The beacon of youth

Chapter 143 The Arrogant Independent Regiment

The regiment headquarters of the Jiuzhen Dugu Regiment went to Wang Chengde, the political commissar, and Li Yong told Wang Chengde about Yizhou for the Zhan Shimen. Affordable, money is not a problem, it is nothing to give soldiers some, what he is worried about is the reaction of other troops,

Li Yong told Wang Chengde in a resolute tone that was rarely seen, no matter how other troops react, Dayang must be needed, and if the superiors ask questions, they can tell me Li Yong's idea.

Seeing that Li Yong had already made up his mind, Wang Chengde didn't insist on it anymore. Although it was a bit public, it was not a bad thing after all.

Early the next morning, Li Yong and Wang Chengde took the battalion commanders and instructors of each battalion to the field hospital to see the wounded. Of course, He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the heavy-lifting battalion, must go. The current He Cuihua is like panacea. , when something happened to the independent group and they didn't pull her down, then again, this He Cuihua is really not easy, whether it is in logistics or fighting, Li Yong is also very convenient to use, no matter where there is a lack of people, He Cuihua Can last for a while.

The commanders of the more than 20 battalions were followed by a guard platoon of soldiers. Before leaving, Li Yong asked the guard platoon soldiers to put away their belongings according to the standard of two large beef cans, two oceans, and one yellow woolen coat for each wounded. Bring it.

In the battle of Yulin this time, the casualties of the independent regiment were close to 400, and the number of soldiers who died was over [-]. Now there are more than [-] people lying in the hospital. It is also necessary to take all the things of these wounded. Not a small amount.

The jeep definitely couldn't hold these things, so Li Yuming asked the soldiers in the guard platoon to get a truck, loaded all these supplies into the truck, and followed the jeeps in front.

The current independent regiment is very eye-catching every time it travels. Although the weapons, equipment and logistics supplies of the Northwest Field Army have improved to a certain extent after opening Yulin, it is still not enough to compare with the independent regiment. The 22nd Army of the Kuomintang There are less than 2 people, and the total strength of the Northwest Field Army is several times that of them. The weapons and equipment seized feel a bit too much.

From the independent regiment to the regiment leader and down to the soldiers, they randomly pulled out leather shoes, coats, steel helmets, submachine guns, and some were double guys.

The battalion-level commanders in the army traveled in jeeps, and a row of jeeps was followed by a truck to the field hospital.

Of course He Cuihua was sitting next to Li Yong. This female soldier in a gray military uniform with a belt and a pistol looked heroic, with her bulging chest puffed out so high. talking about something.

Xiaocheng, the leader of the guard platoon in a car behind him, asked Li Yuming worriedly: "Company commander, look, this He Cuihua is almost attached to our regiment leader. The place next to the regiment commander should belong to me and you. It's good that we both stand aside now, and she has become the regimental commander's bodyguard.

When I got out, the girl pushed me away before I got into the car, saying that he was going to ride in the same car with the group leader. Why do you think a big girl's family is so powerful?I don't know how to be shy at all, it seems that the head of the group likes her quite a lot, and he chatters endlessly with her, what will happen to little sister Xiaolian if it goes on like this? "

Speaking of Hu Xiaoxiaolian, almost all the cadres and soldiers of the independent regiment did not know her, but the title was different. The general soldiers called her Captain Hu, while the political commissar Wang Chengde, Li Jiangguo, Ma Changsheng, and Wang Huhu were older. The old soldier called her Xiao Xiaolian.

Xiang Li Yuming, the wounded Sanniu, and Xiaocheng were very familiar with Hu Xiaolian when the Independence Regiment was still a special agent company. They also knew the process of Hu Xiaolian's joining the army. They were by Li Yong's side when he was injured. These little soldiers have a very good relationship with Hu Xiaolian. On the surface, they are called Captain Hu like the other soldiers, but in private they call her Miss Xiaolian.They also knew the relationship between Hu Xiaolian and their leader, and they were very happy for him. Now seeing He Cuihua as a sticky leader, these soldiers are of course unhappy. Not only are they unhappy, some are even very angry, just like Xiaocheng. There are still many people who want to fight for Hu Xiaolian.

Li Yuming: "How do I know what to do? What can I do? This girl He Cuihua is powerful enough, and ordinary women are not so bold. Hanging around the head of the group. This girl is handsome enough. With such a big girl hanging around all day, the head might really be tempted. Sister Xiaolian is not necessarily an opponent. No, I have to go back with Sister Xiaolian Let's talk about it, let's see if we can find a way to make it small, and then you will go there too, let's figure out a way together."

