The beacon of youth

Chapter 144 Illness

Er Yong and political commissar Hu Chengde brought Li Jiangguo, Hu Huhu and others to the hospital province..." You brought everyone a lot of food, drink and money. It is natural for the soldiers to be happy, but not all of them are like that. The few seriously wounded were never happy.

These disabled soldiers were always in a low mood, and they didn't say a word all day long. It was useless to persuade the doctors and nurses in the hospital. They knew that it would be impossible for them to go to the frontline combat troops again.According to normal channels, these people can no longer stay in the army. After recovering from their injuries, they will be discharged from the army and returned to the local government. Although more than a dozen people are disabled, they don't want to leave the army or their comrades.

Li Yong knew the feelings of these wounded soldiers. They had melted their bodies and minds into the troops and into their blood.The army is used to life, and some soldiers don't even have a home, so why go back?Demobilizing them is no different than killing them.

He was also reluctant to let these good fighters go home. The brothers squatting in a trench eating dry food, the comrades who were born and died together, did not know whether they would see them again after returning home. In the era of blocked information at that time , As long as the soldiers return to the place, they will basically never see them again in this life.

Li Yong took the hands of these seriously injured one by one and said: "Comrades, I understand your feelings. Don't worry, everyone. The political commissar and I have already thought about your problems. Yulin is a big city with abundant supplies. The industrial strength of our regiment will set up a rear base in Yulin in the future, which will be responsible for the procurement of various materials for our regiment. A large number of people are required to do these tasks. It is not good to draw people from the combat troops, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops .Our regiment is short of manpower, and you will just do this job when you come down. It’s okay if you can’t go to the front line, but you can contribute to our regiment as well as manage the logistics in the rear. Comrades, do you think it’s okay?”

Hearing what Li Yong said, these wounded soldiers cried happily knowing that they would still be soldiers of the Independent Regiment in the future.Tears are dripping down.

Li Yong went on to say: "Comrades, our procurement station has too much work. You also know that our regiment consumes a lot of supplies. Hurry up and heal your wounds. There will be tasks for you soon. Those with two arms and legs are nothing, they are still a man and a hero.The same can stand upright, if you can't complete the task at that time, I will still ask you to settle the score. "

Lying on the bed, these wounded men assured Li Yong and Wang Chengde: "Don't worry, leader, there are no weaklings in our independent regiment, and there is no task that cannot be completed."

Li Yong stood in the middle of the room and said to the wounded: "Let me tell you another story. In our big brother, the Soviet Red Army, there was a heroic air force pilot. During the battle with the German invaders, the plane was damaged and both legs were broken.

After parachuting, the pilot climbed in the snow for several days and nights, and finally climbed back to the position controlled by his troops.After returning to the field hospital at the rear, it was discovered that due to the severe cold, the pilot's legs had been frozen and he could never recover. He lost his legs in order to save his life.

But he did not give up his troops. After putting on the prosthesis, he returned to the blue sky after hard training and continued to fight against the enemy.After the war, the pilot was awarded the highest honor of the Republic by the country, "Hero of the Soviet Union", and his comrades and common people affectionately called him the footless paraglider.Comrades, you are not much worse than him.They can also be the heroes of our new China. "

After listening to the story told by Li Yong.The wounded in the ward were very excited, not only the young members of the independent regiment, but also the wounded of other troops were very moved. Judging by the leader of the regiment, he was amazing.The storytelling is so good, even the big brother of the Soviet Union knows about it.Yeah.Why can't we do what the fighters of Big Brother can do?So do we.

Political commissar Wang Chengde and a group of members of the independent regiment were shocked again. They heard stories told by the regiment leader many times, but most of them were stories about the Red Army. Where did the regiment leader know about the Soviet story?watch?Didn't the leader ever say that before?

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, murmured again: "Commander, why haven't I heard you about this Soviet story? You have too much stuff in your stomach. It's really enough to gurgle if you don't pay attention. I learned it, and I haven’t learned how to draw pictures yet, and there’s another story about the Soviet Red Army.”

He Cuihua who has been following Li Yong's eyes is full of gold stars again, oh, look, the head of the group is capable, and a small story he told casually shocked the people like Li Jiangguo. He is the best talker in the independent group, because the head of the group doesn't like to compare with him.

