The beacon of youth

Chapter 116 Anxious Li Yong

According to the news from the underground party organization in Yulin.A while ago, the 22nd Army got a Japanese prisoner from somewhere. It is said that this little devil who was captured used to be a veteran engineer of the North China Front Army of the Japanese Invasion Army. He was very good at repairing fortifications. After the devil came, he made many comments and suggestions on Yulin's city defense, and now Yulin is more difficult to chew than before.

Li Yong, who was observing the city wall of Yulin with binoculars, shouted: "San Niu, bring the things here." A row of long San Niu from the police station took out a wooden board from his back and handed it to Li Yong. A few blank sheets of paper.

Since Sanniu and Xiaocheng became platoon leaders, Li Yuming, the company commander of the police communication company, assigned Li Yong two guards again, but Li Yong was used to calling Sanniu and Xiaocheng, so he always kept going when there was nothing to do. San Niu and Xiao Cheng shouted indiscriminately.

Xiaocheng and Sanniu are also the same as before. When they become platoon leaders, they always follow Li Yong. Although they are platoon leaders, they still often do the work of guards as before. Sometimes Li Yong has something Don't worry about handing it over to others.

The soldiers of the Police Communication Company are generally not very old. At the age of [-], Li Yong thinks that they are not reliable in their work. Although Sanniu and Xiaocheng are not very old, they have been together for a long time, and they are already familiar with some of Li Yong's habits. up.

Li Yong put the wooden board bound with white paper in front of him, held the binoculars in his left hand, and took out a pencil from his coat pocket with his right hand, leaned sideways and began to draw the fortifications and firepower distribution map of Yulin, and went down to Yulin City with a few strokes. The outline of the outline is outlined.

The political commissars Wang Chengde and Li Jiangguo who were lying with Li Yong were surprised again. They didn't expect the head of the group to have such a skill. Where did he learn this?Wouldn't it be natural?I have been with the leader for so long, but I have never seen him show his hand. When the independent regiment started, he was 26, and the old soldier is here today, 22.” We all know that the leader has a lot of skills, but the leader can draw. No one has seen or heard of it.

Li Jiangguo, the first battalion commander, poked his neck and said, "Commander, when did you practice this handicraft? Why haven't I seen it before? I feel like you are like an old cat climbing a tree. You always keep a hand in everything you do. This is not acceptable." , if you have the ability, you can’t hide it, and you can teach me anytime.”

Li Yong said without raising his head: "Don't make trouble, if you want to learn, there will be opportunities in the future, as long as you are willing, if you can't learn, I will fix you."

The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu tugged at Li Jiangguo: "If your hands are itchy, go and scratch the ground, and if your throat is itchy, go smoke. Don't make trouble for the regimental commander."

He Cuihua, who heard Li Jiangguo and Wang Huhu talking, quietly squeezed beside Li Yong. You said that a big girl squeezed hard to be next to a man, but Hu Xiaolian would not do that. Don't look at Li Yong who has been on good terms many times. But it couldn't be wiped away in front of everyone, and it was even more impossible for Li Jia. He Cuihua didn't care about this, she squeezed to Li Yong's side and tilted her head to look carefully for a while, then quietly crawled back without saying anything.

This He Cuihua climbed behind the mountain bag and found Li Jia who was resting.This Li Jia used to ride in jeeps when he was marching with the 36th Division of the Kuomintang. Of course, the staff of the division headquarters are different from ordinary soldiers. They have cars to ride in, but they have never ridden such a long distance on horses. march.

After joining the People's Liberation Army, although Li Yong also allocated a jeep for their communication platoon, he couldn't drive a jeep for a covert night march like today. Like other soldiers, Li Jia rode a horse for the whole night.

After arriving near Yulin, they finally stopped. Li Jia felt that her buttocks were going to be split into two halves. Heh, they were also in two halves. Surrounded by soldiers, this is really hard to do.

Seeing that the other fighters were doing what they were supposed to do as if they had nothing to do, Li Jia was a little strange, their buttocks were all fleshy, wouldn't they be afraid of being bumped?How come they don't feel bad?I secretly asked He Cuihua how she was, was she uncomfortable?

He Cuihua told Li Jia that our ** army marched with both feet to conquer the world, raced with little devils and Kuomintang car wheels with their legs, and practiced with a pair of iron feet. It is common to climb mountains and ridges. Horse riding is already a great blessing, how can it still be uncomfortable?

Li Jia thinks about it too, maybe this **** army's running time is the best in the world?I haven't heard of any army that can run like the People's Liberation Army. For them, being able to march on horseback is really enjoyable. It seems that I need to exercise more in the future. Since I joined this army, I have to thoroughly Melt in.

