Tian Hongyun looked around among the corpses with his eyes, and soon he found that the corpses here were all cultivators, and most of them were dressed in cassocks or Taoist robes.

Apparently, these people came to Wulei Xianshan to hunt for treasures and were killed instead. Judging from some relics scattered on the ground, many of them were masters of Taoism.

Tian Hong made a good guess. Everyone here is not an ordinary person. In the human world, it can be said that they can call the wind and shake the rain, and among them, there are not a few people who have achieved Taoism and become immortals.

The corpses spread for hundreds of meters in the cave, sitting or lying down, or piled up like a mountain, at least thousands of them, which is shocking. In fact, it is easy to understand after thinking about it. The nine-clawed demon dragon began when the chaos first opened. In the long river of time, even if it takes ten years to kill a cultivator, it will add up to an unimaginable number.

Along the way, Tian Hong found that there were all sorts of strange things inside the corpses. Apart from some human corpses, there were also some weird animal corpses, such as snake bones entangled like towers, dinosaurs as huge as mountains, and Skeletons of some unknown beasts.

It is estimated that the skeletons of these ferocious beasts are good fairies. You must know that the nine-clawed demon dragon does not kill ordinary beasts.

At the same time, some human corpses are also dazzling. Although there is no difference from the bones, the heads are clear, some are black, some are red, some are yellow, and there are even green ones. From these Judging from the dazzling head color, it almost covers the entire human race...

It can be said that this is a worldwide museum of human bones.

Tian Hong admired these thick or thin, tall or short bones with great interest, imagining in his head what these people would look like when they were alive.

Judging from the jade, gold and silver ornaments on these corpses, it can be seen that these people are all prominent people.

Tian Hong was born in the emperor's family, and he was exposed to it every day, so his appreciation ability is naturally extraordinary. Those ornaments are all invaluable in the mortal world.


Tian Hong's body froze, his pupils constricted suddenly, like pinholes, and at the same time, a spark like lightning burst out...

Tian Hong's body was also tense like a bowstring, full of explosive power.

At his feet, there was a thin skeleton.

This gray-yellow skeleton has a head and feet, and it is well preserved. It looks no different from other skeletons. However, on the back of this skeleton, there are two more fan-like skeletons...


Tian Hong squatted down slowly.

This is a very feminine corpse, whether it is the remains of ornaments on the body or some exquisite jade objects, it tells Tian Hong that this bird man is a woman.

Gently touching a golden ring on his arm, the bones turned into powder, and the ring fell into the dust. It seems that the bones have been aged for some time, and Tian Hongben's thoughts of asking the nine-clawed demon dragon were immediately shattered. With the forgetful character of the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon, it is estimated that these people who were killed by it have been completely forgotten.

Picking up the golden ring in the dust, there was a complicated pattern on the ring, after a few glances, he couldn't see why, Tian Hong put it in the soul-calling banner.

Indistinctly, Tian Hong felt that he was sealed in the jade bottle and had a relationship with this birdman, which was an indescribable intuition.

Tian Hong has always believed in his intuition.

Galloping and charging on the battlefield, intuition is more effective than eyes. In many cases, intuition is used to judge the ever-changing battlefield.

He also found a few unique gadgets on the corpse of the bird man, but there was no result. Tian Hong didn't bother to dig into the corner, and kept them all in the soul-calling banner. He believed that as long as he was alive, things would eventually come to light. that day.

Standing up and walking all the way in, Tian Hong began to pay attention to these corpses. He found that the birdman's corpse was not the only birdman's corpse, but only dozens of steps away. He found at least dozens of birdman's corpses. It seems that there was a period of time when the birdmen invaded Wulei Xianshan, but they were all hunted and killed by the nine-clawed demon dragon one by one, and buried in this cave...

Based on the number of these skeletons, it can be imagined that countless birdmen flocked to them, but they were killed by the nine-clawed monster dragon, blood flowed into rivers, and they returned home without a feather.

Tian Hong didn't think too much about it. It's not a good time to study all the belongings of Birdman and Birdman. After he gets out, he can hire archaeologists to identify the age of these things. When the time comes, he will naturally know those things What do the symbols mean.

Now, Tian Hong has reason to believe that the enemy he faces will be a very powerful group, not a single person.

As it went deeper, there were fewer and fewer corpses, but what made Tian Hong feel strange was that the brilliance inside became more and more prosperous, revealing a mysterious power.

This kind of power produces a powerful summoning power, which makes Tian Hongyi's feet cannot help walking to the depths.

Turning around a stone beam, Tian Hong was shocked again. This time, he was even more shocked than he saw the dazzling gold and silver treasures when he entered the cave.


Countless weapons!

Shields, spears, knives, giant hammers... all kinds of long and short weapons are available, and there is actually a brass chariot. Some important and conspicuous positions of the chariot are decorated with gold patterns. Gorgeous air.

What surprised Tian Hong was that this chariot was actually equipped with advanced formations. He believed that the driver of this chariot would be able to gallop in the sky.

At the same time, Tian Hong saw a huge Ruyi, that Ruyi was as tall as someone else, crystal clear and full of aura, it was not ordinary at first glance.

There is also a huge clock, which is three meters high. It is actually a clock made of pure gold. There are some simple inscriptions engraved on the body of the clock. It is actually a complete "Prajna Sutra". From the body of the clock, Faintly revealed a vast and boundless power...

Looking at the weapons all over the place, Tian Hong was secretly terrified. If he took out any of these weapons casually, his head would be robbed.

These weapons may be suppressed by the aura of the nine-clawed demon dragon, unable to release its unique aura. Except for the shape, Tian Hong has no way to tell what level these things have reached. However, Tian Hong believes that , each weapon must have its unique ability.

No wonder there are no weapons in those wreckages. It turned out that all the weapons were collected here by the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon. Obviously, the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon should come here often. All the details are revealed...

Obviously, this place is where the Nine-Clawed Demon Dragon collects its trophies!

Tian Hong finally recovered from the shock, and he was not polite, and put them into the soul-calling flag one by one. The soul-calling flag is said to be able to collect millions of souls. It is an ancient artifact in the underworld, but now it is used by Tian Hong as a universe bag , that Yin Tianzi knew, he was probably going to vomit blood with anger.

However, the workload of this collection is huge, because, in order to remember the location of some things in the future, Tian Hong has to sort them out.

During the sorting process, he saw amazing treasures from time to time, but facing this huge treasure house, Tian Hong was already a little numb...


p: Brothers, vote if you feel good!

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