Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 124 Capture the Dragon

"What did you do?" Tian Hong looked at the sixth brother in surprise, he felt the fear of the nine-clawed demon dragon.

"I... I just burned one of its feet..." Brother Six showed a shy look.


Looking at the nine-clawed demon dragon who was still digging pits on the ground, Tian Hong couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that the nine-clawed demon dragon would be so frightened that even ghosts and gods would shy away from it.

In fact, Tian Hong didn't know that the more powerful the existence, the more afraid of death, and the same is true for human beings.

Although the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon has nine claws, it is clear that digging is not its strong point. Although the back of its body is filled with mud, it can't dig a hole big enough for its body to get into. On the contrary, it is extremely embarrassed. The dragon armor was covered with a layer of yellow soil.

Tian Hong and Sixth Brother looked at each other and smiled without making a sound, quietly waiting beside the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon.

It looked extremely weird now, the two looked at the demon dragon, and the demon dragon was digging wildly like a groundhog.

Time passed by second by second.

The nine-clawed demon dragon finally dug out a hole that wasn't too big, and hurriedly got its head in, and then, its body didn't move...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Haha..." Tian Hong and Sixth Brother finally couldn't help laughing. They thought of ostriches almost at the same time. Ostriches in the desert are typical careless people. When they are in danger, they hide their heads in the desert. inside, but the huge body does not care about being exposed outside.

The two of them never imagined that the mighty nine-clawed demon dragon who can move clouds and rain, control lightning and thunderbolts, would have such a virtue.

"Tian Hong, what should we do?" Sixth brother held his aching belly from laughing, his face blushing, consciously or unconsciously, sixth brother had already followed Tian Hong's example.

"Burn it out, burn the soil around its head, it can't stand the high temperature, it will come out naturally."

"Hee hee, good idea."

The sixth brother was overjoyed immediately, puffed out his swollen cheeks, and blew out a black thread-like flame. The flame baked little by little around the faucet buried in the pit, looking extremely delicate, just like the high-temperature cutter.




The breathing of the nine-clawed demon dragon became rapid, and the exposed dragon body writhed uneasily.

The sixth brother is very patient, the temperature of the Sanweizhenhuo is well controlled, it rises little by little, looking at the steaming ground, Tian Hong thinks to himself, why is this demon dragon's IQ so low?

Is it true that because it has been suppressed for so long, it has lost its spirituality and only knows about killing?

The speech and behavior of the old man who transformed from the nine-clawed demon dragon did not look stupid, but he was a little unfamiliar with human's living habits, or in other words, he had completely forgotten human's living habits.

A sympathy for each other rose again in Tian Hong's heart.

Of course, sympathy belongs to sympathy. Tian Hong knows very well that monsters like the Nine-clawed Demon Dragon, whose nature is tyrannical and boundless, will inevitably lead to endless troubles if they are allowed to leave...

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

A curl of green smoke rose from the ground, and Tian Hong, who was standing beside him, also felt the scorching heat. The nine-clawed monster dragon seemed to be in great pain, and its exposed body and nine claws were unconsciously writhing. However, what made the two of them weird was that the head that got into the ground did not come out alive or alive.

"Tian Hong, I guess this guy won't come out even if he's burned to death." Sixth Brother said dejectedly.

"Well, stop first, if the temperature drops slowly, it must think that we have left and become safe."

The two knew that the nine-clawed demon dragon was at the end of its strength, and they didn't bother to monitor it. After setting up a few repelling formations away from the sealed place, they walked to the lawn not far away and sat on the ground.

With the passage of time, the temperature of the ground gradually dropped, and the body of the nine-clawed demon dragon did not twist in pain, but the dragon head buried in the ground still could not come out alive.

The two of them were bored and chatted with each other.

"Student Tian Hong, will you join the administration?" Sixth Brother asked angrily after touching his swollen cheeks and applying some herbal medicine.

"will not!"

"Why?" Seeing Tian Hong's decisive answer without the slightest hesitation, the sixth brother couldn't help being taken aback.

