The beacon of youth

Chapter 179 Fork Mountain

Li Yong and Hu Chengde, who received the order, ordered the reconnaissance battalion and the soldier company to move forward slightly, and the reconnaissance battalion and engineer company, which had all been motorized, drove out quickly in less than 10 minutes.

Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng were sitting in a jeep. Xiao Cheng looked at the mountain road outside the car window and said to Zhang Jinsong, "This car has to be a jeep. It's much better than the big trucks in our company."

Zhang Jinsong is Xiaocheng's old superior.Xiaocheng was Xiaocheng's platoon leader when he was in the reconnaissance platoon at the earliest, and Zhang Jinsong was trained by Zhang Jinsong when Xiaocheng first joined the army, so there is no scruple between the two of them talking together.

Zhang Jinsong looked at Xiao Cheng, and said in an old-fashioned tone: "I said Xiao Cheng, you can do it, you have changed from a recruit to a company commander in just over a year, and the promotion is too fast. Yes. The official has a good temper and is good at it. It’s great to have a car. Our People’s Liberation Army and the former Laobalu both march on their legs.

Xiaocheng has been looking at the road outside the car.Without looking back, he said: "Battlefield Commander, don't always talk about me. When you first joined our regiment, you were a platoon leader. When I was a soldier last year, you were also a platoon leader. It took more than a year to become a battalion commander, and your speed of becoming an official is no slower than mine

"Hey, you kid still dare to fight with me. How long have you been a soldier? When I was a soldier and beat up little devils, you still farted and collapsed, peed and mud crossed the threshold and ground your eggs, what's the matter, just now Are you unconvinced after being a company commander for a few days?"

Zhang Jinsong does have some qualifications. When the army was first established, Li Yong asked the head of the army for twenty five-year veterans, but the head didn't give them anything. He just told Li Yong that the five-year veterans were all in the army. The commanders at all levels reluctantly gave Li Yong twenty veterans with three years of service.

But although head Zhao said that there are no veterans of five years.But among the twenty people, there are still a few veterans of more than five years, and Wang Huo is among them.Li Jiangguo, Zhang Jinsong and others were all platoon commanders when they were in the old army.

Xiaocheng: "Convincing, is it not enough to be convinced? You, Commander Zhang Daying, have always been my old leader. I remember.

Zhang Jinsong: "That's pretty much the same. You guys have more time to learn from our team leader. Don't learn from me, what can you do if you learn from me."

As soon as Zhang Jinsong mentioned Li Yong, Bu Cheng talked a lot:.Battalion commander, you said that our regiment commander is two years older than me, and he is just [-] this year.Why is it so powerful?It seems like there's nothing he doesn't understand except having children.

Zhang Jinsong was also amused by Xiao Cheng's words: "You still want to compare with our regiment leader? Don't mention you. Li Jiangguo has enough heart? He can't compare, let alone you?

When our regiment was first established, there were only more than 20 of us. In the past year or so, it has become more than 4000. The speed of our Eighth Route Army’s troop pull-up is fast, but I have never heard of it being so fast. If this matter is put together Who would have dared to think years ago.

The head of the group is really incomprehensible. You guys are always by the head's side. Which woman does the head of the group like?Is it Hu Xiaolian or He Cuihua?Or Li Jia.These women are all good, if they are singled out, they are all one in a hundred

Xiaocheng: "I don't know which woman I like. Who can understand our leader's thoughts, but that girl He Cuihua is too courageous, and she always sticks to the leader when she has nothing to do. Work hard, I'm a little worried for Miss Xiaolian

Zhang Jinsong: "Xiaocheng, don't be prejudiced against He Cuihua, this He Cuihua is also an amazing girl, she has never done anything bad since the day she joined the army in our regiment, she is a tough hand no matter in war or work, the Sha family Shop, Changgaoshan, Yulin, in which battle did this girl not rush to the front?

Otherwise, the regiment leader wouldn't let her be the deputy battalion commander. There's nothing wrong with her liking our regiment leader. How many women don't like a man like our regiment leader?You just say Li Jia, how arrogant is this girl, she ignored us when she talked to her when we first caught her, but she is still honest when she meets the leader, I guess she must like our leader psychologically, but I dare not act like He Cuihua

Xiaocheng:.Li Jia also likes the leader?I don't know that.Look at what you said has nose and eyes, is it real or fake?Not only do I know that He Cuihua likes the head of the group, but maybe the whole group knows it.But Li Jia, a big intellectual, also likes the leader, I really didn't see it. "

Zhang Jinsong: "What do you know as a recruit? I eat more salt than you drink, and I have crossed more bridges than you have walked.

Xiao Cheng: "Battalion Commander, just brag. I admit that you are my leader, and you have been a soldier for more years than me, but you don't have a wife, so how do you know about these women? Besides, you are not very old, you Tell me how old are you this year?.

