



In order to escape for his life, the nine-clawed demon dragon frantically fled one after another, collided with the repelling formation, and made an earth-shattering sound. Soon, the nine-clawed demon dragon exhausted its strength, and limp on the ground like a dead snake, spitting out with its mouth wide open. Angry, extremely embarrassed.

"Why didn't you run away?" Tian Hong said jokingly.

"Boy, what do you want?" The nine-clawed demon dragon stared at Tian Hong ferociously, with sharp teeth showing in its huge mouth.

However, even the sixth brother could see that this demon dragon lacked confidence.

"Hmph, this old man has been sealed in Wulei Xianshan since the dawn of chaos, how can you be afraid of you two yellow-haired children, don't think that you can scare this old man with the real fire of three flavors, the old man is a body of pure yang, three flavors Even real fire can't refine this old man, so I'd rather give up this body..."

The nine-clawed demon dragon seemed to know that it was useless to run, so it turned into a *human form, and after a cold snort, it looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Seeing the indistinct look at the world from the Nine-clawed Demon Dragon, Tian Hong nodded secretly, this is the real Nine-clawed Demon Dragon.

No matter what kind of animal it is, as long as it evolves to a higher level of wisdom and has great supernatural powers, it will have a kind of arrogance in its bones.

I don't know how many years this nine-clawed demon dragon has been suppressed. It has great powers. When it is forced to the end of the mountain, it naturally has its dignity.

"Senior is a straightforward person, so this king said bluntly that my soul was damaged, and the remnant soul was locked in the eighteenth floor of hell, watched by a group of little ghosts, and unable to use the power of the soul to force me to come to the five thunders. Xianshan hopes to use the inner alchemy of the senior to repair the body and win the sealed remnant soul, I don't know..."

"Haha...haha... This is the funniest joke this old man has heard in countless years." The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon laughed loudly while stroking his beard.

"how do I say this?"

"Little friend, you have underestimated the old man's inner alchemy. Although the old man's inner alchemy is a treasure, it is of little use to the old man. I will give it to you. At worst, I will just cultivate a new one. The old man's body can die, but his soul will not die , I have enough time to re-cultivate an inner alchemy and reshape the fleshy body. However, the inner alchemy of the old man was earlier than Pangu opened the sky, and even the Daluo Jinxian would not be able to use it, let alone your mortal body. What use are you with you?" The nine-clawed demon dragon laughed wildly and spit out a golden bead slightly bigger than a finger, and handed it to Tian Hong without hesitation.

With the bead in his hand, Tian Hong couldn't help gasping for the delicate feeling. Just holding the bead in his hand, he could feel the mighty and boundless aura, like a big river rushing, and the surrounding air seemed to be substantial. .

"Give you."

Tian Hong sighed, what the nine-clawed demon dragon said was right, let alone the inner alchemy that this physical body cannot endure, even at the peak of his physical body, it is impossible to endure the inner alchemy that is full of the aura of heaven and earth to the point of yang. Dan, even if kept by his side, will also damage Yangshou.

All treasures that are as fresh as yang will have side effects. If they are not blessed, they will inevitably bring disasters to themselves, and they will respond to the proverb that "everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty".

In history, there have been countless bloody facts to prove that many people have attracted the prying eyes of countless people because of their treasures and secret books, and finally caused the disaster of killing themselves. In fact, this is called suffering without blessing.

Tian Hong deeply understood the reason behind it, so he immediately handed over the inner alchemy to the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon.

The reason is actually very simple, Tian Hong has no blessings to endure, and he is unable to protect the most precious treasure in the world, so he will inevitably attract the prying eyes of the blessed, and at that time, it will inevitably lead to the disaster of killing himself.

The nine-clawed demon dragon proudly took the inner alchemy and swallowed it into its belly.

"Hmph, I don't care if you're useful or not. We won't get it, and we won't make it easier for you. We were almost struck to death by you with lightning. Now, this inner alchemy is the cost of soup and medicine. Give it to me!" Transformed into a *human form, he became much more courageous, and jumped out to ask for the inner alchemy.

"Little friend, your body is wandering between yin and yang, neither male nor female, what's the use of this inner alchemy, you are not afraid of becoming a man completely?!" The nine-clawed demon dragon sneered.

"What's not a man or a woman, be careful what you say!" Sixth brother turned pale and said angrily.

"Hey, little friend, your innate three-flavored real fire is full of extraordinary meridians and eight meridians. I'm not afraid to tell you that if your body is allowed to develop, it will definitely follow the yang and turn into a body of pure yang. At that time, the three-flavored real fire will I will definitely let you die..."

"F*ck and die!"

The sixth brother backed away again and again, with a shocked expression on his face. The nine-clawed demon dragon spoke to her heart. In fact, according to the experiments of scientists, most of the bodies like her will die naturally. In the world, this kind of case Column records are numerous.

"Hey, according to the old man, you only have two choices. First, die in a coma. Second, dissolve the three flavors of real fire, make it disappear, and restore your daughter's body..."

"Is there a third option?" Brother Six asked anxiously.

"Yes, but I won't tell you, hehe... ah..." The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon let out a scream and flew upside down as if being stabbed by a needle. Then, it hit the resisting formation and fell, shaking Getting up tremblingly, he pointed at Sixth Brother and cursed angrily, "Why did you burn the old man?"

