Some book friends questioned Muscle Focus, the bad thing is Zhu said... Next.The background information can't be ignorant at all, I just think that paying money can make the content unfolded below more clear.

Facing the powerful offensive of the Northwest Field Army.The KMT's field corps supporting Yichuan gradually felt overwhelmed. Under the command of the commander Liu Kan, the commander of the second column Wang Zhen on the southeast mountain saw that the enemy wanted to run, so he commanded the troops to carry out a feint attack on the retreating KMT defensive position.

Storming the positions held by the enemy will increase the casualties of our army. Since it is only to frighten the blocking troops of the National Ke, it is inappropriate for our own troops to suffer too many casualties.

Commander Wang ordered the troops to quickly penetrate from both sides.Making an appearance of encirclement to shake the confidence of the enemy soldiers on the defensive position, the soldiers shouted loudly, but did not launch a real charge.

But these few feints also brought great panic to the blocking Kuomintang troops. Liu Kan has already run away, so who would be willing to let the remaining troops serve as a shield for him? From the division commander to the soldiers, no one had a good impression of Liu Kan. Liu Kan took two divisions of the 29th Army and ran behind the [-]th Division who opened the way.

The Kuomintang officer of the enemy's blocking force looked at the looming red flag in the distance and the approaching shouts, gritted his teeth and said to the surrounding officers: "If you don't leave, you won't be able to get out. Go to the police station and withdraw!"

The surrounding junior officers all breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, you should have given the order a long time ago. The 29th Division rushed out, and the two divisions of the [-]th Army also ran away. We are the only ones left to fight here." It's so stupid. If you push it down, all the brothers and sisters will become scapegoats

In the command post of the second column on the southeast mountain, the commander Wang Zhen was observing the enemy's situation with binoculars.Seeing that Commander Wang suddenly burst out laughing, he said to the commander beside him, "Political Commissar, your idea really works. The enemy's blocking force doesn't even want a position. Look at it and run away."

Political commissar: "Father and mother go out, personal care, who will become an official if you don't save your strength? Mud can't support the wall. Commander, should we chase this time?"

There is a very strange phenomenon in the military and political system of the Kuomintang. If a unit loses too much, then the designation of this unit may be revoked, and the commander of the unit may also be removed.In this way, every army takes the preservation of strength as the top priority, especially those troops that have developed by their own abilities. This is not only done in miscellaneous troops, but also sometimes in the Central Army. I really don’t know what Lao Jiang thinks Yes, who is willing to work hard at such a critical time?

Commander Wang: "Yes, let's do it like this. Let's chase him when he runs away, order the troops to attack across the board, capture more prisoners and hand in more guns. I will give credit to whoever grabs more things and returns them."

political commissar:.Commander, why do you sound a bit like Captain Li of our independent regiment? "

Wife Commander: "I forgot if you didn't mention him. You see, that kid Li Yong is rich. No matter what he does, he always takes a jeep when he goes out, and he leads a large group of people back and forth. Those who don't know the situation think it's a big one." The cadre, this guy is even bigger than my commander. Didn’t I also learn from him, grab more things, and save that kid from showing off in front of us in the future.”

Political commissar: "Commander, don't be too happy. Did you read the telegram from the Nose just now? This time, I put a heavy burden on their shoulders."

Commander Wang: "Look, I guess Boss Peng and Political Commissar Xi are also determined to grit their teeth, otherwise they wouldn't talk to the two of us in this tone. I believe my soldiers are all good, they are all With a good piece of steel, Li Yong and Wang Chengde will definitely be able to stop the enemy.

Political commissar: "Commander, the order is good, but things are difficult to handle. That is to say, but their pressure is too great. No matter how many people there are, they are only more than 4000 people. The strength of the enemy is very different. If it is not done well, I am afraid. Not only can't stop the enemy, but also take them in."

Commander Wang: "Political commissar, the order from the wild division has been issued. It is useless for us to worry. What we need to do now is to kill a little bit more. Killing a little bit more will reduce the pressure on them. Now we have no other way If you can help them, I guess the Independent Regiment is currently marching rapidly. With their maneuvering speed, no other troops can catch up. Even if you and I try to add some troops to them, they will not be able to catch up. Everything depends on them. The Second Column of the Northwest Field Army The political commissar is concurrently served by Commander Wang, with no deputy.