Before leaving, Li Yong lay on the ears of these seriously injured one by one.Tell them in a low voice one by one.The family background of our group is very's not that the dead coin boy doesn't know that there is a lot of money, and he will report to the army as soon as he recovers from his injury. When I go back with the political commissar, I will ask Sun Quanhou to prepare the money. As soon as you come back, you will transfer the money to him, and then use the fastest Time to set up the base.

These soldiers were crying and talking to their regiment leaders.Please rest assured that the head of the regiment and the political commissar, they will heal their injuries as soon as possible before contributing to the army.

The veterans who followed Li Yong, including the political commissar Wang Chengde, were very moved by Li Yong. In fact, Wang Chengde never said anything about the establishment of a rear base in Yulin by the Independence Regiment.This is just the idea of ​​the leader Li Yong.

The soldiers at that time had three fears, one was that there was no food, the other was that there was no ammunition, and the third was that they were disabled and had nowhere to go.Li Yong solved all these problems, no matter who was injured or not, everyone was very moved.

On the battlefield, bullets don't have eyes, and no one's head is made of iron. It's nothing to sacrifice.People are dead and eggs are in the sky, and once the loess is buried, there is no need to think about it. None of these soldiers are afraid of death.

Finally, Li Yong came to Sanniu's bed. Sanniu was injured when he attacked the headquarters of the 22nd Army.A bullet pierced through the chest. At that time, Xiao Ming almost confessed that San Niu’s serious injury was also one of the reasons why Li Yong killed all the officers captured by the 22nd Army. Now, the doctor in the hospital said that his life was not in danger. Of course they all took care of him. Happy.

Sanniu is very happy that the head of the regiment and the political commissar brought his comrades to see him, but he also has concerns, fearing that his body will become disabled and he will not be able to stay in the army. Li Yong told him with certainty that those under 20 years old Young man, is there any injury?The body will definitely recover.

Li Yuming and Xiao Cheng kept telling Sanniu that as long as the two of them were alive Sanniu would not be able to retire, and they had to follow the army even if they were tied with a rope. It was almost noon after the more than 400 soldiers had finished watching one by one. Before leaving, Li Yong asked everyone to recover quickly, and the army will make big moves in the future.Some wounded asked curiously: "Regimental Commander, the battle in Yulin is over, and the troops must be resting for a while. What else can we do?"

Li Yong smiled and said, "What's the matter? You can't trust me? When did I tell a lie?" The wounded thought about each other.Although the head of the group usually likes to talk nonsense with everyone, as long as it is related to the battle, what he said is basically true.

After giving each wounded a gift.There were still some things and money left. Li Yong asked Li Yuming and Xiao Cheng to hand over all the things to Zhang Jinsong, and told him that he had the highest position among the wounded. If they can’t keep up, let the slightly wounded who can walk outside to buy some. In the future, when the wounded have enough food and supplies, they can use the money to buy them.

Li Yong felt uncomfortable after returning from the hospital, and he didn't pay attention at first.Thought it was just a little bug.People who eat whole grains may not have headaches, but they feel more and more uncomfortable, and they always want to feel sick and vomit.At this time, Li Yuming and Xiao Cheng also noticed it, and hurriedly arranged Li Yong to lie down, and sent soldiers to the health team to ask for a doctor.

Hearing that Li Yong was ill, Hu Xiaolian also hurriedly followed. The two doctors who came were the best military doctors in the health team. Because I have been too tired recently. To put it bluntly, it is tired, and it is also related to high mental tension. Take a rest for a while, sleep more, and then adjust your diet and you should be fine."

After hearing from the two doctors that Li Yong was fine, Hu Xiaolian finally felt relieved, and hurriedly made something delicious for Li Yong.

While they were busy calling, a call came from the headquarters of the column. It was Commander Wang of the column who called. I don’t know where the third commander knew. He heard that Li Yong was ill. Commander Wang said to Li Yuming who answered the phone. : "Isn't there a very good sanitation team in your regiment? Call your health captain to come over and answer the phone."

Li Yuming told the commander to wait.Captain Hu of the health team is here and will be here soon.

Hearing the commander asked her to answer the phone.Hu Xiaolian immediately ran over and said loudly into the microphone: "Comrade Commander, I am Hu Xiaolian, the health captain of the independent regiment. Please give me any orders."

Now Hu Xiaolian is no longer the little daughter-in-law she was at home. She has fought many battles with the Independence Regiment. People who have fought wars are different from ordinary people. They speak and act like a soldier who has been trained on the battlefield.

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