Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 132 Treasure Cave

According to the markers drawn on the rice paper, Tian Hong trekked among the mountains and forests. He prefers to be down-to-earth rather than flying in the air.

Tian Hong has already decided that after taking the hidden treasure of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon, the first thing to do is to find his remnant soul, and then get back Wan Liyun and the Golden Hammer. Without those two treasures, Tian Hong I always feel like I'm missing something.

Thinking of the remnant souls suppressed in the [-]th hell, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Tian Hong's mouth, and at the same time, he thought of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

In the Wulei Xianshan, Tian Hong not only released the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon and the Wulei Xianshan, but also released the killing gate in his soul.

Killing Gate!


In Chinese history, it is none other than Baiqi who has been promoted as the God of War.

The person Tian Hong admires the most is Bai Qi, but in his heart, the person Tian Hong despises the most is also Bai Qi.

Bai Qi captured Zhao Kuo's 45 troops back then, and ordered: "Anyone without a white cloth is a member of Zhao, and they should be killed." The 45 Zhao army was exhausted overnight, and only 24 soldiers were released back to spread the news to deter Zhao.According to historical records at that time, "the blood flowed with gurgling sounds, and the water in Yanggu turned into Dan, which is still called Danshui".Bai Qi collected Zhao Zu's heads, gathered them into the head mountain, and built a platform on the mountain, which is called Bai Qitai.

Bai Qi led the army and won hundreds of battles throughout his life, annihilating more than one million six army troops.Attacking more than ninety cities in the Six Kingdoms is a miracle. In the years of fierce wars, he never lost a battle in his life; moreover, during the entire Warring States period, according to the research of those who do things, a total of 200 million people died in battle. According to only one-half, it can be seen how far his meritorious deeds have shined.

Tian Hong admired Bai Qi's undefeated performance, but because of a disagreement between Bai Qi and King Qin Zhaoxiang on whether to attack Zhao again, he was replaced by Wang Yan, and after that, Bai Qi's original title was downgraded by twenty ranks , demoted to ordinary soldiers, expelled from Xianyang, and when he went ten miles from the west gate to Duyou, because he cursed King Zhao along the way, he was given a sword by King Zhao and ordered him to commit suicide. He also said: "I will surely die. In the Battle of Changping, the number of Zhao soldiers who surrendered was 10. I cheated and killed them, which is enough to die."

These last two sentences made Tian Hong completely disdain Bai Bai.

If Bai Qi is compared with Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, Tian Hong admires Xiang Yu's "he can be replaced."

Compared with Bai Qi's brilliant military exploits and undefeated legend, Li Yuanba is better at individual combat. At that time, almost no one could go three rounds in front of him. It can be said that Zhao Wang Li Yuanba is invincible all over the world.Siming Mountain Li Yuanba defeated the 23 anti-king army; successively killed the famous generals Wu Tianxi and Yuwen Chengdu, and faced more than 100 million troops in Zijin Mountain, a pair of golden hammers beat flies like flies, only killing corpses and blood, forcing Li Mi to hand over Yuxi, the Eighteenth Route Anti-Wang presented a surrender table.

In just a few battles, Li Yuanba caught up with Bai Qi's lifelong military exploits. Moreover, he was a horse with two hammers, and he accomplished the immortal hegemony alone, making great contributions to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

It is a pity that Bai Qi's record has created the highest example of Chinese military art in actual combat, and he has become a well-deserved god of war, while Li Yuanba has become a legend in wild history.

In the eyes of later generations, Li Yuanba is just a fictional character compared to the famous Bai Qi.

Thinking of this, Tian Hong couldn't help feeling tight in his chest, and the engraved hatred in his bones welled up in his heart again.

If he hadn't been attacked by lightning from the winged bird man, he would never have become a fictional character, and he would have left a strong mark in China's war history...

Who set up an ambush to attack him?

Obviously, the mana of the Birdman who has sealed him for thousands of years is stronger than him, because for a master like Tian Hong, the slightest movement of the grass will cause a warning sign in the body, and the other party can strike him by lightning without anyone noticing. And died, sealed in the jade bottle, which shows that the other party's supernatural powers are much superior to his.

Why do I have any complaints and ugliness with him?

Suddenly, Tian Hong thought of a very important question. Whether it was Lei Zhenzi or Lei Gong and Dian Mu, they were all dissected into immortals, so it was impossible for them to have the ability to ambush him. In terms of rank, they were at best earth immortals. In Hong's peak state, even human immortals have to stay away, let alone ambush him, he can wipe them out with a single finger...

Whether Birdman is them or not seems to be worth considering.

"Treasure Cave!"

While thinking about it, Tian Hong has already walked in front of a huge cave. On the top of the cave, there are three huge traditional Chinese characters engraved. Looking at the fresh engravings that crawl like earthworms, Tian Hong can't help but smile, presumably, This was engraved by the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon temporarily because he was afraid that he would not find the treasure cave.

Looking at the scratch, Tian Hong had reason to believe that it was engraved with the claws of the nine-clawed demon dragon.

Seeing the crooked handwriting, inexplicably, the gloom in Tian Hong's heart was swept away.

Although there are big characters engraved on the entrance of the cave, the entrance of the cave is filled with a huge stone. Obviously, this is the nine-clawed demon dragon who is afraid that others will enter the entrance of the cave by mistake.

With Tian Hong's strength, he was able to throw a stone lion weighing several thousand catties into the air to play, so the stone of ten thousand catties is naturally not under his words.

After removing the huge stone, Tian Hong opened his mouth from ear to ear within half a step into the treasure cave...



Even as a nobleman of Tian Hong's royal family, he was still shocked by the wealth in front of him.

Maybe the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon was too lazy, or it could be said that there were too many treasures to pile up. After removing the boulder at the entrance of the cave, a ray of sunlight shot into the cave, and Tian Hong's eyes almost felt like he couldn't open it.



At the entrance of the cave, countless gold and silver treasures were thrown on the ground in a mess, one box after another, one pile after another, without even a place to stay. If you are not careful, you will step on some exquisite antiques and antiques. The place leaning on the cave wall is piled up like a mountain. Judging from that posture, there is a danger of falling down at any time.

Tian Hong held his breath and walked carefully among the gold, silver and jade objects.

Walking into the depths of the cave entrance, the light has not dimmed. The cave wall is inlaid with countless luminous pearls that are bigger than fists. general color...

Tian Hong felt his head was a little dizzy, his eyes were a little dazzled, and he kept wiping his eyes, reminding himself that this was not a dream.

The cave is very large, like a winding dome, and the whole cave is full of all kinds of utensils and treasures. With the gradual deepening, in addition to some gold and silver treasures, Tian Hong also found countless strange things. Things, some rusty metal pipes, and a very old toilet. What makes Tian Hong the most strange is that in this cave, there is actually an ancient warship with a strange shape, tens of meters long, exposed in the cave. The cannon outside was covered with a layer of green rust.

There are not only metal objects, but also some wooden furniture, carved dragons and painted phoenixes. Unfortunately, due to improper storage, most of them have decayed. Tian Hong just touched them a little, and they collapsed into a pile of ashes.

Walking past the ancient giant battleship, looking around...


Tian Hong's body was solidified like a sculpture. In front of him, there were piles of human bones piled up like hills. From time to time, clusters of faint fires ignited from the gloomy bones. The fires floated in the air, deep and terrifying...


p: There will definitely be more today, ask for a few red tickets, and kill them!kill……

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