Not to mention what Li Yuming and Xiao Cheng think, anyway, He Cuihua feels very good now, and the feeling of sitting with the head of the group is good, and the jeep is also more comfortable, better than riding a horse;:.In the future, I also talked to the head of the group and took the jeep.Anyway, in the regiment Xiangyu. , the car, and a few jeeps for the heavy lifting battalion.

Amidst the chatter and laughter of the soldiers, the convoy of the Independent Regiment came to the gate of the field hospital arrogantly. The soldiers standing guard outside the hospital saw so many cars and so many people. This posture must have grown up. , Immediately stood at attention and saluted, Li Yong ignored them and rumbled in with their cowhide.

After the battle was over, there were plenty of wounded people in the troops at all levels, but it was the first time that so many people and supplies were brought together. The comrades in charge of the hospital hurriedly asked Li Yong and others for their numbers and positions. The biggest person among them is the head of the regiment, and he muttered in his heart:

Good guy, I haven't seen a regiment-level cadre with such a big battle before, let alone a brigade-level cadre, and the column leader doesn't have such a big show. If he didn't say it, he would think it was the chief of the field army. .

But the muttering goes back to the muttering, the reception has to be received, and after asking the location of the wounded of the independent regiment, Li Yong asked the hospital to send someone to guide them, or it would be really bad if more than 400 wounded of the regiment lived everywhere try to find.

When Li Yong and the people in the hospital were asking for someone to lead the way, a wounded man walked over quickly with a bandage on his arm. Everyone took a closer look nearby. It was Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander of the independent regiment. : "Leader, political commissar, you don't need to look for others, I know all the wounded in our regiment, I'll just lead the way."

Seeing Zhang Jinsong coming, everyone cheered and surrounded him, and asked him how his injury was and how he was recovering.This guy was so anxious that he didn't know whose question to answer. When he saw Li Yong and Wang Chengde, he quickly saluted with his uninjured hand: "Leader, political commissar, I'm fine. I just got a hole in my arm. Now it's a lot of trouble." There is no inflammation or fever, and the medicines in our hospital are enough.

Opening the Yulin City Northwest Field Army also gained an unexpected benefit. There are several large hospitals in Yulin with sufficient medicines, which creates conditions for rescuing the wounded and shortens the recovery time of the wounded.

Zhang Jinsong took people to visit the wounded of the independent regiment one by one. Before each wounded, Li Yong asked carefully about the wounded's condition. How is the recovery?When leaving, each left two cans, two oceans and a coat, and told the wounded to walk more if they could move, to go outside to see the big city of Yulin, and to buy whatever they liked.

The comfort items brought by Li Yong and others, as long as the wounded of the independent regiment is everyone's share, and the wounded of other troops just need to be sorry. This guy caused a sensation in the whole hospital, and the beds of the wounded were next to each other. Li Yong and others have made such a toss, and the whole world knows about it.

Seeing the complacent vigor of the soldiers of the independent regiment, the soldiers of other troops were very envious. When I went to the hospital, I felt that the wounded of the independent regiment were different from others. The gray military uniform, but there are basically no patches on the clothes of the wounded of the independent regiment who jumped out of nowhere.

Some of the lightly wounded took cigarettes out of their pockets when they smoked, and most of them had lighters. These seemingly inconspicuous little items were a luxury enjoyed by the Northwest Field Army at that time.

The hospital of the field army is very large, and there are many wounded, from various units. These wounded don't know what kind of independent regiment they came from.

I have been a soldier for so many years and I have never heard of when the Eighth Route Army gave its wounded the ocean. Since the day it was established, the ** army has no allowances. It is good to have something to eat. The troops have been used to it for a long time.

This is also related to the environment at that time. At that time, the liberated areas had their own currency, which was not only different from the gold dollar rolls used in the Kuomintang-ruled areas, but also the currencies of the liberated areas were different from each other. For example, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region used it. It is a specific border area currency. This currency can only be used in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

And in all parts of the country, whether it is the Kuomintang-controlled area or the occupied area of ​​the Communist Party, real gold and silver are common. Dayang was the most circulated hard currency at that time. One ocean was enough for a poor person to live for a month. Two oceans I can buy a lot of things.

The wounded officers and soldiers of the Independence Regiment were all very happy, and they spent a whole morning just giving money to the more than 400 wounded.

But not all the wounded are happy, the lightly wounded are fine, just need to rest and recuperate, but among the seriously wounded, there are more than a dozen disabled, whose arms and legs have been sawed off. During this period, more than a dozen of them seriously injured Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked a question.

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