The beacon of youth

Chapter 115 Reconnaissance

Erzhen Geyong asked himself if the water was cool, He Cuihua's heart seemed to be overturned.I want to cry when my nose is sore, I thought to myself, looking at your proud appearance, you really look like a cat who just finished stealing its mouth, is it true that all men are so virtuous?Whether the water is cold or not, what is it?

There is a strange custom in a certain ethnic minority in our country. When male guests come to the house, they will be accompanied by a young woman when they sleep at night. This woman may be the daughter of the host or his wife. The author doesn't understand why such an arrangement is made, haha.

When you wake up the next morning, the male host will bring you a bowl of cold water for you to drink. Note that it is very cold and unburned cold water. It means that you have withstood the test last night, did not touch the women of their family, and are not afraid of the cold, such guests are real friends, and they are worthy of association.If you dare not drink for fear of being scared, the host will think that you are a sinister villain who touched the woman of their family last night. Such a person will not be friends with you, and may even use a knife with you .

This explains one thing, what's the matter?Still don't understand?The man who just finished his work is afraid of the cold. Anyone who sees this and wants to ask why is an idiot.

As for whether there is any scientific basis for this legend, no one knows, but our matter.She really wanted to yell at Li Yong, but she suppressed her anger and pretended to be calm and said:

"Yeah, I just finished washing the clothes. Captain, what are you doing here? How can I see that you are a little smug, and you feel like you stole something without being caught. Did you do something bad?"

Li Yong felt his heart tremble, hearing He Cuihua's tone, he seemed to know everything, didn't He Cuihua just come back from washing the clothes?How do you know this?This He Cuihua usually runs the train with her mouth full.It seems that this girl is joking with me again.

Li Yong made up a reason for himself in his heart, then walked away with his arms swaggering.

He Cuihua stabilized her emotions.Holding the washed clothes, she walked into the cave dwelling where she, Hu Xiaolian, and Li Jia lived. Hu Xiaolian hurriedly greeted Nian Cuihua in the house. She is bent into a hook, her face is pink and white, and her two big eyes are watery, as if she can talk.

19-year-old He Cuihua couldn't help but wonder why Hu Xiaolian suddenly became more beautiful than before.What is the reason?Could it be because of doing that thing with the group leader?Does doing that kind of thing make a woman prettier?Is it really so magical with a man?Is it so amazing?The young He Cuihua couldn't figure it out.

Seeing He Cuihua staring straight at her, Hu Xiaolian suddenly felt a little guilty.He snatched the clothes from He Cuihua's hand and said, "What's the matter with you girl? What are you looking at? I don't have any flowers growing on my face, so quickly hang the clothes to rest for a while."

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.After a week of running-in training, the independent regiment has formed a preliminary combat effectiveness. The newly assigned soldiers are wondering why the old soldiers admire this young regiment leader so much?How capable would such a small group leader be?

Everyone wanted to say a few words to this young regiment leader who had been passed on by the old soldiers so miraculously. After the day's practice, Li Yong took a trumpet made of iron and shouted vigorously at the whole regiment meeting:

"Comrades, this is the first group meeting after the establishment of our regiment. Some comrades want me to say a few words. I have no preparations, so I will just say a few words.

Comrades, I would like to ask you a question first.The Red Army, the Eighth Route Army, and the People's Liberation Army led by our leaders until today.From nothing to strong, from weak to strong, outnumbered against outnumbered, outnumbered and outnumbered, battles abound. Do you know the reason?

Some comrades will say that it is because the enemy is too stupid.It's too stupid, and some comrades will say that it's because our strategies and tactics are brilliant,

That's right, what everyone said is correct, but it's not the most important thing, what I want to tell you is.The most fundamental reason why our People's Liberation Army is able to outnumber the enemy, win the many with the few, and defeat the strong with the weak is because our army has a tenacious will to fight and the spirit of never admitting defeat. The army led by our Communists dares to fight Fight any enemy.Fighting with an opponent until the bayonet sees red, no matter how powerful the opponent is,

Comrades, please remember that there are tens of millions of strategies and tactics, and bravery is always the first. Without a brave and tenacious fighting spirit, all other preparations are zero, and no tactics can be used. Advance warriors. "

Li Jia, who was listening to Li Yong's speech for the first time, nodded secretly. The head of the regiment really got the point. The main reason why **'s army is so powerful is its tenacious will to fight and the spirit of never admitting defeat. How much, how inferior the second worker is.No matter how bad the environment is.There is no way to compare the fact that he dares to interfere with the opposite year.

