The beacon of youth

Chapter 106 Report

The general was open-minded and upright all his life. He liked the upright subordinates very much, but he hated flattery and sycophants.

The general was very satisfied with Li Yong's answer: "Damn, speak out what you have, it's a good thing to have a higher rank, you should be happy, don't be like some people who are hypocritical and act like a bear, ambush when you talk and do things.

I have already contacted you about the clothing, and it will be delivered in a while. Director Liu of the quilt clothing factory told me that he is very familiar with you and has dealt with you before. He will definitely use your military uniform as soon as possible. completed in time. "

The general paused for a moment and asked again: "How many prisoners have you captured in total? What good things did you get? If there are any very good things, don't forget me, the commander, and tell you two boys, our column commander The Ministry is also very poor."

Li Yong knew that the army had won a big victory, and the commander was in a good mood now, so he hurriedly replied: "When we retreated from Yulin, we hit an ambush by the enemy on the way and captured more than 600 people. We captured more than 4000 people in the Changgao Mountain battle. , I selected more than 1000 people from there, and then sent two platoons to Shajiadian to participate in the attack with the Ninth Brigade, and captured more than 500 people, adding up to more than 200 people."

After hearing Li Yong's report, the commander couldn't help being stunned. Are there so many prisoners?Also sent troops to participate in the Shajiadian battle?Why didn't anyone report this to me?

"The two of you guys really did a lot of fighting. If you add all of them, your regiment will have more than 3000 people. It is a good thing to have more people, but the army composed of so many prisoners must be careful not to reduce its combat effectiveness. Is there any good way?"

"Our method is to make full use of the political and ideological weapons of our army to educate the captured soldiers, develop complaint and comment groups, explain our party's ideology and program to the soldiers, and let every soldier consciously join our army. Here comes the melting pot."

Wang Chengde then reported some small methods and details to the commander.

The commander listened carefully to Wang Chengde's report: "That's right, it should be like this. Every soldier must understand the truth of our party and army's armed struggle, and every soldier can consciously fight, so that our army can be Invincible army, we are also very interested in your army by writing your practices and some of your experiences and experiences as our political commissar."

The commander who took two steps suddenly smiled and said to Li Yong: "By the way, tell me about any other good things you have seized. I have heard people say that you are very good at this. "

Li Yong said a little embarrassedly: "29 mortars, 32 heavy machine guns, more than 100 light machine guns, more than 500 submachine guns, more than 2000 rifles, nine jeeps, 26 large trucks, and two 12.7 Millimeter anti-aircraft machine guns, twelve [-]mm caliber howitzers, that's all the big ones, and the rest are some bullets, grenades, and steel helmets."

"Really? There are so many? Aren't you land rich now? There are also twelve howitzers and two anti-aircraft machine guns? Well, there are a little less anti-aircraft machine guns. We have been eating this since the Red Army. Fortunately, many cadres and soldiers were killed by the plane, and the situation may be better with anti-aircraft machine guns." The commander said happily.

Li Yong: "Commander, although there are only two anti-aircraft machine guns, they have bullets. When the soldiers got them back, I looked at them. The boxes of bullets were basically unmoved. We have no planes on the Eighth Route. The anti-aircraft machine guns of the 36th Division It's all a decoration.

It is quite a lot to capture more than ten cannons in one battle, which is enough for us to equip an artillery battalion, but there is no cannonball. We are planning how to get some shells. We'd better fire some live ammunition during training so that the soldiers can feel it. "

The bearded commander walked around the room twice: "This is really a problem, you practice first, let's figure out a solution for the shells, but don't pin your hopes on others, you have to train without shells." .

At present in our northwest, our army does not have a factory that can produce large-caliber shells. All the shells have to be captured, and other troops also take a few shells as their treasures. Not to mention the [-]mm howitzers you captured. Even smaller-caliber field artillery shells are rare, and some troops have to ask their superiors for instructions on how many shells they fire. You still have to solve the problem on your own. "

After reporting some other situations to the commander, the two bid farewell to the commander.Li Yong, who came out of the column headquarters, was very excited. The commander didn't say anything to him about picking prisoners in private. A big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

From that day on, Li Yong started a large-scale training activity for the troops. It was still the same as when he first started. Everyone had to do a six-kilometer cross-country training in the morning. Of course, the three female soldiers could train without heavy loads. Still stubborn, but no matter what she thinks, the training must be attended.

Li Yong told Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua that no matter how much resistance this Li Jia had, she had to participate in the training, and she had to be tied up if she couldn't do it.

Then there is individual technical training, the focus is on our army's five major tactics of shooting, bombing, assassination, soil work and blasting. Two jeeps were transferred from the platoon to let the soldiers learn to drive. Although gasoline is very precious, cars also need Learning, at least ten soldiers in each platoon must learn to drive.

The heavy machine guns and small cannons captured were distributed to Wei Gang's machine gun platoon and Gao Xiang's artillery platoon. With the release of weapons, Wei Gang and Gao Xiang were also assigned two anti-aircraft machine guns and twelve large-caliber howitzers.

This made Gao Xiang and Wei Gang very happy. Looking at the equipment in the hands of their soldiers, these two guys felt that they were really rich, and they became rich if they didn't pay attention.

Li Yong's order to the two is to become familiar with the new weapon as soon as possible, master its performance, and form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time, especially Gao Xiang's artillery platoon. Although there are no large-caliber artillery shells, they must also master the performance of the artillery. some.

The weapons were down, but Wei Gang and Gao Xiang said that there were too many weapons, and the more than 80 people in each platoon were not enough.Li Yong told them not to worry, the recruits can be assigned after training.

The captives were divided into four brigades, and four veteran soldiers were in charge of daily training. Li Yong and Wang Chengde had to attend their political and ideological seminars every day and hold meetings with everyone.

The captives also gradually learned about Li Yong's situation from some other soldiers. They knew that Li Yong was a private soldier in the Kuomintang army like them half a year ago. He was captured by the platoon leader Li Jiangguo. The ones who have been captured are now much more important than the old eighth road Li Jiangguo.

This shows that regardless of your background in the People's Liberation Army, as long as you work hard, you will be equally promising. Another point that these captured soldiers did not expect is that most of the people in this army are also from prisoners, just like them.

In this way, there was no barrier between everyone, and the ideological education went more smoothly. Li Yong never thought that his background would be useful for educating the prisoners.

Thinking about it later, my army had only twenty or so veterans at the beginning. Later, when I was in Longdong, the headquarters of the field army added another hundred veterans. Only these people were the real veterans. Of Yuming and Sanniu's group of recruits, there were only more than 300 people who did not have the status of captives, and even themselves were half captives.

It was only then that Li Yong truly understood the power of our army's political and ideological weapons. In the hands of the Kuomintang, he could only be an ordinary soldier, but he could be a hero in the Communist Party's army.

But there is also an accident here. The troops have been training for more than half a month. Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua reported to Li Yong that Li Jia, the radio operator of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang, was very stubborn. No matter how hard they tried, Li Jia just ignored her.

Another night, Li Yong came to the cave dwelling where Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua lived, and the captured Li Jia also lived here.

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