Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 128 Murphy's Law

Brother Six didn't really want to leave. After walking dozens of steps, seeing that Tian Hong didn't respond, he didn't even raise his head, so he walked back dejectedly, sat on the stone beside Tian Hong and sulked.

Tian Hong is becoming more and more like an elm bump now. In the past six days, he has hardly spoken [-] words to the sixth brother. Brother feels very depressed.

"Do you have something to do?" Tian Hong seemed to feel the anxiety of the sixth brother, and asked.


"You can leave first. This king has found the eye of the formation, and he will go back after releasing the nine-clawed demon dragon."

"What about my treasure?"

The sixth brother was very depressed, the monster dragon insisted on letting them find the eye of the formation first, and then let them enter its treasure cave.

"After I release the demon dragon, I will naturally give you those gold and silver treasures."

"That's the only way, classmate Tian Hong, it's because I don't want to accompany you to find the eye stone, it's because I have something important to do. When I came out, I made an appointment with Brother Yi to go to Japan for a week. Now, more than half a month has passed, and there is really no delay."

"Big Brother?"

"Well, brother one, the first person recruited by our management bureau, Tianshen with copper head and iron arm, is very good at horizontal training. He can defeat a hundred with one enemy. This time he is on a mission in Japan, and it is said that he has encountered some troubles. Need my support."

"What mission?" Tian Hong was a little curious. He had never known what the members of the Administration Bureau were doing. At the same time, because of the influence of history books, he didn't have the slightest impression of Japan as a country.

"It is... to protect people from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and mainland China who went to Japan to protest."

"Protest what?"

"It's not the damned Yasukuni Shrine, huh! I pissed me off that day, and I set it on fire." The sixth brother raised his brows, gritted his silver teeth, and a hostility overflowed, and the surrounding temperature plummeted. Instantly became hot.

"What is the Yasukuni Shrine?" At this time, Tian Hong, naturally not afraid of the real fire of the three flavors, asked lightly.

" don't know about the Yasukuni Shrine?" Sixth Brother opened his eyes wide, looked at Tian Hong in disbelief and asked, "Are you still Chinese?"

"Does this have something to do with being Chinese?" Tian Hong couldn't help being taken aback.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, anyway, it's very complicated, do you know the Law of Mo Fei?" Brother Six suddenly asked.

"I know, when you don't bring an umbrella, it rains, and when you bring an umbrella, it doesn't rain. When you lean on the back of your chair and breathe a sigh of relief, the boss comes to the office to inspect; in communication, you don't want to see someone When there is someone, the chance of meeting someone increases..." Tian Hong can answer this question, and Tian Hong has the answer to this question in his huge brain database. He doesn't know about a problem that all Chinese people know, mainly because Tian Hong subconsciously rejects knowledge in these fields. Every time he sees historical materials about Japan, the tyrannical gene lurking in Tian Hong's blood vessels will explode.

"Yes, people always believe in probability and think that events with low probability will never happen, but, if something bad is possible for us, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen and cause the greatest possible loss .” Brother Six said worriedly.

"Well, from the point of view of Taoism, this is a kind of thought. People will always feel that something is wrong through various external factors. At this time, the thought is not clear; if it is figured out, the matter can be solved through thinking. If you don’t understand it, it’s called clear thinking, and in cultivating the Tao, a lack of clear thinking can also become a kind of inner demon, so the inner demon is everywhere, everywhere..."

"Yes, I can't think clearly now. I have a strong premonition that something will happen to Brother Yi. I have to leave here. That premonition is getting stronger and stronger."

"Who is stronger, Brother Yi or you?" Tian Hong asked with a frown.

"The Administration is full of experts, because everyone is good at different things, so the tasks they perform are also different. Usually, although everyone secretly competes, no one has really competed. However, judging from the private ranking of the Administration , I want to be in front of the first brother."

"What's your ranking?"


"Where is the first brother?"



