Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 129 The Eye Stone

After Tian Hong figured it out and looked up, the sky was already dark, and he actually thought about it for a whole day.

He casually found something to satisfy his hunger, without the sixth brother by his side, it was much more convenient for Tian Hong to use the galloping technique taught by Hei Wuchang to run between the mountains and forests.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there were countless capable people and strange men. At that time, when you used spells, not many people would watch them. However, in this society, spells are basically extinct. Using spells in this environment will inevitably cause some unnecessary Therefore, Tian Hong also tried to avoid using spells in front of the sixth brother.

In fact, Tian Hong's mentality just caters to the general trend. In ancient times, some cultivators would avoid contact with mortals, so as not to attract mortal prying eyes. Therefore, cultivating Taoism has always been shrouded in a layer of mystery among mortals. Not known to all...

The biggest disadvantage of human beings is getting something for nothing. This is the inferiority of human beings. If mortals really see the gods appearing, they will definitely try their best to seek Taoism and cultivate immortality. This will overthrow the entire human being. Choose a very small number of people to see, let them spread word of mouth, and generate religious cohesion.

The so-called "Believe it, you have it, don't believe it, you don't have it" is a way of dealing with the world of the gods.

The avenue is natural.

Fish have fish ways, turtles have ways of turtles, human beings have ways, and immortals have ways of immortality. If everyone wants to become immortals, then human beings will not engage in production and their foundations will be shaken. "Contradictory, because human beings are part of nature, if everyone practices Taoism, it is tantamount to violating nature.

Whether it is cultivation or belief, it is a spiritual driving force. It is what you need, not others to persuade. To promote the Taoist temple, it is only to promote spiritually, and not to use supernatural powers and longevity as a temptation.

Appearance is only one of the auxiliary methods for the gods to firmly believe in the belief. When the gods show their supernatural powers, human beings must be in confusion and need to come to the gods to guide a direction. That is to say, most of the gods appear in troubled times. At that time, the gods will only use spiritual beliefs to increase believers.

A simple example, many people believe that gods can bless themselves and cure all diseases. In fact, it is impossible for gods to protect the common people from diseases. If this state continues to deteriorate, human beings will gradually disbelieve in ghosts and gods, because , praying to gods and worshiping Buddha every day has no effect at all, so what is the use of worshiping gods and Buddhas?

At this time, when the gods are about to appear, they will choose a certain believer as a model, and let their deteriorating body functions recover after death. Then, this person will become a devoted religious propagandist. Advertise props around to make humans believe in the existence of gods...

In short, people who really have supernatural powers don't easily show their superiority, which is also the main reason why some cultivators choose to live in remote places, and Tian Hong's current mentality is exactly in line with the heart of cultivating Tao.

What is worth mentioning here is that the belief in gods among human beings is already in a very strange situation. On the one hand, Taoist temples and temples are full of incense; on the other hand, people do not believe in the existence of gods at all while burning incense and worshiping Buddha.

The reason for this is the unknown agreement that Hei Wuchang said, and the great man who went up to heaven to hear, and down to the underworld, and regarded ghosts and gods as nothing. The indifference of ghosts and gods...

In the Taoist temples full of incense, mortals worship the gods, only seeking a kind of peace of mind, but lack of piety and fear.

Compared with praying to gods and worshiping Buddha in ancient times, ordinary people nowadays are more willing to use money to express their piety instead of expressing it with pious spiritual power and awe-inspiring fear. This kind of belief is more powerful discount.

Closer to home, it is said that Tian Hong used the technique of galloping on land and ran all the way in the canopy of the tree. After sweeping for dozens of miles, he reached the main peak of Wulei Mountain in a blink of an eye.

At this time, it was already brightly lit, and the main peaks of the entire Wulei Xianshan Mountain were wrapped in a faint layer of mist, as if covered with a mysterious veil.

In the temples and Taoist temples, the dim lights are flickering. Except for the tourists and incense burners during the day, this barren mountain and wilderness can be extremely desolate at night. There are no people on the trails in the mountains, and some people on duty sneak together Chatting, leaving empty temples and Taoist temples with their gates ajar.