In fact, there is a lot of knowledge about riding a horse. It is not enough to just sit firmly. A good rider must cooperate with the horse. He cannot just sit on the horse’s back, but shakes his body back and forth with the strength of the horse. People will not feel uncomfortable, and horses will save energy, especially on long-distance marches.

"Sister Li Jia, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable or not? You don't know. Our team leader is really capable. Not only can he fight and draw, but he can also draw Yulin City like a model, what? The fortifications, bunkers, barbed wire, and moats are all vividly drawn.

He Cuihua kept talking.Li Jia was taken aback, this Li Jia was born as a scholar and worked in the 36th Division of the Kuomintang for several years, she was not Bai Ding who knew nothing, of course she knew what He Cuihua said Li Yong was doing.

This young regimental commander really has a lot of things in his stomach. Not everyone can draw city defense fortifications and firepower distribution maps. This requires professional practice. If there are mistakes or omissions, the troops' future attacks Actions will be greatly affected, and unnecessary losses will be suffered.

The homework on the picture is a kind of knowledge, and there are not many people in the regular army of the Kuomintang who have this skill. Where did the 20-year-old regiment leader learn these Dongnai and which school is outstanding?

Putting Li Jia aside, Li Yong carefully observed every defensive facility in Yulin. Yulin has been operated by the 22nd Army of the Kuomintang for more than 30 years. The big stones are all green and can be more than ten meters high. Such a city wall is not easy to be blown up even if it is bombed with dynamite.

Our army’s last attack was due to insufficient explosives, but only blew up some of the outer skin of the city wall. Similarly, all the houses and trees that obstructed the shooting area were pulled down and uprooted.

Four blockade lines were arranged in order from far to near. The outermost ones are two roadblocks, and then two barbed wire fences. Behind the barbed wire fences are two power grids with high-voltage electricity. Behind the power grids are densely packed bunkers of different sizes. There are underground trenches between the bunker groups, which can support each other and form crossfire, and can also cooperate with the firepower on the city wall.

Behind the bunkers is a newly built moat, the river used to be full of water, Li Yong was surprised when he saw this, the Yulin City in his memory did not have a moat, why is there an extra river now?Is there a problem with my memory?Or has history changed to a certain extent because of his arrival?

This is not a good thing. If I still copy the things in my memory mechanically, it may kill people. This river looks like nothing, but it actually caused a lot of trouble for our army's offensive operations.

The disadvantage of the Northwest Field Army is still the problem of firepower. The artillery firepower that is most important for the city's fortification is still not enough. If the infantry has enough artillery fire before attacking, it can blow up several blockade lines, or use artillery fire to blow up a few more walls. If there is a gap, the infantry can rush in through the gap.

It would be better if there were more direct-pointing artillery. As long as our army finds the enemy's firepower when attacking, it can be directly destroyed.But not now. Although some large-caliber artillery was seized after the 36th Division was wiped out, not only Li Yong's independent regiment captured it, but the 36th Division is a reorganized division of the [-]rd Brigade and [-]th Regiment. The same problem as the Independent Regiment, that is, insufficient shells.

By the time our army seized the cannons, the shells had already been smashed by the Kuomintang troops. With the limited shells in existence, we could only solve a small part of the problem in attacking a big city like Yulin, mainly relying on explosives Come blast.

Not only did we have to use explosives to blow up all the blockade lines, but we also had to use explosives to blow down the walls of Yulin before the troops could rush in. As for whether we could find a way to grab some shells from the enemy, even stealing some would do. Li Yong also thought about these things, but it seems that it doesn't work.

The weapons and ammunition of the Yulin garrison rely on the stockpiles accumulated over the past few decades, and they are not brought from afar temporarily. The plane was intercepted halfway?

Exploding the city wall with explosives involved digging holes. In order to conceal the enemy and reduce losses, our army used two main columns to attack Yulin for the first time and dug six holes. A total of seven tunnels were dug, but none of them were blasted successfully.

This time, the enemy in Yulin built a new moat to prevent our army from digging a hole. As a result, our army’s blasting of the city wall did encounter a big problem. The hole dug could not pass through the moat. The blasting method is no longer acceptable.

It took Li Yong nearly two hours to draw a clear picture of the fortifications and firepower distribution on one side of Yulin City. By the time Li Yong finished drawing all the fortifications on the four sides of Yulin City, it was already around two in the afternoon. The soldiers all ate some dry food, but Li Yong didn't eat anything or drink a sip of water.

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