't help doubting the IQ of the nine-clawed demon dragon.

If you want to cheat food and drink, you don't need to chop firewood in the middle of the night?

However, Tian Hong immediately felt relieved. Anyone who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years will have a different mind than ordinary people. Not to mention the nine-clawed demon dragon, it was Tian Hong himself who started to escape from the chaotic space of the jade bottle. , They are all chaotic, they only know how to kill blindly, and their IQ has almost dropped to a terrible level.

Tian Hong once summed up the mistakes he made after escaping from the jade bottle. First, when he came out of the jade bottle, he should not run for his life in a hurry, but should figure out the pattern of the jade bottle. After being injured, he can immediately return to kill Hei Wuchang and regain his remnant soul.

The most deadly mistake was that when his physical body was not recovered and his spirit was not strong enough, he went to Fengdu City single-handedly and unarmed, and was injured by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. …

Obviously, the nine-clawed demon dragon has been sealed for many years, and his mind is probably not very clear.

Thinking of this, Tian Hong couldn't help but feel a move...

"The two children are still here." Just as Tian Hong was thinking, the old man came over with a bundle of dry firewood on his back. The top of the browned wild boar.

"Old man, are you still chopping firewood so late?" Tian Hong smiled inexplicably.

"Yeah, I'm old and alone, it doesn't matter when I cut firewood." The old man swallowed a few saliva and replied absent-mindedly.

"Old man, come and have a seat. It's very cold in this barren mountain. Sit down and enjoy the fire, and eat some hot wild pork..."

"thanks, thanks……"

The old man was not polite, he threw away the dry firewood on his back and the sickle in his hand, and hurriedly sat beside Tian Hong, staring at the deliciously roasted wild boar on the campfire with a look of urgency. look like.

"Old man, there are a lot of Wulei Xianshan, why not hunt some mountain goods?" Tian Hong patted the nervous sixth brother beside him and asked.

"Hey... To tell you the truth, the old man's house is bare and there is no oil, salt, firewood or rice. Although he can hunt some wild game and mountain products, the taste is really hard to swallow..." The old man kept rubbing his hands, staring at the other side On the fat pig, the snow-white beard showed a strange red under the light of the fire.

That's it!

Tian Hong and the sixth brother couldn't help nodding their heads in sudden realization. It must be that the nine-clawed demon dragon was sealed in the Wulei Fairy Mountain and couldn't get some ingredients. Go to them and eat and mix.

Tian Hong believes that the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon must have been eating and drinking more than once. It is very likely that he has been eating and drinking like this before.

According to the current costumes of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon, it has been at least 60 years since the last time it got to eat and drink...

"Old man, eat as much as you want, if you don't have enough salt, you just need to hunt another one. Unfortunately, there is not enough salt." Tian Hong couldn't help showing a bit of pity. It can be said that he and this nine-clawed demon dragon share the same disease.

Only Tian Hong knows what it feels like to be sealed for thousands of years.

It seems that the nine-clawed demon dragon seems to be much freer than Tian Hong. In fact, the nine-clawed demon dragon is more painful than Tian Hong. Tian Hong has completely forgotten the time and years in the chaos. For more than 1000 years, it will last forever , To put it short, it is really short, like a dream.

Although the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon can move within a certain range, it is more painful in comparison, because that kind of waiting without purpose, that kind of torment of years is an unparalleled pain...

"The old man is not welcome."

The old man was overjoyed when he heard that Tian Hong told him to eat whatever he wanted. He was neither refined nor afraid of being scalded. Smeared with grease, it was steaming hot by the firelight.

The wind blows the clouds!

Under the dull eyes of Tian Hong and Sixth Brother, the wild boar, which weighed more than 200 kilograms without internal organs, was chewed by the old man, and soon there was only a pile of bones left...


Yes, it was bones. The old man ate almost a pig the day before yesterday, and he ate another pig today, and he became picky. He didn't swallow the bones like yesterday.

"Tian Hong, who is better to eat, you or him?" Sixth brother asked Tian Hong secretly.

" willing to bow down..."

Looking at the pig bones all over the floor, Tian Hong couldn't help sweating on his forehead. He claimed to be able to eat rice, ten catties of meat, and countless fine wines. However, compared with this nine-clawed demon dragon, it was nothing worth mentioning. Well, judging by the old man's appearance, it is probably not a problem to have ten more pigs...

If the nine-clawed demon dragon eats with its stomach open, how much will it eat in one meal?

Inexplicably, Tian Hong forgot his original plan and wondered how much the nine-clawed demon dragon could eat in one meal.

"It's a joke for the two children, it's a joke, hehe..." The old man burped a few times, stood up long, stroked his shiny beard, with a satisfied expression on his face.


Tian Hong and Sixth Brother looked at each other, suffering at the same time, the two only focused on watching the old man transformed by the monster dragon eat meat, but they forgot that their stomachs were still rumbling.

"The old man is leaving, sleep well, I really hope to see the two children tomorrow, haha..." The old man laughed and walked out, forgetting the bundle of dry wood and the sickle.

"Tian Hong, where's your repelling formation?" Sixth Brother became anxious when he saw that the old man was about to leave.

"Resisting soldiers?!" The old man stopped abruptly, turned his head suddenly, and stared at Tian Hong and Sixth Brother closely with a pair of protruding eyes shooting out a sharp cold light.

The atmosphere immediately became oppressive.

"Yesterday's formation was arranged by you?" The old man slowly approached Tian Hong, but he had no wind to move automatically, and the worn-out Zhongshan suit rattled.

"Yes." Tian Hong groaned secretly. He had waited for the old man to keep a distance from them before activating the formation, but the secret was leaked by the sixth brother, because the old man transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon kicked away intentionally or unintentionally. some stones.

"Seeing that this old man is destined to be with you, I can't bear to hurt you. I didn't expect that you have evil intentions. It seems that this old man can't keep you..."

The old man's benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes have long since disappeared without a trace, replaced by fierce eyes and a look of rebelliousness on his face.

The galloping murderous intent spread across the lawn...


p: There is an update today!

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