Walking into the hall, the incense candles on the incense table have been extinguished, presumably to prevent fires, after all, on this high mountain, if these Taoist temples catch fire, it will not be fun.

However, without incense candles, this solemn lobby always gives Tian Hong a strange feeling.

Thinking back to the Sui Dynasty, the thousands of kilograms of oil tanks, the incense could not be extinguished for hundreds of years, and then look at the temple today, with a light bulb on, and the deserted wisps of dust on the incense table were blown by the breeze, and it was inexplicable. Tian Hong seemed to see the helpless expression on the face of the painted god...

Eat all the incense in Kyushu, but ignore the catastrophe of Kyushu, perhaps, this is a kind of punishment for the gods from the looted land of Kyushu!

Looking at the majestic gods on the high platform, Tian Hong couldn't help sneering. In his bones, he had a deep-rooted aversion to these lofty gods.

The good thing is that this deserted link is convenient for Tian Hong, who can search for clues unscrupulously.

Tian Hongke didn't have any respect for these messy gods, so he rummaged through the boxes and boxes.

Tian Hong's method is simple and effective. Search from the highest peak to the bottom. According to human thinking, the most important things should be hidden in the safest place. Undoubtedly, the highest peak of Wulei Xianshan is also the most dangerous place. A road is a dangerous place where one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it, and it is the best choice for hiding treasures.

What made Tian Hong depressed was that he searched several Taoist temples in a row, but he couldn't find any clues. It can be said that the Taoist temples in Wulei Xianshan, except for a few golden painted Bodhisattvas and some shoddy incense burners, Utensils, nothing of value anymore...

Tian Hong was not impatient, and still searched carefully in order.

What Tian Hong didn't expect was that he spent four hours searching for it, but he couldn't find it, not to mention the Eye Stone, or even a slightly valuable magic weapon, let alone any secret books and the like.

Seeing the twilight, Tian Hong, whose heart was still like water, also became anxious.

This is a tourist attraction. As long as it was dawn, there would be an endless stream of staff and workers going to work. At that time, it would not be so convenient for him to find anything.

Of course, what makes Tian Hong anxious is not the time issue, but the issue of the building complex, because, looking around, he has already reached the halfway up the mountain, that is to say, he has searched all the buildings that should be searched, except for the ticket hall. .

Obviously, this ticket hall is a modern building, and judging from the terrain, it is impossible for it to be a building built on the original site. Then, when he gets here, he can declare that his search has failed...

Landscape array.

The Eye Stone!

Looking at the buildings built along the ridge, Tian Hong muttered in a low voice, imitating the landscape pattern in his brain, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

From his current position, which is the starting line of the landscape array, he can assume that he is the first person to know that the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was suppressed here. At the same time, he also knows the location of the Eye Stone. How will it be done?

How would I do it myself?

Obviously, if the main hall is built on top of the eye stone, it will cause some people to peep.

So, what should be done to achieve the purpose of deceiving people?

Tian Hongbai chose a high step and looked up. Suddenly, he saw a mountain path wrapped in weeds between the clouds and mist, which was exactly the way Tian Hong walked up the mountain.

"So it is, so it is!"

Tian Hong suddenly had the urge to look up to the sky and laugh. When he saw the mountain path, he immediately became cheerful. Obviously, the route design of that path was unreasonable. Make a way out.

Why design an unreasonable channel?

Obviously, in order to suppress the building complex on the Eye Stone, the only way is to build an unreasonable mountain road so that people must pass through the Stone of Repression.

The best person to guard the Stone of Suppression is a pilgrim like weaving. Just imagine, who can steal the Stone of Eyes in full view?



It really is high!

Suddenly, Tian Hong was impressed by the wisdom of the original designer of Wulei Xianshan.

Thinking of this, Tian Hong rushed towards the old road at full speed...


p: Chapter 4 has been updated, please ask for some red tickets!

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