This is the fundamental reason why the Kuomintang's army is much better equipped than the Communist Party's army, but it still loses all the time.

Unexpectedly, Li Yong, the head of the group, was so eloquent, and his words were very provocative. He Cuihua said that he would give up the head of the group to herself.I don't know if what this girl said is true or not?Hey, it would be better if the group leader's age was older. Thinking of this, Li Jia's face suddenly turned red for no reason.What do you think, don't be shy.

On the night when the meeting ended, Li Yong and Wang Chengde took the reconnaissance battalion and the police communication company, as well as the battalion commanders and instructors of each battalion, and quietly set out in the direction of Yulin without asking for any instructions.

For this matter, Li Yong and Wang Chengde argued in private, and in the end the political commissar Wang Chengde made a concession. Li Yong's reason was, are we an independent group of the column? Independent group, independent group.Of course, it must have a sense of independence, or else it should not be called an independent group.

Our regiment is directly under the column headquarters. If you ask for instructions, you have to ask the column commander directly. There is no need to ask the commander for everything?If it is such a big matter, all levels of individuals have to ask the commander for instructions, won't the commander be exhausted?

Besides, now that the troops are resting and have no combat missions, there is no need to ask for instructions on everything.Political commissar Wang Chengde saw that Li Yong could not be persuaded, so he had no choice but to lead the team out with Li Yong.

He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the heavy-lifting battalion, said that he wanted to act with the troops. In the end, Li Yong had to let Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the heavy-lifting battalion, and Hu Xiaolian, the health captain, stay behind. It's really difficult.

The independent regiment is surrounded by our army's field troops, and the main force is resting.The troops have no combat missions for the time being, which is why Li Yongyong took away all the main cadres of the independent regiment.

It was the first time for Li Jia to take part in an operation with the army as a telegraph operator. She did not expect to become a member of the Communist Army in just a few days. Sometimes when she woke up from sleep, she thought she was in the 36th Division of the old army. It took a while Only then can I slow down, I am not a prostitute anymore, I am a communist army, I am a communist army. Thinking about it, this change is really too big.

More than a month ago, I also reinforced Yulin with the 36th Division of **.Now Ming came again, but this time he came back with the ** army, not to reinforce Yulin but to deal with Yulin.

It is said that **'s army is elusive when it fights. I really need to see and see what this well-rumored regiment leader is capable of.

In the current independent regiment, only the reconnaissance battalion has horses. This is one of the reasons why Li Yong and Wang Chengde led the reconnaissance battalion out. Because they are all horse teams, they march very fast, driving more than 150 miles in one night.The next morning, when Skynet was bright, it arrived near Yulin City.

Li Yong asked everyone to get off their horses, and in the morning mist, they found behind a small hill only one kilometer away from Yulin.

Some chaotic shrubs grew sparsely on this hill.Although there are no mature trees, it is a good place to hide for these hundreds of fighters from the reconnaissance battalion and the police company.

Yulin is a big place in the northwest, but the population density before liberation was far worse than it is in modern times. Except for a main road outside the city gate, pedestrians flocked in an endless stream, and there were few people in other places. The concealment of Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others brought convenience.

Everyone simply ate some dry food and drank some water, and then quietly waited for the fog to dissipate. When the sun just showed a red round face from the mountain in the east, the white fog finally disappeared, and the tall Yulin City clearly revealed.

It was under this Yulin City two months ago that the Northwest Field Army suffered heavy losses. If our army hadn't reacted quickly and commanded properly in the later period, and the commanders and fighters at all levels fought bravely, the Northwest Field Army might be encircled by enemies going south and north. up.

Now that I think about it, I’m a bit scared. At that time, the Northwest Field Army was able to operate only with the Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the nine teams led by the Communist Party.

But all of this has passed. Since our army wiped out the 36th Division, the number of soldiers and weapons and equipment has been greatly improved, and the number of personnel has increased to more than 8.After the new army, the combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

Will our army return with broken wings in the second battle of Yulin as in history?Li Yong lay in the grass on the top of the mountain and observed carefully with a telescope.

After our army's last attack on this Yulin City, the fortifications were repaired on one side. Knowing that the 36th Division was wiped out, the nerves of the defenders in the city became even more tense, and they spared no expense in repairing the fortifications, spending a lot of money And supplies, make this Yulin City almost like an iron barrel.

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