The beacon of youth

Chapter 107 Stubborn Li Jia

The Northwest Field Army is currently resting in the Wuding River area. Most of the troops live in a concentrated place. As a result, the housing of the troops is very tight, and the housing of the secret service battalion is also very tight. The soldiers dug a lot by themselves on the sunny hillside. cave dwellings.

Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, this slogan is not only kept in mind by the cadres and soldiers of the army, but also implemented in action. It is impossible for Li Yong to let each of these three female soldiers live in a room, although he really wants to do this in his heart. They each had a room, so Li Yong could sneak out to Hu Xiaolian's room.

Li Yong hasn't touched Hu Xiaolian for a long time, sometimes when he sees Hu Xiaolian dangling beside him, he feels like grass has grown in his heart, wishing to push her down immediately, and then do something to adults What they both like to do, of course, is what Li Yong and Hu Xiaolian, both young men and women, like to do.

Since He Cuihua came to the army, this opportunity has been rare. Although the two women have different jobs, they always live together at night. In addition, He Cuihua intentionally or unintentionally made troubles for Li Yong and Hu Xiaolian. There are fewer opportunities to be together.

Seeing Li Yong walk in, Hu Xiaolian's eyes and brows were full of joy, her lover came, how could she not be happy?But before she could say hello to Li Yong, He Cuihua hurried over, asked Li Yong to sit down in the room, went back and forth to pour water for Li Yong, and brought out a large handful of famous red dates in northern Shaanxi for Li Yong.

In the army where food is very tight, this red date is a rare item. I don't know where He Cuihua got it, and I don't usually see that this girl still hides these things.Hu Xiaolian frowned and didn't say anything, just asked lightly: "Battle Commander, why do you have time to come here?"

Li Yong and Wang Chengde haven't officially announced the establishment of an independent regiment, so everyone still calls Li Yong and Wang Chengde the battalion commander and instructor.

Li Jia in the cave looked at Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua coldly. She is a very smart woman. She has long seen that Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua are interested in Li Yong. Now these two women are working hard, but He Cuihua's obvious performance Hu Xiaolian was a little reserved.

I don't know what's so good about this communist battalion commander who also has the same surname as himself?Let these two women fight and scramble, the battalion commander of the communist army looks very good, and has an indescribable bookish air, but he looks young, what can such a young age have? ability?Maybe, like **, he became an official based on the relationship between the third uncle, the second uncle, the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt.

Li Yong sat down, took a sip of water, and threw two jujubes into his mouth: "It's nothing, I'll come and see you, you guys are the fairies of our camp, especially Li Jia, you just arrived in our army, If there is anything you are not used to, just tell me, and it’s the same with the two of them, although our PLA is poor, we will try our best to solve any difficulties.”

Li Jia said with no expression on his face: "I'm sorry, Chief Li, I haven't wanted to join your army yet, besides, I'm a prisoner, so there's nothing else a defeated general can ask for, as long as he doesn't kill him, he will be considered a favor. "

Li Yong smiled and didn't express his anger at Li Jia's words. He asked where Li Jia was from, what school he graduated from, and what did he study?Finally, he said: "A polite man can't ask a woman's age, but I still want to ask your age, can I say it?"

Li Jia felt that there was nothing to keep these things secret, even if the troops who did not join the Communist Army told him it would be fine. After some research, Li Yong knew that Li Jia was from Jiangsu. He was 22 years old this year, one year older than Hu Xiaolian.

After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the radio training class run by the Kuomintang in Shanghai. He is a serious radio master. He served as a soldier in the 36th Division of the Kuomintang for three years and was promoted to a captain officer because of his excellent receiving skills.

Li Yong thought to himself: "Damn it, even if such a master is tied with a rope, she must be allowed to join the People's Liberation Army, and she must be taken down no matter what. Now the army lacks such educated and skilled people."

Li Yong, who pondered for a while, asked: "Can you tell me why you became a soldier?" Li Jia replied calmly: "There is nothing to keep secret. My motivation for joining the army is to fight Japan, save the country and the people, and wipe out everything for the party and the country." Barriers, let the children have a good life."

Li Yong nodded: "That's right, fight Japan, save the country and the people, let the children live a good life, women don't let their eyebrows down! But now that the Japanese have been defeated by us, why don't you want to join our People's Liberation Army? Tell me the reason, as long as you make it clear to me, I will let you go, and you can do whatever you want."

Li Jia stared straight at Li Yong with two eyes: "Is what you said true? If I make it clear to you, will you let me go?"

Li Yong: "I am a soldier and a member of the Communist Party. We Communists mean what we say."

"Okay, then I'll trust you for once." Li Jia is a very smart woman, and she doesn't believe that Li Yong can let her go, and she can guess how much the People's Liberation Army values ​​her. They really need soldiers like her.

But there was no other way, and he couldn’t run away. Although the Communist Army treated him preferentially, he even sent two women to live with him. It was obvious that he was taking care of him, but in fact he was under house arrest.

Fortunately, Hu Xiaolian has always been very kind to herself. That He Cuihua is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Same.

If I ran out secretly and was found by this female Communist Party member, I would definitely use her sniper to kill me. If it was like that, my life would be enough.