Seeing the angry look of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon, Tian Hong couldn't help smiling wryly. Obviously, the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon hadn't adapted to Sixth Brother's temperamental character.

"Hmph, if you don't tell me, I'll burn you with Sanweizhenhuo every day. Even if I can't burn you to death, I'll let you have a bad life!" Sixth Brother said harshly.

"You...you are cruel..." The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon had never experienced such resentment before, and it was trembling with anger.

"Say it quickly." Seeing that the nine-clawed demon dragon's clothes were soft, the sixth brother said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"Come over here."

"Why do you have to put your ears on... ah... I don't believe your nonsense..."

The sixth brother muttered, seeing the mysterious expression on the face of the nine-clawed demon dragon, he still couldn't help walking over, the demon dragon said a few words in her ear, his face turned red with embarrassment, even his head turned red .

"What way?" Tian Hong asked curiously.


"Don't say it, and don't say it in the future. If you dare to say it, I will never end with you!" Brother Six immediately interrupted Yaolong.

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk, the old man is going to be sleepy, two children, please come back." Nine-clawed demon dragon turned its two big eyes, and finally returned to the topic.

"Brother Six, let's go."

Tian Hong was a little depressed. He entered Debaoshan, but he had to return empty-handed.

"Hey, no, I'm here to hunt for treasure, you go away, in short, I won't leave until I find the treasure." Sixth Brother took out the parchment scroll, opened the landscape map on it, and muttered.

"This is not a treasure map, it's the landscape array map of Wulei Xianshan, don't even think about it." Tian Hong was a little impatient, he just wanted to leave the dangerous Wulei Xianshan as soon as possible. It's always bad for a ferocious monster to get too close.

"Ah...it's not a treasure map..." Sixth Brother looked disappointed, smashed the parchment on the ground, and stepped on it hard.

"Is this the landscape array of Wulei Fairy Mountain?" Suddenly, the nine-clawed demon dragon ran to the landscape array with an excited face, cupped his hands, trembling, as if he couldn't believe it.

Unfold the parchment.

Looking at the familiar mountain peak, the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon trembled all over, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Wuuuuuuuu... God has eyes, God has eyes... oh..."

With a sound of dragon's breath, the situation surged...

"Yes, but judging from the layout of the landscape array, you don't even think about leaving this sealed place." Tian Hong naturally knew what the nine-clawed demon dragon was thinking, and immediately poured cold water on it.

"No, no...you have a solution, you have it..." The nine-clawed demon dragon with fluttering beard grabbed Tian Hong's arm excitedly, begging.

"Do you think I will release a monster that kills the common people?" Looking at the tearful face of the nine-clawed monster dragon, Tian Hong felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. He remembered that he was sealed in the chaotic jade bottle The history of the millennium.

It was a feeling of life rather than death.

That chaos, that long time, is ten times crueler than the cruelest torture in the world.

"As long as you help me, I will agree to any conditions, please, please, woohoo... I don't even remember how many years I was sealed here. At that time, I was very young and very happy Absorbing the chaotic spiritual energy in that chaotic world, suddenly, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the chaos turned into heaven, earth and air. My body was pressed by the earth, and this pressure... woo woo..."

Seeing the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon cry like a child, Tian Hong felt sad for a while. In this world, he is the only one who understands the pain in the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon's heart.

However, Tian Hong is very clear that this is not a problem that sympathy can solve. The Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon seems to be harmless now, but it is actually because he has escaped from the sealed place. I am afraid that in this world, no one can subdue him anymore.

"Sorry, I understand your pain, but I can't help you. This landscape array is not made by man, but by nature. I can't find the eye of the landscape array..." Tian Hong could only force himself He refused wholeheartedly, of course, what he said was the truth, the Wulei Immortal Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, if you want to find the eye, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.


The white nine-clawed demon dragon knelt down with its knees straight, looking at Tian Hong with its cloudy eyes, and there was a tragic atmosphere in the air.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

"As long as the two of you can help the old man break the seal and give me back my freedom, the old man is willing to promise you any conditions, including the old man's treasure, and also, the old man is willing to use the original power of life to help you restore your soul and body. Transformation, I would like to make an oath with the energy of chaos, if I break the oath, I will be torn into a single strand of soul by the power of chaos, and I will never live, in that world of chaos, eternal reincarnation..."

"Bao Treasure...Tian Hong, just help him, it's so poor..." Sixth Brother encouraged him with his eyes lit up when he heard Bao Zang.

"Brother Six, do you know Da Luo Jinxian?" Tian Hong sighed. Although being able to restore supernatural powers is full of temptations for him, there are too many uncertain factors that may be caused by the release of the nine-clawed demon dragon. He dare not take risks. , he couldn't imagine what a monster dragon out of control would do in the world.

"What happened to Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Although Da Luo Jinxian is not the main god, his supernatural powers are enough to move mountains and seas, and he treats the world like ants. And this nine-clawed demon dragon is even more powerful than Da Luo Jinxian. If you let it go, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"Moving mountains and overwhelming seas... so powerful!" Sixth brother shrank his neck, gasped and looked at the poor old man in front of him. Although the real body of this old man was fierce, but he was not big, she really couldn't compare this old man with moving mountains and seas. Think together.


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