The beacon of youth

Chapter 177 Jinsha Town

Right, to prevent Commander Wang and the troops from charging, the big guards and Commander Yichuan scuffled together, and the soldiers of the second column who ran past them were used to seeing this scene, and they were very concerned about their The commander is very familiar with it, and everyone knows the problem of the commander rushing forward as soon as a battle starts.

Commander Wang Zhen was seriously injured seven times in his life, and there were countless minor injuries. The last time he was wounded in the head by a shell during the "Yi" battle. , It was played by a cook of our army.

When Commander Wang was charging with the troops, he saw the cook delivering food to the front line, so he grabbed two steamed buns and ran while eating. The commander's hands must have been dirty at that time. If it was dirty, I gave the commander a shoulder pole.The commander didn't even stop after being hit by a shoulder pole. He held the gun in one hand and pinched his head in the other hand and continued to charge slowly. He just turned around and said to the cook, "I'm Wang Zhen, and I'll just eat two and fight slowly." What am I doing? Ray doesn’t even hit the diners.”

When Commander Wang saw the cook again after the battle, the cook said embarrassedly: "Why didn't the commander speak up earlier if he wanted to eat? If he speaks earlier, he won't be burdened with a burden."

The poisonous commander rubbed his spanked buttocks and said, "Fuck me, if I tell you first, you still have to find something delicious for me, so it won't be too troublesome."

After being seriously injured, Commander Wang Zhen was carried down by his big guards. According to some historical records, after being injured, Commander Wang said to his guards in a daze, "I'm sorry, it really hit me this time. I made a mistake.

The commander and the guards scuffled together. The old soldiers of the second column thought it was normal after seeing this situation, and they saw it too much, but the new soldiers who were captured and joined the People's Liberation Army didn't understand it very much. He asked the old soldiers around him strangely: "Squad leader, does this guard dare to fight with the commander? He is not afraid of being shot? Why is no one caring?"

Veteran soldier: "You know what a fart, if the big guy doesn't pull him, who can hold him? If you don't hold him, the commander will rush forward. We only have this commander. What if we lose him? It's too late to cry

In the hearts of the veterans of the Second Column, Commander Wang is the invincible military spirit.Everyone has their own sayings about the courage of soldiers and the art of war for generals, but a general who can be loved by soldiers from the bottom of their hearts will definitely become a famous general. This is an eternal truth.

In a remote valley in Jinsha Town, all the troops of the Independence Regiment have been quietly stationed here for several days. The soldiers asked each other why the troops stayed here and did not move. Not only did they not leave, they were not even allowed to practice.This is back to enjoying the blessings, eating and drinking and doing nothing, no different from raising an uncle, if this continues, I will gain fat on my body.

The old soldiers were all asking each other, and some even went to them and asked why they didn't go out. The new soldiers didn't think so, is it better to stay?The troops of the Eighth Route Army are either fighting or practicing. After a few days of idle time, why don't they take a good rest?The old soldiers don't think so. It is said that the main force of the field army has been dispatched. Why are we left here alone?What's going on here?

Not to mention the soldiers, even Li Yong, the head of the regiment, and Wang Chengde, the political commissar, were at a loss. The main force and the enemy were fighting fiercely in Yichuan and Wazi Street. Not only did the main brigades of the second column go up, but even the troops directly under the headquarters went up, so why was there only an independent regiment standing still?It is said that the head of the field department cannot forget his own army. Even if the heads of the field department forget, the column cannot forget the independent regiment. What is this song about?When the Northwest Field Army was first established, due to the small number of personnel, the lower part of the column was not organized into divisions like the other field army. Instead, brigades were directly set up under the column.

This morning, in a small and spacious room, the independent group was holding the group party committee, and the main room with five green bricks and green tiles was very spacious.

This used to be a landlord’s big yard, but after the land reform, it was divided by local farmers. The landlord’s land, food and floating wealth were all distributed to the peasants, but this big yard can’t be divided anymore, and the house can’t be dismantled. .

The local government asked the people to live in a few more houses, but none of the local people wanted to come in, saying that the landlord was not used to living in the house. Later, everyone felt that such a good house was too wasteful, so the local township government was set up here.

After the Independence Regiment entered Jinsha Town, the local government vacated these large houses for the troops to live in. This made Li Yong and Wang Chengde quite embarrassed, and hurriedly told the local district chief and secretary, The troops were disciplined and could not cause trouble to the local government and the people. Later, Li Yong thought it would be convenient to hold meetings in a big house, so he did not refuse.

All the cadres above the company level of the Concubine Regiment were present, except He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the heavy-lifting battalion. Li Yong was also a little worried when He Cuihua and her dozens of "war workers" Sichuan workers came back. Let Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion send The soldiers went to pick them up.