After speaking, Commander Wang grabbed a carbine beside him and rushed out behind the chasing soldiers.Liu Kan ran away, but there were Kuomintang laggards and deserters all over the mountains and plains. Weapons and ammunition were thrown everywhere. At this time, he could not be a fool to chase. .

There are too many things thrown away, from guns and ammunition to supplies, a row of bullets can be easily pulled from the ground, Ting Pinchun also has plenty.The warriors kept throwing the guns they picked up on their backs.In the end, he was struggling to walk, which was soon discovered by Commander Wang.

Seeing soldiers covered in guns, I almost didn't make the commander happy. You say these little boys, what are they good for? I can't walk anymore, how can I pursue it?

Commander Wang stood on the side of the road and shouted loudly: "Throw away the guns, pack lightly, do you understand? Throw away the guns, catch up quickly, catch more prisoners, the guns will not be lost.

Seeing that the soldiers threw away all the unnecessary things, Commander Wang also carried a carbine and chased after him. The so-called carbine is an American... Garand rifle, which is a semi-automatic rifle with eight rounds of magazines. The air guide device can shoot semi-automatically. Some people say that it is wrong to use a carbine to shoot. This kind of gun can only shoot in a single shot and cannot shoot in bursts. The body is shorter, carbine is Yinze, translated into Yize means riding and walking, which probably means that this is a riding rifle with a relatively short gun body, because the ammunition capacity is eight rounds.This rifle also has a common name called big eight grains.

This rifle was the main infantry equipment of the US military in World War II, and was once called the greatest infantry weapon by General Patton.

Seeing his commander rush out.The big guard immediately followed Commander Wang, and kept reminding him not to go any further, it would be too dangerous.

Commander Wang didn't care how the guards around him nagged.Just rushing forward, this time the guards were panicked, the battle was just in the middle of it, bullets and shells flew randomly, and the shrapnel and stones from the shells were everywhere. All are at risk of sacrifice and injury.

At this time, the big guard was really in a hurry. He had been with Commander Xizhen for many years, and he knew the commander's temper. It was useless to tell him how dangerous the front was, and it could only be forced.The big guard hugged Commander Wang who was still running ahead.Don't let him go any further.

Commander Wang was also anxious, struggling and cursing: "Your mother's big man, if you don't charge forward, the enemy will run away. Why are you hugging me? I'm not your mother's wife."

The big guard didn't let go no matter how the commander scolded him. When Commander Wang saw how he scolded the kid, he didn't let go, so he picked up a stick from the ground and hit the big man with a stick.The big guard looked at Wang Zhen who had picked up a stick, and knew that the commander had committed an old mistake again, so he criticized him in vain at the party group meeting. The big guard was from Shandong, with great height and strength.Much stronger than Commander, he snatched Commander Wang with the nagging stick and threw it far away.Then he picked up his own commander and pressed him to the ground. This time, Commander Wang was out of control. In terms of fighting, he really couldn't beat this kid.

But if you can't fight, you can't fight. Commander Wang's mouth is not idle. The commander cursed loudly: "You fucking big man, how dare you hit me? You have violated discipline too. See if I have to shoot you."

The big guard yelled, "Whatever you shout, I'll have to finish the battle if you shoot me. Now you can't go any further."

The big man, the guard, and Commander Wang Zhen have an unusual relationship. The two formed a deep friendship during the war years. The life-threatening friendship in the rain of bullets, the big man regards the life of the commander as more important than his own life. Many times, every time the commander charged with the troops regardless of the danger, the big man used his body to block in front of the commander.

Because of Commander Wang's temper, the big man was often scolded and beaten. Of course, Commander Wang also let him, a big guard, take care of him.This impossible thing in the Kuomintang army is very common in the People's Liberation Army.

Although the big man was often scolded by the commander, he was praised by the column and the security department of the field army many times, because he was the only one who dared to stop the commander at a critical moment.

for this.Both the wild division and the column are not less worried. Boss Zhang and political commissar Xi both said: "I am already a commander at the column level, but every time there is a big battle, I will lead the team to charge. What if I lose my head?"

The soldiers of the second column quickly ran past the wrestling commander and the big guard. The soldiers were used to their commander and guard fighting together.Some soldiers ran and commented: "Look, our commander is fighting with the big man again."

Another soldier said: "Who doesn't know the bad temper of the commander? Doesn't the big guy have to fight him every time he fights?"

Of course, those who said this were all veterans of the Second Column.


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