The beacon of youth

Chapter 108 The humble He Cuihua

After Li Yong left, none of the women in the cave said anything, and they were a little shocked. Hu Xiaolian and Li Yong spent the most time in contact, but Li Yong never said such things to her. Having said so much, Hu Xiaolian felt very uneasy.

Didn't expect this little man who was full of nonsense when he was with him to have so many things in his heart?He is really an upright man, such a man deserves to be cherished in his whole life.

He Cuihua's eyes are full of little stars, oh, mine, how can the battalion commander say that?There are so many more things in this head than mine, so many great principles, none of the chiefs who gave us reports in our village before could explain them. When he said this, I really felt that I was a PLA It is an honor to be a soldier, and it is right to be a soldier.

Li Jia, who usually didn't talk much to Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua, asked them: "How old is the battalion commander? Where is he from? What school did you graduate from?"

He Cuihua cast a glance at Li Jia: "What's the matter? Why are you asking so carefully? Have you taken a fancy to our battalion commander? Others have already taken a fancy to him, and you are too late."

Hu Xiaolian smiled and answered Li Jia's question: "Our battalion commander is the same age as He Cuihua. He is only 19 years old this year, and he will be [-] years old. He is two years younger than me. As for where he is from and what school Graduated, he didn't say, and we don't know."

Li Jia said to herself: "How can he know so many things at such a young age? Judging from his age, it is impossible for him to have graduated from a famous military academy. Could it be that he came back from studying abroad? It’s too young to come back from studying abroad.”

He Cuihua said impatiently: "It doesn't matter where he is from, he must be Chinese, that's all. What about studying abroad? What's wrong with foreign countries? There are no battalion commanders as powerful as us in foreign countries."

Li Jia stroked his head with his hand: "I didn't see it, you admire your battalion commander so much, is your battalion commander very good? Then you also fell in love with it?"

Don't look at Li Jia who doesn't talk usually, it doesn't mean that Li Jia can't speak or can't speak, it's just that she doesn't want to speak because of unsolved psychological knots, Li Jia, who was rationalized by Li Yong, talked about it The words are also very powerful.

He Cuihua, who was choked by Li Jia and stared straight at her eyes, said loudly: "I just fell in love with it, what's the matter? You also look for it if you fall in love with it, but there are conditions. You have to join our People's Liberation Army first, and then you can be interested in our battalion commander. How about you say that you like the battalion commander even if you are a prisoner? Have you thought about it? I will inform the battalion commander when I think about it, or you can go by yourself."

Hu Xiaolian admired secretly, this He Cuihua didn't look careless on the surface, in fact she had a lot of eyes, she seemed very angry, but she was doing it for Li Jia to see, she was using aggressive methods, She was trying to find a way to complete the task that Li Yong had entrusted to her and Hu Xiaolian.

"I was a soldier when our battalion fought Panlong Town. I heard from Li Jiangguo and Zhang Jinsong that when our battalion was first established, it was a company with only 20 people. The soldiers were captured by the platoon leader Li Jiangguo on the way.

Later, I met Commander Zhao of the second regiment. This Commander Zhao admired our battalion commander's ability very much, so he was appointed as the company commander of the special agent company of the regiment headquarters. It was said that it was a special agent company, but in fact there were only more than 20 people. There are many people in a platoon of regular troops. As for why a wounded Kuomintang soldier who just ran out was appointed as the company commander?I don't know the reason, I have to ask those old soldiers.

Our battalion commander has just been transferred to the team directly under the column because of our outstanding combat performance. Since the day our battalion commander became the company commander, the troops have fought so many battles and have not lost a single battle, and the casualties in each battle are very small. In Longdong, an enemy cavalry regiment was wiped out with more than a dozen casualties.

I heard that the commanders like him very much, saying that he is very good at fighting. The commanders of the column and the headquarters have all met our battalion commander. I also heard that our battalion will soon be expanded to a regiment, but the battalion commander and instructors have not announced yet. . "

"I know about this. I attended the last meeting. It was the order announced by the head of our second regiment, Zhao. I guess it will be announced after our recruits come in."

He Cuihua confirmed what Hu Xiaolian said, and then said to Li Jia following Hu Xiaolian's words: "Our battalion commander is very good at fighting. Didn't he say that you are the radio operator of the 36th Division, so you should know the [-]st, [-]nd, [-]rd brigade?"

Hearing He Cuihua talk about the [-]rd Brigade, Li Jia's curiosity was aroused. Of course, she knew the general situation of the [-]rd Brigade, but until now she didn't understand how the Eighth Route Army could stop and destroy this brigade.

Seeing that Li Jia wanted to know what she said, He Cuihua went on to say: "At that time, the main force of the field army was besieging the 36th Division, and there was only one regiment of our army in Changgao Mountain, which was the second regiment that our battalion used to be in.

The battle was brutal. The 500st, [-]nd, [-]rd brigades rushed up desperately, and the artillery fire flattened the positions. They fought from morning to afternoon. When it was getting dark, there were only more than [-] people left in our second regiment. The ammunition was also exhausted, and even our regiment leader picked up his rifle and prepared to fight the enemy with bayonets.

When our army's position was critical, our battalion arrived. The cadres above the platoon of our battalion were all veterans transferred from the second regiment. Seeing the heavy casualties of the second regiment, their eyes were red, and they rushed up the mountain screaming. The battalion commander placed four platoons behind the enemy's buttocks, and put the remaining five platoons on the top of the mountain.

The grandsons of the 30st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades didn’t know that we were coming up, and the troops on the outer mountain had all their ammunition. The arrogance was too high. The battalion commander asked us to put the enemy within [-] meters before ordering to open fire, waiting for our firepower After knocking out the attacking enemies, we began to charge.

We suppressed the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd brigades in one charge from the top of the mountain, and then surrounded them and reimbursed them. It was enjoyable, it was enjoyable, and our battalion commander and I both replaced the shell guns with submachine guns. I fired all four shuttles myself.

The 4000rd Brigade is full of dead bodies from us, and more than [-] prisoners have been captured. I'm not bragging. If you don't believe me, ask the recruit platoon. Most of them were captured by us from the [-]rd Brigade. By the way, their brigade commander Liu Ziqi was also captured. "

He Cuihua spoke with joy and joy. Li Jia is a radio operator of the 36th Division. Of course she is very clear about these things, but she did not expect that it was this unit that killed the 19st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades, and this He Cuihua, a [-]-year-old girl, did not Thinking of how fierce the fight was, thanks to the fact that she didn't run away, this murderous He Cuihua would not give herself a chance.

"According to what you two said, the battalion commander is really good." Li Jia said with a slight smile.

"How? Have you figured it out? If you figure it out, join our People's Liberation Army, then we will be comrades-in-arms. Let's go, I will go with you to find the battalion commander and instructor." He Cuihua tugged on Li Jia's sleeve and said.

Li Jia stood in the middle of the room and said: "You two sisters, don't worry, let me think about it again? I'll tell you tomorrow morning."

"What else is there to think about? If you join our People's Liberation Army, I'll give you the battalion commander. That's all right? You don't know, the battalion commander treats you very dearly, and asked me to treat you well, and even deliberately Tell me not to kill you. I beat a radio operator to death before and was severely criticized by the battalion commander. Now I understand the importance of your job. I must resolutely implement the battalion commander's orders. "

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