There was a lot of smoke in the venue, and the people in the independent group were very rich. Most of them smoked cigarettes, and those like Wang Huhu who had cigarettes but didn't smoke, and only liked to smoke pots were a few of them.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, was speaking: "I said the regiment commander and the political commissar. Our regiment is here, and our regiment’s combat effectiveness can beat other troops by a brigade. Why don’t you say the leaders don’t let us go up?.

Because one is the company commander of the repair company and the other is the company commander of the engineering company, Sanniu and Xiaocheng are also eligible to participate in this meeting, and because neither of them can smoke, they got together with Hu Xiaolian. The smoke in the room choked and coughed, so I had to cover my mouth with a hat.

Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, said in a buzzing voice: "Regimental commander, do you think the heads of the headquarters have forgotten our regiment? There are too many combat troops of this size, and the heads must be very busy. Maybe forget about us, why don't we send a telegram to the column or the headquarters to remind us

As soon as Ma Changsheng's words fell, there was a burst of laughter and curses. Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion, put his feet on Wang Huhu's chair in front of him and said, "Did you hear that? Ma Changsheng is out of his mind. How famous is our regiment? Can you forget? Forget that no one can forget our regiment, do you think the chiefs are all like you? Is my brain not working?"

Zhang Jinsong took it over and said: "Who said that Ma Changsheng's brain is broken? It's nothing. I saw Ma Changsheng in a daze at the entrance of the village yesterday, talking about something in his mouth

As soon as Zhang Jinsong finished speaking, everyone in the venue laughed, and Li Jiangguo shouted out of breath: "Look, you also said that Ma Changsheng's brain is not broken. What is it? He's already insane."

Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, is a very powerful Zhuochang, with a fiery personality and a courageous body. Among the veterans of the independent regiment, Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion, is the calmest, and Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, is the smartest. It is said that the most ferocious in the battle was the third battalion commander Ma Changsheng.

This Ma Changsheng is good at close combat and hand-to-hand combat, and is well-known in the army for his bayonet fighting skills. He once stabbed six little devils to death with a bayonet in a battle and became a battle hero in a column. Zhang Jinsong and the others are much stupider. Everyone often makes jokes about him, and Ma Changsheng doesn't care. These people are all his old comrades in arms for many years. They all climbed out of the dead with him. He, Ma Changsheng, saved the lives of several of them. Of course, without these comrades-in-arms, he would have been glorious long ago. Ma Changsheng just stared at Li Jiangguo and Zhang Jinsong and sat there silently.

When the second battalion commander Ma Quanyou waited for everyone's laughter to subside, he said: "Commander, you said that if our regiment is pulled up, we will first use Gao Xiang's artillery to bombard the battalion for a while, and then we will rush up. I don't believe the Kuomintang group. The bastard can stand it."

Before Gao Xiang could speak, Zhang Jinsong took it over and said, "Are you still thinking about Gao Xiang's cannons? I think your mind is about the same as that of Ma Changsheng. Gao Xiang treats their cannons as treasures, and no one will even let them touch them." , I heard that Lao Gao puts the cannonballs in the bed when he sleeps."

As soon as Zhang Jinsong's words fell to the ground, the room was filled with laughter again. Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, said to Li Yong and Wang Chengde solemnly: "Regiment commander, political commissar, our cannons are different from before. When we fought against the 36th Division We didn't even have a single shell. This guy made me so anxious that my mouth was full of big blisters. It was just blisters but no shells. Now before our regiment set off, you ordered each gun to bring [-] shells.

Our battalion brought some of it ourselves, and the heavy-lifting battalion brought some for us. The number of [-] shells is enough, and it is enough for us to toss for a while, but now we support the column with [-] vehicles, and the [-] vehicles Most of the shells pulled up are our shells, isn’t it? The shells of twenty cars have all been unloaded in the yard where they live in the heavy lifting camp. What if the troops take any action at this time? "

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, took it over and said, "What should I do? You can figure it out on your own. Who told you to be the battalion commander of the artillery battalion? There is really no way for you to go on your own. One person shoots twice.

At this time, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu, who had not spoken much, tapped the smoke pot in his hand: "Jiang Guo, Jinsong, are you two still serious? The regiment leader and political commissar asked everyone to come here to discuss things, not to ask you to come here If you come to mess around, if you can’t keep your mouth shut, talk more serious, Jiang Guo, you have a good brain and you have many ideas, so think about why, don’t keep joking.” Thank you for your reminders and encouragement. Pinned to the top, just take a look if you are interested, it is too troublesome to change it, there is no way, I am a lazy person.


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