"I like a free life." Tian Hong raised his head, looked at the vast Milky Way in the sky, and said slowly.

"Actually, joining the Administration, apart from performing some tasks and cooperating with research, no one will restrain you. Moreover, there will be many privileges, how about..."

"I won't think about it." Tian Hong shook his head, looking lonely, this world is not his world, and he will leave this world soon.

"That...that's a pity...Student Tian Hong, after meeting you, I feel that the world has changed. Can you tell me about your world?" Brother Six rolled his eyes and changed the subject.

"My world... what is my world?" Looking at Liu Ge's eyes that were clear and bright, with rippling autumn waves, and extremely charming, Tian Hong couldn't help but feel a little lost. At the same time, there was a trace of regret in his heart. Brother's exquisite facial features have faded a lot, what a pity.

"It's about the spells you mentioned, and the nine-clawed demon dragon. I always thought that the nine-clawed demon dragon was an animal in a fairy tale. Then I know, there is such a thing, and it can shoot lightning and thunderbolts." ,***..." The sixth brother noticed Tian Hong's lack of concentration, and there was a lingering expression on his face, the thunder yesterday was vivid in his memory.

"Actually, many fairy tales are true." Tian Hong looked at Sixth Brother's delicate cheek, thinking whether to tell this woman the secrets about ghosts and gods.

In fact, those are not secrets, but because too many people don't believe them, they become secrets.

"No...then...the Monkey King and the Bone Demon are real?" Sixth Brother opened his eyes wide with an incredulous expression.

"Because...for a very special reason, I don't know much about Monkey King, but I'm sure that even without Monkey King, that kind of thing would have happened."

Tian Hong doesn't know much about Sun Wukong, because Tian Hong's predecessor was at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. It has been sealed in a jade bottle, so I don't know much about it.

"Then that... Is the red boy's Sanwei Zhenhuo real?" It turns out that Brother Liu is still concerned about this issue.

"I don't know about Red Boy, but I know that Sanwei is really popular."

"Ah...that's great, can you help me get the fire point gun and hot wheel?" Sixth Brother was overjoyed and looked at Tian Hong with a smile on his face.

"Yes!" Tian Hong nodded with a smile. He knows the art of refining weapons, and he can refine fire pointed guns and wind fire wheels. Of course, it is not so easy, and he needs to find top-grade Vulcan stones.

Whether it is a mortal stone or a spirit stone, or a fairy stone, or even a chaotic stone, they all have attributes. The more powerful the weapon is, the higher the requirements for the attributes of the stone. .

Therefore, it is not so easy to refine a divine weapon. It is very difficult to obtain an ordinary divine stone, and it is even more difficult to obtain a high-grade divine stone, not to mention that there are attribute requirements for a high-grade divine stone, which is even more difficult.

"Wow, Tian Hong, I love you to death, Hot Wheels, haha...then I can fly..."

"But I won't make it for you."

"Ah...why?" Brother Six, who was in ecstasy just now, seemed to have been poured with cold water.

"I'm afraid you will burn me." Tian Hong glanced at the nine-clawed demon dragon. At this time, the nine-clawed demon dragon seemed to be about to move, and his head seemed to come up.

"Ahem..." Sixth Brother's face flushed immediately, and his swollen cheeks were affected by coughing, and he frowned in pain: "Brother Tian Hong, I swear, as long as you get me a fire-pointed gun and a hot wheel, Xiao Liu will always be happy." I won't burn you with Sanwei Zhenhuo..."

"Can I believe your oath?" Tian Hong smiled softly, stood up and walked towards the nine-clawed demon dragon.

"That... can't..." Sixth Brother's voice was so weak that he couldn't hear him, with a dejected expression on his face, she didn't even have confidence in herself.


There is no movement outside!

The nine-clawed monster dragon kept stretching its nine claws to test around, and felt that there seemed to be nothing around. It was overjoyed, and carefully pulled its head out. The underground one was like a high-temperature furnace, which made it very uncomfortable...


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