It really made Xiao Cheng right. Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, was a veteran who had experienced the War of Resistance Against Japan and fought little devils, regardless of his six or nearly seven years of military experience. Yong Xiaocheng is the age of these people

Zhang Jinsong smiled: "You don't care how old I am, I'm your big brother anyway

The reconnaissance battalion and the engineering company moved forward quickly amidst Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng's discussion, fine snowflakes floated in the sky again, and the north wind was like a knife, carrying fine snow particles and hitting the big box boards of the moving car. ring.

The soldiers put down the tarpaulins on the truck.The cotton coat wrapped around her body tightly.Sleepy in the compartment, it was cold.Sitting in a car with no heating facilities and abnormal bumps is very uncomfortable, and the joints of the whole body are about to be knocked off the shelf. However, compared with the brother troops, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment marched at the level of uncles.

Soldiers in other units used their own two legs to race against the wheels of the enemy's cars. When they were hungry, they ate some dry food in their mouths. .Or grab a handful of snow and put it in your mouth, and it is common to run a hundred and eighty miles a day and night. It is unimaginable to travel in a car like the Independence Regiment.

Zhang Jinsong put a red jack on every car.This is because the cars of the Independence Regiment are still painted with the marks of the Kuomintang troops.The two sides of the cab are still white with the Kuomintang party emblem in the blue sky. While the boss ordered the independent regiment to march forcibly, he also asked the guerrillas along the way to find a way to slow down the marching speed of the enemy's large corps. It's big.

There are a large number of guerrillas in the vicinity.After receiving the order of Boss Peng, they sniped at the Kuomintang Liu Kan Corps, planted landmines, and harassed them day and night. Anyway, no matter what method was used, as long as it could slow down the progress of the Liu Kan Corps.

Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng sat in the moving car and took out the map from time to time to check the situation. It seemed right to bring the engineers with them. As long as there were bigger obstacles along the way, Xiaocheng's engineers would use explosives to solve the problem. , After days and nights of rapid marching, the troops finally arrived at the location designated by the head of the field department, which is the only way for the enemy Liu Kan's corps to return to Yan'an, Chakou Mountain.The north and south of Chakou Mountain are Xiaochuan Road.A road climbed from the north side of the river, and stretched into the south side of the river.The mountains in this area have no obvious veins, and they are full of undulating hills at a glance. Chakou Mountain looks like a mountain ridge running from east to west. Compared with other mountains around, this mountain ridge is taller and weaker. Zhang Jinsong saw it When I reached this mountain ridge, I grinned:

"No wonder the head of the headquarters wants us to come here to block the enemy. It turns out that the mystery is here. Whoever occupies such a terrain first will take advantage of it."

Zhang Jinsong immediately ordered the radio station to send a report to the regiment headquarters: "Our avant-garde troops have occupied Chakou Mountain, please instruct our mission

Before the vanguard formed by Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion and Xiaocheng's engineering company left, Li Yong asked Li Jia, the communication platoon leader, to equip them with a radio station and a radio operator, so that they could report the situation at any time.

After receiving the telegram, Li Yong ordered Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng to spend a few hours to build the fortifications. They must build the fortifications before the arrival of the Kuomintang's large corps. The purpose of assigning Xiaocheng's engineering company to Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion Get the job done.

Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng told the soldiers to hurry up and repair the fortifications.The avant-garde troops composed of reconnaissance battalions and engineering companies were all marching in cars.The speed is much faster than the main force of the regiment. When we arrived at the Chakou area, we had a two-day journey with the main force of the regiment.

Li Yong used the radio to tell Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng to make full use of the two days, try to finish the fortifications before the arrival of the regiment's main force, and give the regiment's main force some rest time.

Two-thirds of the soldiers in the Independence Regiment marched by car, and one-third marched on horseback. Whether it was marching by car or on horseback, it would be very tiring after a long time. Some rest time can help the soldiers recover their strength , It is very beneficial to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng commanded the soldiers to dig trenches from the ridgeline on the top of the mountain according to the method discussed with Li Yong in advance. Xiaocheng's engineer company included engineers who had worked in the Kuomintang army before. When Yulin was resting, Li Yong deliberately These soldiers have been taught a big lesson about the knowledge of modern engineers.Now we can see the preciousness of these fighters.

Zhang Jinsong asked his engineers to go to each platoon to guide the soldiers in their work. Digging trenches was the easiest thing for the engineers, and of course they had to use their strengths when it was time to play.

The soldiers of the engineering company commanded the reconnaissance battalion to excavate at the same time at a distance of more than 50 meters.There were four trenches excavated at the same time, and the people in the reconnaissance battalion asked why they dug so many trenches.Thank you, my friends, for your reminders about rifles. Carbine and Garand are two types of firearms. I apologize for the misleading to my friends.Seeing that some authors update a few chapters a day, I am very entangled. I don’t know when I can reach that level, but I am afraid that the story will be unreasonable and contradictory too soon.


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