The beacon of youth

Chapter 159 Everyone is happy

The cities in Gechuan are important strongholds for the Kuomintang to blockade northern Shaanxi.The city is quite strong, and it has been guarded by heavy troops for so many years. Dajian's field defense facilities have been built outside the city, and the city defense fortifications are constantly being repaired, with layers of forts inside and outside.

In particular, the Kuomintang's city defense troops set up minefields outside the city and buried a large number of landmines. Every time the defenders rotated, they had to plant a new batch. In the end, even they themselves didn't know how many landmines were buried, so they had to jokingly call each other who they were. Whoever steps on it.

What if such a fortified city cannot be attacked in a short time?Remember our army's first battle against Yulin?If you can't get it in a short time.As soon as the enemy's reinforcements arrive, we will fall into a very passive situation. "

Listening to the commander asking so many questions, Li Yong had some understanding in his mind. It seemed that Commander Wang was also thinking about this "Yi", otherwise how could he know so much about the enemy's situation?

Thinking of this, Li Yong continued: "Commander, we don't have to attack Yi", or we don't have to attack Yichuan in a real sense. Since Yichuan is very important, it would be better. We will adopt a feint attack of encirclement, and then use the main force to attack his reinforcements. As long as we can destroy or defeat his reinforcements, the Yichuan problem will be solved. "

Commander Wang thought about it for a while: "You mean to eat up his reinforcements by encircling the spot and attacking reinforcements, and then return to the division to solve the Yichuan problem? .

Li Yong: "Probably this is the idea. Use Yichuan as a barrier in Guanzhong to make a fuss, lure the enemy to go deep, and surround the points to fight for reinforcements. As long as the enemy's vital forces are eliminated, Yi" will be easy to solve.No matter how simple the defenders are, there are only more than 6000 people, not to mention comparing with the whole field army, even with our second column, there is no way to defend without support."

Commander: "Li Yong, this is a big problem. It affects the whole body. If you really follow your method, it will not be our column's business. It will involve our field army. There is a key point here. The question is, since we want to fight the enemy's reinforcements, we must consider how many enemy reinforcements can come? Of course, there is no problem if there are too few, but what should we do if the enemy comes too many and our field army can't bear it? The most taboo for troops to fight is to be attacked on both sides. " Li Yong: "Commander, this is the crux of the problem. It is better for our army to feign an attack." It is like opening a net. The enemy's reinforcements are like a fish. We can take the medium or small fish. Is this fish too big for us to eat?Maybe it will break the net, which will be very troublesome. "

Commander Wang: "Okay, Li Yong, I will report these suggestions to the head of the headquarters. What to do depends on the consideration of the heads of the headquarters. However, I think your suggestions are very good and may be adopted by the head of the headquarters. Sex, so I ordered, and said here Commander Wang looked around at the commanders at all levels who came to the meeting. The whole column is ready for battle. All departments have prepared for battle in advance. Troops who go out will return to the building immediately.”

After the meeting, Wang Chengde walked back and said to Li Yong: "Dayong, when did you come up with all these ideas? I didn't see you have these ideas when you first came here. Could it be that you came up with it now? Why are you keeping it a secret from us?"

Li Yong hurriedly said: "Old Wang, Lao Fang, it's not that I want to keep some secrets from you two, I really thought of this on the spur of the moment, isn't this the moment the commander asked us to talk, I said it, I can't help it , I can’t do without talking here, I really can’t tell if the commander doesn’t mention our names.”

Wang Chengde and Fang Xin were completely speechless. Are these ideas just a temporary thought?This is going to be a big battle, what if it is not a temporary thought?Is this still a human brain?However, when the two of them thought about Li Yong's usual performance, they couldn't say anything. This guy's head is different from others. Judging by his appearance, he really thought of it temporarily, but the way he thought of it was too shocking. .

Fang Xin, the chief of staff, asked a little suspiciously: "Commander, did you think about Yichuan for a long time? Don't deny it, I don't believe that you just thought of it on the spur of the moment." Li Yong just smiled and didn't say anything. With or without, you can think as you like.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde, who returned to the resident of the independent regiment, immediately presided over a meeting of cadres above the troop company.Fang Xin, chief of staff of the regiment, conveyed the spirit of the column meeting and the deployment of battles.Because one is the company commander of the repair company and the other is the company commander of the engineering company, Xiao Cheng and San Niu are qualified to participate in this meeting.

