Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 123 Fighting the Demon Dragon

The powerful momentum was like a volcanic eruption.

Tian Hong and Sixth Brother were close together, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, especially Sixth Brother, his whole body seemed to be roasted, and his skin turned into a fiery red color.


The old man shouted loudly, stretched his sleeves, and the dark clouds covered the sun. Tian Hong and Sixth Brother were startled, and almost subconsciously took a few steps back to avoid the sharp edge.

However, after that ferocious move, there was no further movement.

When the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, the two of them stared at the moonlight and were stunned. They saw a figure running wildly in the distance. It turned out that the old man's mighty move was just a feint. Just buying time to escape.

"Boom!" The old man probably ran too fast, kicked a stone, fell down, got up in a panic and ran wildly.


At this moment, Tian Hongfu suddenly figured it out.

Although the nine-clawed monster dragon has boundless magic power and can leave the seal in a short distance, but after leaving the seal, it will become weak, or it is not vulnerable at all.

Tian Hong guessed right, this old man is the nine-clawed monster dragon, and just as Tian Hong guessed, the supernatural power of the nine-clawed monster dragon is confined to the sealed place, and if the body leaves the sealed place, it will become weak. The farther the distance, the weaker the physical body will become.

Now is the best opportunity. If this opportunity is lost, it will be difficult to catch the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon.

The three of them, one in front of the other, quickly opened up the distance. The sixth brother is a woman. Although he is extremely sturdy, but, how can he physically compete with Tian Hong's eclipse and bucket of rice, he was quickly left behind .

However, although the distance between Tian Hong and the sixth brother has been shortened, the distance between Tian Hong and the old man transformed by the nine-clawed demon dragon is getting closer and closer.



The distance between the two sides has been shortened to ten meters, and Tian Hong can already see the panicked expression on the old man's face when he looked back.


The old man's speed became faster.

Tian Hong's heart skipped a beat. They had already approached the lawn not far from the cliff. According to speculation, as long as the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon returned to the sealed place, its mana would increase greatly.

In desperation, Tian Hong took out a few pieces of spirit stones from the scroll and threw them at the old man...





A stone hit the old man's head, and the old man let out a scream, and fell down in response. Almost at the same time, Tian Hong swooped down on the old man.





The sixth brother who came from behind stood there stupidly and didn't know what to do, because the two hugged each other and rolled into a ball on the ground, and the four fists beat each other without any fancy, punching to the flesh, and six Brother teeth have a sour feeling.

This battle lasted for at least half an hour, the frequency of the two people rolling on the ground was decreasing, and the sound of beating was also much quieter, but the two still did not let go of each other, pinching each other...

After all, Tian Hong is young and strong, coupled with his physical strength like a perpetual motion machine, he gradually gained the upper hand.



Tian Hong punched the old man in the eyes, the nine-clawed demon dragon let out a scream, covered his eyes and rolled over in pain, Tian Hong took advantage of the situation and turned over and pressed on the old man, locking the hands of the nine-clawed demon dragon, the old man could not move...

"Yeah, classmate Tian Hong is victorious... ah..." The sixth brother, who was originally excited, let out a terrified voice, and saw that the old man under Tian Hong turned into a nine-clawed dragon. It has grown a little longer, and its whole body is covered with bright black scales. There are two horns on its head, like tree branches. The most frightening thing is that this dragon actually has nine sharp claws.

Although Tian Hong clamped two claws, there were seven other claws desperately tearing at him. In just a few seconds, Tian Hong's clothes had been torn naked, blood stained, shocking.

Tian Hong also knew that it was a matter of life and death, a pair of powerful arms cut back the two dragon claws firmly and did not let go.

If the nine-clawed demon dragon escaped to the seal not far away, he and the sixth brother would not even think about leaving here. The demon dragon could easily slap them to death with just one claw.

In order to avoid being scratched by the dragon claws, Tian Hong began to hug the two dragon claws close to the dragon's head, and rolled desperately. Of course, Tian Hong still wanted to get out of the sealed place. become weaker...

The battle became stalemate and fierce.

The grass was in a mess, with Tian Hong's torn clothes and flesh everywhere. Of course, there were also scales dropped by the nine-clawed demon dragon.

As Tian Hong rolled, the monster dragon seemed to have given it all up. In addition to the crazy claws, a dragon's mouth also opened its bloody mouth, trying to bite Tian Hong. Hold the chin of the nine-clawed demon dragon, not letting go.

Seeing the fierce battle of one man and one dragon, the terrified Sixth Brother gradually recovered from his fear, and turned around in a hurry. She also knew that now was the time of life and death.

It's a pity that the two rolled over and over again, which made Sixth Brother feel like a dog biting a hedgehog with nowhere to bite.

"Tian Hong, what should I do? What should I do..." Sixth Brother stamped his feet anxiously.

"Burn it!" Tian Hong yelled.

"Burn it... I'm afraid it will burn you..."

"You can figure it out..." How can Tian Hong be distracted to speak, when he raised his head, he was almost bitten by the huge dragon's mouth, and broke out in a cold sweat, he quickly lowered his head and firmly pressed against the dragon's chin The body is also tightly attached to the dragon's body. This is the best way at present. The closer you are to the dragon, the safer it is, and the farther you are, the more dangerous it is.

Tian Hong's life is not easy, and the life of the nine-clawed demon dragon is actually not easy. Tian Hong is tightly attached to its body, and it cannot bear force at all. It is only a skin trauma and cannot be fatal. What made the dragon vomit blood was that it now had no mana protection, and the scales on its body rolled on the ground and fell off a lot.

The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was heartbroken, it cherished its scales the most.

If I don’t kill you today, I swear I won’t be a dragon!


Just when the nine-clawed demon dragon was secretly ruthless, suddenly, one of its dragon claws felt a sharp pain, and it tried to raise its head to look, only to see that the bald woman was hugging her leg desperately, spraying black smoke from her mouth. flame……

"Sanwei Zhenhuo... ah... help... help..." The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was scared out of his wits by the Sanwei Zhenhuo. If it was normal, the Sanwei Zhenhuo would not be a problem, but now he left The seal has almost no mana. If it is refined by the three flavors of real fire, it will really be an unjust death.


Under the mad struggle of the nine-clawed monster dragon, Tian Hong couldn't bear it after all, and was kicked away. When he got up and pressed again, he saw the dragon in a strange posture, with its huge head on the ground, nine His legs were crazily digging on the ground, looking like that, he wished he could get into the ground, while Sixth Brother, with a dumbfounded expression on his face, stood beside him stupidly...


p: Looking for some red tickets, do you have any?

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