After the nets disappeared, the light in the cave suddenly became brighter. Seeing those nets that seemed to have life disappearing into the bluestone cave wall in all directions, Tian Hong suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment...

He not only released the nine-clawed demon dragon, but also released the eye stone.

This Wulei Xianshan is like a huge monster with life. It controls the eye stone, and uses the energy of the eye stone to control the entire Wulei Xianshan, forming an independent system, and the nine-clawed demon dragon is just a An accidental victim.

Tian Hong never dreamed that he not only released the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon and the Eye Stone, but also released Wulei Xianshan. People who practice Taoism come to live here, but Wulei Xianshan has become a dangerous place where ghosts and gods avoid.

All mountains with spiritual energy will attract human beings, just like some famous mountains and rivers, there will be Taoist temples, attracting people who practice Taoism to practice, and at the same time attracting incense candles, complementing each other and bringing out the best in each other.

In fact, the incense of Wulei Xianshan has not been at its peak. The main reason is that there is a nine-clawed demon dragon. Just imagine, the Taoist and Buddhist golden statues enshrined in Wulei Xianshan, because the nine-clawed demon dragon threatens life. If you don’t dare to pass by, the common people will naturally not believe in it, and praying to God and worshiping Buddha is just a pretense, without a sincere heart.

Wulei Xianshan, which has lost the Eye Stone and the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon, will usher in its true glory!

Slowly, slowly, those brown nets completely disappeared, and suddenly there was a weak vibration from the ground...





There were bursts of earth-shattering thunderbolts in the sky, as if the sky was falling apart.

Putting the eye stone into the soul-calling flag, Tian Hong climbed out, and saw the sky was surging with wind and clouds, and the already twilight sky became dark again, with dark clouds overwhelming the top, mixed with countless lightning bolts, the sky was sometimes like day, sometimes like thick ink...

The heavy rain fell, and the entire Wulei Xianshan seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of mist. Impressively, there seemed to be a giant rolling in the air.

Tian Hong raised his head subconsciously, and all of a sudden, the fine hairs on his body stood on end, and the tumbling thing turned out to be a black and bright nine-clawed demon dragon.

so big!

very long!

Looking at the gigantic body of the nine-clawed monster dragon that was thousands of feet long and whose head could not be seen at a glance, Tian Hong's back felt a chill, and he gasped.

The nine-clawed demon dragon was countless times bigger than he imagined.

The nine-clawed demon dragon seemed to be in extreme excitement. Its thousands of feet of body rolled up and down in the clouds, appearing and disappearing from time to time. The wind and clouds were surging, and it was extremely majestic. The metallic light, the huge fangs make people hairy...

What surprised Tian Hong the most was that under the thunder and lightning of the nine-clawed monster dragon, the Wulei Xianshan in the haze remained motionless, standing between the sky and the earth, like a bigger monster, admiring the nine-clawed dragon. The dragon game is average.

With the dazzling lightning, Tian Hong restored the boulder to its original shape, and galloped towards the land sealed by the nine-clawed demon dragon. During the gallop, Tian Hong discovered that the aura of Wulei Xianshan, which had lost the eye stone, seemed to have changed. The more concentrated it becomes, the cells around the body will naturally produce a powerful attraction.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and lightning and thunderbolts seemed to tear the entire sky apart. The Wulei Xianshan underground stood still, standing upright, majestic and motionless.

Every movement and stillness make people fascinated.

Mercedes-Benz all the way, an atmosphere of joy jumps in the air.

The entire Wulei Xianshan was filled with joy, and all creatures seemed to be celebrating happily.

All of a sudden, Tian Hong suddenly felt that the sky and the earth had become quiet, everything was quiet, and the raindrops fell on his body, like musical notes one by one, and everything in the world seemed to be talking to Tian Hong.

That moment of emptiness allowed Tian Hong to establish a subtle connection with nature, allowing him to understand the cause and effect.

He released the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon!

He released Wulei Xianshan!

He released the Eye Stone!

Everything happened in the time of chaos. Countless accidents caused the three to restrain each other, restrict each other, and be hostile to each other, forming a subtle connection, and this connection has been going on for tens of millions of years...

Whether it was Emperor Zhenwu who first chose this practice, or Li Jing who created a Taoist temple on the mountain, or Zhang Dui, who edited the Hanlin national history at the end of Yuan Dynasty, they never thought that what they tried to maintain was contrary to Taoism. The "great way of nature" has passed endless years in their hands.

A steady stream of spiritual power was poured into Tian Hong's body.

It's a feedback.

It's a dedication.

It's a reward.

Tian Hong didn't need to absorb it forcibly at all, the real spiritual energy wrapped him inside, isolating rain, lightning, and everything in the world. When Tian Hong's heart was beating, the spiritual energy was like a torrential river flowing in his limbs. fly flow.

Tian Hong didn't know how long it had been. This short flight seemed to have passed ten thousand years. When he woke up from his ignorance, the sky was already clouded and the rain had dispersed. A row of thriving, green and verdant, lingering mist shrouded the top of the mountain, like a fairyland on earth, and the bells in the distance were like Sanskrit sounds, flying thousands of miles away...

Tian Hong knew that Wulei Xianshan had undergone nirvana and rebirth!


While flying in the air and thinking, Tian Hong suddenly bumped into an invisible barrier, caught off guard, and fell down.

Fortunately, I didn't break my head.

Touching his head and looking down at his hands and feet, Tian Hong couldn't help but feel ashamed. He really doesn't have much talent for these small Taoist flying skills. He prefers to gallop on his Wanliyun. He enjoys flying around objects Afterwards, the feeling of rushing away...

"Haha, kid, I thank you for this!"

Just as Tian Hong was touching his head, the old man transformed into a nine-clawed demon dragon appeared out of thin air, and walked up to Tian Hong with a big laugh, saluting deeply, with a sincere expression, without the slightest affectation.

"Need not."

"The kid calls himself the king, so he must be a descendant of the royal family, and the old man just goes to the village and does as the Romans do, and just calls himself the prince."

"Alright, I don't know if Senior has gone out?" Tian Hong asked.

"My lord, this old man has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. After you come out, walk around first to see the prosperity of the world. By the way, this is my treasure map. It's something I collected out of boredom. My lord, if you like Yes, just take it, my lord, the old man is leaving first, hahaha..."

A sound of dragon's breath resounded through the heaven and earth, and the wind and clouds surged. The nine-clawed demon dragon had turned into a gust of breeze and drifted away. In the air, a piece of yellowed rice paper fluttered down.

"Treasure Map"

Looking at the big crooked black characters on the rice paper, Tian Hong couldn't help smiling. Judging from the handwriting and pen and ink, it should be drawn temporarily by the nine-clawed demon dragon. Thinking of the clumsy claws holding the brush and drawing with a painful face, It's hard for it.

"Unfortunately, a piece of good rice paper was wasted." Tian Hong gently stroked the old rice paper with a distressed look on his face.

Although the handwriting and strokes on the treasure map are crooked and unsightly, they are clear at a glance. Using the big hills of Wulei Mountain as references, they are very eye-catching.


p: There are at least two more chapters today, please get a red ticket!

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