At the meeting, Li Yong made some adjustments to the structure of the troops. The specific methods are:

The First Artillery Battalion cancels the establishment of mortars, and assigns all mortars to each infantry battalion. The independent regiment has five infantry battalions, and each battalion has a specially set artillery platoon and machine gun platoon. The platoon and the artillery platoon are still Huayi, and one or two members have small artillery and heavy machine guns, but none of them. For the sake of everyone, the battalion commander and instructor of the infantry battalion really always ask Li Yong when he can solve the weapon problem.

In particular, Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, went to Li Yong to inquire when all the weapons could be assigned to them. After the battle of Yulin this time, the troops had a large number of seizures. There are also some mountain artillery, field artillery and infantry artillery.

Li Yong felt that it was time to solve this problem. At the meeting, Li Yong announced that all the small artillery equipped by the artillery battalion and the mortars captured in this battle would be distributed to each infantry battalion. The mortar platoon can be equipped with eight small-caliber mortars.

Second, cancel the heavy machine gun establishment of the machine gun battalion, and assign all the heavy machine guns that can be equipped to the five infantry battalions. Like the artillery platoons of each battalion, each infantry battalion has eight heavy machine guns. In this way, each infantry combat battalion With a dedicated mortar platoon and heavy machine gun platoon, the firepower has been greatly improved.

The three cars seized in this battle were distributed to various units of the independent regiment. The focus of car distribution was the reconnaissance battalion, the heavy lifting battalion and the artillery battalion. Li Yong of the reconnaissance battalion gave ten jeeps and fifteen large trucks , These cars are enough to fit all the more than 400 people in the reconnaissance battalion, and there is still room to spare. Giving more jeeps is to make it convenient for their battalion to dispatch on a small scale.

Li Yong's idea is to use existing capabilities to build the reconnaissance battalion into the first motorized unit of the Northwest Field Army that can respond quickly when there is no ability to use cars to transport the entire regiment.

Of course, this made the battalion commander Zhang Jinsong very happy. This kid couldn't close his mouth. All the 400 people in the battalion all took cars, which was better than the average Kuomintang troops. I've never been so rich.

But even so, this guy is still not satisfied, he also asked Li Yong whether to equip their battalion with some heavy machine guns and small artillery, Li Yong told him that it is not enough now, heavy machine guns and small artillery should come first to the infantry battalion Equipment, as for their battalion, it depends on the capture of the troops in the future.

The 21 caliber howitzers in the artillery battalion are all towed by cars. There are a total of 24 artillery pieces. Each cannon has one vehicle, plus three spares. There are a total of [-] large trucks. The mountain artillery and infantry artillery are light in weight. Mules and horses are responsible for pulling or carrying.

The heavy-lifting battalion is the most important unit of the independent regiment. Most of the assets of the independent regiment are in their hands. The war is about logistics, so Li Yong asked Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua to report how many vehicles they need and give them as much as they want. , to satisfy the supply.

After calculating, Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua proposed to Li Yong to use [-] large trucks and two jeeps. Sun Xinju was a little embarrassed when he made the suggestion. Want more because there are so many supplies, the more the better.

The two jeeps were proposed by He Cuihua herself. After riding in the jeep for a few times, this girl also found the feeling. This car is much more comfortable than riding a horse. After a long time, she will not bump her buttocks, unlike riding a horse. If you are not good at technology, you can’t master it After a day of heat, it was as if my butt was burned, so when I made the plan, I added two jeeps. She meant that Lao Sun and herself, the deputy battalion commander, would also have one.

Lao Sun sighed and said that it was useless to ask for a jeep because it couldn't pull much.He Cuihua's reason was: Anyway, the troops seized a lot of vehicles, so we don't have to share them with other battalions. It's better if we want two vehicles, and we are fresh and fresh.

With thirty large trucks, almost all the supplies and ammunition for the heavy battalion were transported by car. Li Yong looked at the report of the two men and said nothing, and asked Lao Sun to keep most of the horses Next, some mountain roads cannot be passed by cars, and horses are still used for transportation in these places.

Most of the large trucks were taken away by these battalions, and the remaining five infantry battalions and machine gun battalions were allocated only five or six large trucks and seven or eight jeeps for each battalion. As for how to use these vehicles, Li Yong told How convenient and how these battalion commanders and instructors use them, they have the final say, and the regiment doesn't care about these things.

In addition, the newly established regiment headquarters repair company and engineering company were assigned only one truck for each company because of the small number of people. The health team, the security company, and the regiment headquarters each had three jeeps.The girls from the health team came to see their points, and the three jeeps rushed to request that they also ride in the car when they marched in the future. Captain Hu Xiaolian had no choice but to agree to these people. If the army has mobile cars, these female soldiers can come first. Are you a man? Horses are still riding horses, who made our cars not enough for us, these men in the health team are also very generous, they ride horses as long as they ride horses, no one wants to compete with these women for this.

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