The beacon of youth

Chapter 158 Sword Pointing at Yichuan

Two people to answer a question, some friends think that if you write a chapter on Yulin, it will be too much." Bengmo is a big city with strong fortifications. In history, the Northwest Field Army's two attacks on Yulin ended in failure. Not only did they suffer heavy losses, but they also made the troops extremely passive. In the current situation, it is already rewriting history to be able to win with the equipment at that time. How can we reflect the ability of the independent regiment if there are not many chapters.

Although the commanders at all levels of the Second Column have some complaints and opinions, they also know that what the commander decides cannot be changed, and there is basically no hope of getting some more people from the independent regiment. I can only admit that I am unlucky.

Thinking about it again, the independent regiment has benefited, but it has paid a lot, and the credit is greater than that of our own troops, and everyone has been honored with it. When other troops met, they said that you are the second one. , The battle was fought beautifully, and I felt balanced when I thought about it this way.

When the meeting officially started, everyone followed their commanders according to the order of the troops. The first ones were of course the commanders of all levels of the column, then the brigade commanders and political commissars of the main brigades, and then the regiments. level cadres.

The Independent Regiment was directly under the column, but Li Yong, Wang Chengde, and Chief of Staff Fang Xin still stayed behind his old leader, Brigadier Chen, and political commissar of the Fourth Brigade, together with the second regiment leader Zhao who came to the meeting.

The wings of the Independence Regiment are stiff now, but no matter when this unit is formed by the Second Regiment of the Fourth Brigade, the Second Regiment of the Fourth Brigade is the natal family of the Independence Regiment, and this remains unchanged.So Li Yong, Wang Chengde, and Fang Xin were all very happy to see their elders. Several of them whispered with Captain Zhao and asked about the situation of the troops.

After the meeting started, the chief of staff of the column raised the topic for everyone to discuss. The troops have been resting for nearly two months after the Battle of Yulin, and their strength has improved to a certain extent. They have fallen into a confrontation with the enemy in the Northwest battlefield. Now everyone is invited to come Discuss the future development of the army.

Hearing the topic of this meeting, Li Yong felt very strange. How the troops will act next and how to develop is a big issue for the leaders of the headquarters. How can such issues be discussed at the brigade-level meeting?

Li Yong quietly asked his old head of the regiment, and the head of the regiment Zhao said that he had participated in such a meeting before. It is estimated that the head of the headquarters already has a general direction for the troops. Now let's ask for everyone's opinions and see. Do you have any better solutions or suggestions?

The atmosphere of the meeting was very enthusiastic. Everyone expressed their opinions without reservation. This does not affect the relationship between each other, it is all for work, and it is normal to argue.In the end, everyone agreed that:

Although our army won the victory of encircling and annihilating the 36th Division and the battle of Yulin, the distress situation of the troops has changed to some extent, but the biggest problem plaguing the Northwest Field Army has not been completely solved. The biggest problem is the food problem.

The food problem has plagued the Northwest Field Army for many years, and it has not been effectively solved. Let alone solved, it is not easy to alleviate it. Without the support of large grain-producing areas, it is very difficult to solve the rations of the troops.

Now there are more and more troops in the army, and the ration gap is gradually increasing. For a large army of more than [-] people, because it is difficult to raise from the local area, most of the food has to be transported from Shanxi by Boss He. After passing through the air blockade of the Kuomintang, the losses were large and not timely.

Yulin has the grain reserve depot of the 22nd Army of the Kuomintang. At present, the grain can still be used for a while, but it is not an option to eat the mountains and the sky. The grain consumption of more than [-] people is a huge astronomical figure. If the army wants to develop, it must solve this problem. The problem of eating, otherwise all ideas are empty talk. As the saying goes, you can only gather troops when you have food.How can you develop your army if you don't even have food to eat?

Whether it was the War of Liberation or the War of Resistance Against Japan, as well as in the earliest period of the Red Army, our army in the Northwest was the most difficult unit. How difficult is it?It's so hard that no one can believe it's real.

Some memoirs written by veterans of the Northwest Field Army wrote: "Wheat noodles have not been eaten for more than a year, and millet is also difficult to eat. The main grain is black beans. Black beans used to be horse feed for horses, but they are just such horse feed. Sometimes they can’t eat. The troops still have to eat wild vegetables and bran. Wild vegetables and rice bran are always available. Hungry stomachs are common. Sometimes the troops can’t even eat a meal a day. The mountain cannon only has five shells per battle. , each mortar has only five to fifteen shells."

Boss Peng and the commanders of the Northwest Field Army at all levels called on everyone to tighten their belts and promote the revolutionary spirit of our army to overcome difficulties. God can't change it.