Tian Hong was speechless. It seems that the gap between the first brother and the sixth brother is really not a little bit.

"Okay, remember my satellite phone number, and let me know when you find the eye stone, hehe, I think I'm buying a Lamborghini." When the sixth brother talked about the car, his eyes formed a crescent-shaped slit.

"Go, don't worry, you face Qingqi, your forehead is bright, it is the image of longevity, although there will be some twists and turns, but it will not damage its longevity, and there will be noble people to help." Tian Hong said after looking at the handsome face of the sixth brother.

"You know fortune-telling?" Brother Six asked in surprise.

"The most beautiful human experience is the sense of mystery. Mystery is the deepest and most beautiful emotion of human beings. It is also the sense of mystery that drives human beings to continuously explore nature and themselves. Human beings and nature are closely related and have a mysterious relationship. If you understand the secrets of heaven and earth, then you have mastered your own destiny..."

"But, this is superstition..."

"Is the nine-clawed demon dragon a superstition?" Tian Hong asked lightly.

"Ah... this..." Sixth Brother was speechless for a moment, she had seen the supernatural powers of the nine-clawed demon dragon with her own eyes. resonance.

"It's getting late, it will take a long time to get out of this primeval secondary forest, go."

"Oh...then I'll go..."

The sixth brother walked a few steps and turned his head, and saw Tian Hong's eyes focused on the landscape pattern on the stone, and he couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face.

Tian Hong didn't know about Sixth Brother's nostalgia. He was engrossed in looking at the landscape pattern on the stone. When he mentioned Sixth Brother's thoughtfulness just now, he seemed to feel something vaguely.

Seeing the details is the ultimate goal of every ascetic.

To gain insight into every detail, see through all things in the world, let thousands of thoughts converge into thinking, and when a thought moves, you can know the cause and effect, that is the real great supernatural power.

This monster dragon was conceived by the energy of chaos. It is a monster other than good fortune. Outside the three realms of reincarnation, the human world has a long-standing understanding of this nine-clawed monster dragon. It can be seen from the landscape array on the parchment scroll , drawing a picture of the landscape array without showing the eye stone, it can be seen that people are wary of the nine-clawed demon dragon, and at the same time, it also illustrates a problem, mortal humans can also see yin and yang with great wisdom...



Tian Hong's body was shocked, he ignored the most important thing, that is the Taoist temple in Wulei Xianshan...

According to legend, the prince of the Jingle Kingdom in the Western Regions once chose this place to build a stone room to practice hard and "achieve the Tao". This is the famous Emperor Zhenwu.Later, Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty went up to the mountain to start a Taoist temple.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Dui, the editor of Hanlin's national history, resigned from office and retired to Wulei Mountain. He expanded the temple in Wulei Mountain, promoted Taoist culture, and personally wrote the title "the most famous mountain in southern Chu". Since then, Wulei Mountain has become famous and built The palace is "a hundred miles away, and all the counties look forward to it".

Calculating from historical records, the nine-clawed demon dragon should have appeared as early as when Emperor Zhenwu was cultivating Taoism. In order to prevent the demon dragon from causing harm to the world, he simply built a stone room to practice hard and waited beside the demon dragon. Li Jing simply created a Taoist temple and suppressed it so far. It can be seen that all dynasties and generations have attached great importance to the nine-clawed demon dragon of Wulei Xianshan.

According to the habits of human beings, the eyes must be carefully guarded, and the best way to wait for the eyes is...

Taoist temple!

Suddenly, Tian Hong became enlightened.

He ignored the most prosperous Taoist temple in Wulei Xianshan. From the very beginning, he walked into a dead end. When he saw the shoddy Taoist temples along Wulei Xianshan, he was already disappointed, but he did not expect that Wulei Xianshan Taoist temple The original intention of the temple construction.

It seems that the eye stone must be in the Taoist temple of Wulei Xianshan!


p: Chapter 3, ask for a red ticket, there is another chapter around 12 o'clock!

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