Seeing what Li Yong said today, I had no choice but to try and explain my reasons: "The Japanese surrendered, and the country should have a unified government, a leader, and this government should be the national government. And this leader is Generalissimo Chiang.

No matter any party or individual should be under the leadership of this government and leader, so should you **.But now you ** not only do not obey the leadership of the government, but also fight a civil war. How do you want me to join such an army? "

"You are wrong. We Chinese do not want to fight a civil war. What we want is peace. The Anti-Japanese War lasted eight years. Counting the six years in the Northeast, we fought the Japanese for a total of 14 years and paid a huge price. The price, tens of millions of people died, finally defeated the little devil.

After the Japanese surrendered, China was in dire straits, and the people were in urgent need of self-cultivation. The opinion of our Communists was to lay down their knives and guns and form a coalition government governed by two parties.

But Generalissimo Jiang of the Nationalist Government disagreed. He didn't pay attention to us Communists, let alone our people's army with poor weapons and equipment, and kept provoking conflicts between the two parties everywhere. The friction between the two armies, thinking that with the millions of superior troops armed by the United States and sophisticated weapons, we can wipe out our Communists in a short period of time.

The Kuomintang troops launched an all-out attack on our Liberated Areas in the Northwest, Northeast, North China, East China, Southwest Shandong, and in the vast Central Plains, and threatened to solve the Chinese problem within three months.If you read it, I don't need to explain it.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, we Communists constantly make concessions. Someone Jiang said that we had too many troops in **, so we demobilized more than 20 veterans who had passed the test of the War of Resistance. Someone Jiang said that our The territory is too big, so we gave up a large part of the liberated areas that we bought with blood and lives during the War of Resistance to the Nationalist Government, and we also gave up more than 100 cities. Is it time to do it?Are we ** people sincere enough?

Should Generalissimo Jiang be satisfied?But it’s still not enough. Chairman Jiang means to wipe out all of us Communists.Speaking of this, Li Yong paused for a moment, and glanced at Li Jia, do you think this can make us ** people want to fight a civil war? "

Looking at Li Jia who was silent, Li Yong, who was a little excited, continued: "The Kuomintang's all-out offensive has lasted for more than ten months, killed a large number of Communists, and occupied a large number of our sites. What was snatched from the little devil in the middle school was not given to us by Jiang.

But our Communists are not so easy to deal with. Our people's army, under the command of our Party Central Committee and the Communist Party, wiped out more than 70 Kuomintang troops on various battlefields across the country during the ten-month war, causing the Kuomintang to completely The attack failed due to insufficient troops.

In March of this year, the Kuomintang launched the so-called key offensive in Shandong and the Northwest. On the Northwest battlefield, the Kuomintang used more than 30 troops on the front line, while our Communist army in the Northwest only had more than 2 troops.

Everyone knows about Yan'an, but do you know the importance of Yan'an in the minds of us Communists?Let me tell you, there is no place that can compare to Yan'an in our hearts, because it is the place where our Party Central Committee and the Communist Party live, and it is the holy land of our revolution.

But there is no way, we can only give up in the attack of the Kuomintang, who said that we are not strong enough!Do you know how many tears our soldiers shed when they abandoned Yan'an?

Our army in the Northwest has only over 2 troops, with poor weapons and equipment, each soldier has only a few bullets, and food is insufficient. According to the calculation of the Kuomintang, such a small force will soon be wiped out by them. What is the result?

More than half a year has passed since Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an in March this year, have our Communists been wiped out?Our Northwest Field Army became stronger and stronger in the Vietnam War. Counting the captives in this battle and the local farmers who joined the army, we have grown from more than 2 people at the beginning to more than 8 people now.

Most of the occupied land in our entire Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, except for a few big cities such as Yan'an and Yulin, the vast rural areas have been recovered. Although Hu Zongnan's strength is still stronger than ours, he is only confined to a few big cities. Li dare not go out.

In our vast liberated areas, the Communists conquered the local tyrants to divide the land, and reduced the ancestors and interest rates. In our liberated areas, there are no landlords and bullies, no local tyrants and evil gentry, no exploitation and no oppression, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. This has been the dream of us Chinese for thousands of years. Millennium dream ah.

What makes all this happen?It relies on our party's policies and our people's army. You should have heard about the relationship between our army and the people. That is a family of flesh and blood. Our people dare to fight against any vicious enemy for their own army. , no matter how powerful and vicious this enemy is.

They let their husbands and sons join the People's Liberation Army, and they worked hard at home to produce. They gave the little food to our army, but they themselves ate chaff and swallowed vegetables.

The Kuomintang government of Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan only saw our army of more than 2 people, but did not see our people. Can such a people and army be wiped out?Such a people and army are worthy of our lifelong devotion to it. The goal of our communists is to overthrow the Kuomintang, liberate the whole of China, and establish a democratic, prosperous and strong new China.

I, Li Yong, was a soldier of the Kuomintang half a year ago like you, but now I am a glorious soldier of the People’s Liberation Army. I am proud of my identity. Think carefully about what I said, take a closer look at our liberated areas, and take a closer look Look at the people in our liberated areas, think about whether our army is worth joining, and let me know when you think about it. "

A little excited Li Yong then walked out of the cave dwelling where Hu Xiaolian and the others lived.

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