Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 130 The Secret of the Landscape Array

Tian Hong believes that the last cornerstone of that ancient road is the eye of the landscape formation.

The ancient road was originally connected to the new road, but it was just abandoned. Ten minutes later, Tian Hong stood on the last cornerstone of the ancient road on the mountainside. There is a building that looks like a doorman.

Under the moonlight, this is a very ordinary blue stone slab. The only difference from other stone slabs is that this stone slab looks very big. Apart from a part exposed outside, there is also a part buried inside the mountain.

Why is this happening?

Looking at this plain bluestone, Tian Hong couldn't help frowning. This kind of bluestone is everywhere in Wulei Xianshan. If this stone is the stone of the eye of formation, isn't it true that the entire Wulei Xianshan is the eye of formation? stone?

However, after seeing this unremarkable stone, Tian Hong became more determined that the Eye Stone is nearby.

Because, judging from the trend of the mountain, this ancient road is indeed a bit different. If you observe carefully, you will find that the winding ancient road can choose a better slope to go up the mountain, but this ancient road chooses an unreasonable slope. , doing the opposite.

Judging from the ancient road, it seems that all the purposes are to make this huge bluestone the first stepping stone of Taoism.

At the same time, it is also to let the fast bluestone be in front of the eyes of pilgrims and Taoist temple managers.

Obviously, the problem still lies on the huge bluestone.

Could it be that there is something buried under the bluestone?

Now that he is here, Tian Hong is too lazy to think about it. He prefers to use actions to prove whether his speculation is correct.

While thinking about it, Tian Hong found a place to stand on his feet, bent down and lifted up the huge bluestone with both hands. The Nirvana of the Panlong Ten Stars surged in the blood vessels, and the mighty power was looking for a place to vent in the body.


Tian Hong let out a muffled yell, and the bluestone weighing tens of thousands of catties was lifted abruptly. The release of that power made Tian Hong feel extremely happy.

All of a sudden, a faint majestic light shot out from under the gap in the stone, and when the light was clean, it was like the filtered bright moon.

Tian Hong was overjoyed immediately and tried his best.



With the sound of boulders rubbing against each other, Tian Hong abruptly moved the tens of thousands of kilograms of boulder by half a meter. The boulder and some miscellaneous rocks beside it rolled to the side, revealing a jagged hole. He bent down and saw the hole Almost immediately, Tian Hong judged that this was a primitive cave without the slightest trace of artificial carving, that is to say, the bluestone slab had never been moved.

Tian Hong couldn't help admiring the designers of the Wulei Xianshan Taoist complex once again.

On the Five Thunder Immortal Mountain, ghosts and gods avoid it. It is impossible for ordinary human ascetics to lift the boulder weighing tens of thousands of catties. Even if someone knows that the Eye Stone is here, it is impossible to make a big effort to steal it.

Jumping sideways down the cave, the cave is surrounded by blue stones, on the stone wall, inlaid with a cocoon-like mesh stone, the glorious light is emitted by the mesh stone.

With a kind of intuition, Tian Hong feels that this is the eye stone.

However, what surprised Tian Hong was that there was nothing unusual about this eye stone except that it was different from ordinary stones. Tian Hong didn't even feel the slightest difference, even on the hillside. Tian Hong can feel the energy contained in the mid-grade spirit stone.

Tian Hong walked into the eye stone step by step. From a distance, the eye stone seemed to be very large. After walking in, he realized that it was a kind of visual error, because it radiated a magnificent light and had a little Milky white, it feels extraordinarily large in this cave. In fact, the Eye Stone is less than an arm's length away.

Holding the eye stone with both hands, there is no warm feeling, it is no different from a cold stone, and I pumped it secretly...


He tried to pump the huge boulders around him, and he actually pulled them out from the wall. Although he just tried to pump, he still used some strength. Without mental preparation, Tian Hong was caught off guard and almost fell. One fall.

The net-shaped milky white stone was completely exposed, and the brilliance inside the crypt became more and more prosperous. To Tian Hong's surprise, the eye stone in his hand still had countless slender roots connected to the gray-brown net. On top of it, the roots densely penetrated into the bluestone, like countless silks drilled into the hard stone, spreading radially...

What is this?

Tian Hong didn't immediately pull out the taupe mesh threads, but drew a landscape pattern on the ground, as if he felt something vaguely.

These net-like objects reminded Tian Hong of that formation inexplicably.

What is the connection between the landscape array and the eye stone?

This is what Tian Hong is eager to know, because he found this eye stone not because of the landscape array, but because of his own analysis plus a little luck.

If he hadn't walked through that ancient path, then he would never have found the Eye Stone.

This made Tian Hong somewhat regretful, after all, he had never fully deciphered the landscape pattern on the parchment scroll.

Soon, the landscape array appeared on the stone slab. When the landscape array appeared, Tian Hong had a flash of inspiration, as if he had been enlightened.

Looking at the lines on the landscape map, Tian Hong suddenly realized that he had entered a misunderstanding at the beginning. He took those lines as the direction of the mountains. In fact, those lines were indeed the direction of the mountains of Wulei Xianshan. However, this There is an obvious secret hidden in the direction of the mountains, that is, there is a radiating shape. All the lines of the mountains radiate from this building group, and the starting point is exactly where the steps are...

Judging from the range of radiation, it formed an oval shape like this formation of eye stones, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, and the nine-clawed demon dragon happened to be in the center.

Obviously, these nets are like the blood vessels of the human body, providing a steady stream of aura for the entire Wulei Xianshan, and at the same time providing energy for the sealed place of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon.

What would be the consequences of cutting off the connection between the Eye Stone and Wulei Xianshan?

This is an unknown, but what is certain is that the nine-clawed demon dragon will break free and soar for nine days!


Tian Hong was too lazy to think about the consequences, and with a slight force of his hands, the cocoon-like eye stone and those brown roots were separated.





To Tian Hong's shock, those netted roots suddenly moved, and quickly burrowed into the bluestone cave like a swimming snake, and the netting on the Eye Stone seemed to be steamed, gradually changing from grayish brown to white, turning white Bai, slowly, slowly, completely disappearing...


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