With this kind of equipment, it is conceivable that the Northwest Field War II's troops and extremely inferior equipment will bear the pressure on the hundreds of thousands of Dajiachuan against the people.

However, in order to cooperate with other battlefields of our army, Boss Peng still decided to restrain Hu Zongnan's troops in the northern Shaanxi battlefield as much as possible regardless of the pressure, and put all the pressure on his back, so that the Northwest King could not spare himself to support other battlefields.

It's easy to say, but hard to do. How to restrain it?Can you hold back if you can't get out of the ravine?If you want to contain the main force of the Kuomintang in northern Shaanxi, you have to make it feel the pressure, so Boss Zhang led the Northwest Field Army to attack frequently.

From this point of view, although the Northwest Field Army is the field army with the fewest personnel, the worst weapons and equipment, and the weakest strength among the major field armies, its role is huge and crucial, and the price it pays is also heavy.

It is already a consensus that the army must solve the food problem if it wants to develop further, but how to solve the food problem is the focus of debate at this meeting.

Li Yong, Wang Chengde and Chief of Staff Fang Xin haven't spoken much, why?The reason is very simple, Sanya villain's background is too shallow.

In the army, seniority is very important. Everyone here is basically an old Red Army veteran who has experienced many battles. Let alone Li Yong in front of these people, even Wang Chengde, the oldest political commissar in the independent regiment, has become a recruit. So the three of them just quietly listened to the discussions of these old seniors and didn't say anything.

The silence of the few of them does not mean that no one is paying attention. At this time, someone shouted: "Li Yong from the independent group, what do you guys think? How come you have become mouthless gourds at the venue? It’s just to watch the fun, talk about it, what’s the best way to do it.”

Who is this person?Commander Wang Zhen, no one else can say that. Li Yong’s words and suggestions before the battle of Yulin left a deep impression on the commander. This time, seeing everyone arguing, he called out Li Yong again. The commander is also very impressed. I want to hear if this young leader can come up with something different from others.

Everyone fell silent when they saw the commander calling the shots to let several members of the independent regiment express their opinions. Li Yong and the others looked at each other, and the commander called his name and gave up.It’s not enough, if there are many ghosts, then of course it’s Li Yong, Wang Chengde poked Li Yong: “Dayong, tell me, if you can’t say anything, it’s even worse for the two of us. "

Li Yong thought to himself, how could I not say it?And what else can I not tell you?I knew everything but dared not say it. At this moment, Brigadier Chen of the Fourth Brigade turned around and said, "Don't have any scruples, just say whatever comes to your mind. We are Communists, and everyone here is your senior. Don't be afraid. If you make a mistake, no one will laugh at you."

After all, he is still his elder, who cares about him all the time. Li Yong stood up a little moved: "Every elder, I will tell you what I can think of. If there is anything wrong, please correct me."

Under the eyes of people in the room, Li Yong cleared his throat and continued: "Since [-], northern Shaanxi has been full first and then drought, and the grain harvest has failed. The poor land can no longer support the local people. Don't talk about supporting a large number of troops.

Whether or not there is food determines whether our army can fight in the Northwest, and the main reason for the scale of the battle. Because of the soil quality and rain in the Northwest, even if it is not a disaster year, the grain output is not high. Such grain output is difficult to feed the large troops that do not participate in production. .

The grain-producing areas of the Northwest are mainly in the south.If our army wants to completely solve the food problem, it must expand to the south, and then lay a base area, relying on the base area to deploy troops, but there is one place that cannot be bypassed when expanding to the south, and this place is Yichuan.

This Yichuan may not look like a big one, but it is known as the Guanzhong barrier, and its strategic location is very important. If our army wants to expand southward, it must first take down Yichuan. Only after taking Yichuan can our army open up the southward passage and completely solve the food Therefore, I think that the next operation of the field army will be launched against Yichuan. "

Hearing this, Commander Wang Zhen said to a cadre beside him: How many enemies does "Yi" have? .

A cadre who participated in the meeting replied: "The 76th Brigade of the 24th Division has been reorganized into a whole brigade, with a total of more than 6000 people. The brigade commander Zhang Hanchu is a confidant of the Northwest King Hu Zongnan of the Kuomintang."

Commander Wang Zhen nodded and continued to ask Li Yong: "What if the enemy also thinks of what we can think of? The Kuomintang is not all fools, there are also many officers who can fight. They will try their best to block us. If we attack Yichuan, they will know the purpose of our army very well, and will definitely send troops to reinforce them. Don’t worry, there are not many soldiers, only more than 6000, but Yichuan is not Good fight. If you want to know what will happen next, please log in to Youshan, there are more chapters, support for writing

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