The beacon of youth

Chapter 180 Xiaocheng's Way

Gongkou Mountain, the reconnaissance battalion and soldier company that arrived in Yanqi nervously dug up the battle report: Song asked Xiaocheng to send a few people from the engineer company to each infantry platoon to guide the soldiers to work, although the engineer company was established It didn't take long, but jobs like repairing fortifications were somewhat better than ordinary soldiers.

Seeing the people from the engineering company yelling and shouting, the people from the reconnaissance battalion all said that they were awesome. Did they not know where the north was? Why did they start digging so many ditches at the same time?The boys from the engineering company replied coquettishly, what do you know, just do it, and you will know after you finish it.

Of course, it is right to listen to engineers like digging trenches. If the engineers let them do it, they will do it.When we started working, everyone was wearing cotton-padded clothes. After half an hour, the sweat started to come down. The sweat in the cold weather drenched the cotton-padded clothes. He took off all his clothes, and the shirtless work was in full swing, even Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng threw away the cotton-padded clothes.

Nearly [-] soldiers from a battalion and a company excavated at the same time, and it is said that the progress cannot be slowed down.But the mountain is covered with permafrost and big rocks, and the shovel is basically useless. Although everyone is digging hard, the work is still not ideal.Most of the day passed, and the soldiers were exhausted enough, but the trenches were still just looking a little bit better.

What should Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng do?This concentration is not enough. At this speed, let alone the main force of the regiment, even if the enemy arrives at this position, they may not be able to do a good job. At this time, a soldier from the engineering company suggested that it is possible to use some explosives?Just use a pack of explosives to blow up a layer of frozen soil on the surface of the position.Subsequent excavation will save much effort.

This is a solution, but Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng were worried that the explosion of the explosives would expose the target. Later, they thought about what they were afraid of exposing the target. The enemy's large army had not arrived yet, and the enemy in Yan'an might not come out. There are brother troops blocking the way out, and our army is currently the only one in the Chakou area.Still afraid of exposing the target.The two decided to use explosives.The excavation work started immediately. The sound of explosions from small packs of explosives kept ringing, and a layer of permafrost on the surface of the site was blasted away. The progress of the next excavation was much faster. At noon, everyone simply ate some dry food and continued to work. At night, the four large trenches connected to each other have already taken shape.

The reconnaissance battalion and the engineering company have their own cooking squads. Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng asked the cooking squads to make as many good dishes as possible, and also brought out some of the Cuitou that they had been reluctant to eat.The soldiers worked for a whole day, the workload was too much, and there was too little oil and water in their stomachs and they had no strength.

As soon as the sun set, the temperature dropped immediately, coupled with the small north wind that kept blowing.It gives people the feeling that it is getting colder and colder, and there is nothing to do when working, and it feels uncomfortable when you stop. Thanks to the soldiers, they all took off their cotton-padded clothes. put on.There is no way to take a shower.

When the cooking team brought up the prepared meals, the soldiers squatted in the trenches they had just dug to eat.It's delicious to eat anything when you're hungry.

Like Xiaocheng, Zhang Jinsong squatted in the trenches to eat with the soldiers, but he felt that eating like this was not very good. The north wind carried Xiaoxue straight into the bowl, and it was fine if there was a little snow. Still getting into the dirt.The soldiers all untied their padded jackets and put the bowls in their arms against the wind.

While eating, some soldiers discussed with each other whether they could sleep in the car behind the mountain at night.The car can still somewhat block the wind.People might freeze to death on this mountain.

There is no place to hide on the mountain ridge, and the temperature will be lower at night.At three or four o'clock in the morning, the temperature can drop to around minus [-] degrees, and the low temperature is the first enemy of this mission of holding the ground.

Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion and Xiaocheng's engineering company are less than 600 people. If the whole regiment has more than 4000 people, where can they hide?The order issued by the headquarters of the field army is to stick to it for five days and nights.If it is just like this for five days and nights on the big mountain ridge, there is no need to fight the enemy, because non-combat attrition due to the cold will be indispensable.

On the Korean battlefield, at the Battle of Changjin Lake, the volunteer soldiers lurked in the severe cold of tens of degrees below zero, and finally put the best Marine Division of the US Army into their pockets, but when the battle started, our army had many positions to attack Nothing happened.Check after the fact.Some positions have entire companies.Including company commanders and instructors.The soldiers had all been frozen to death by the severe cold.The battle of Changjin Lake was very tragic, not to mention the battle.Even non-combat attrition is very severe, and neither the enemy nor the enemy is willing to mention this matter after the incident. It can be seen that the cold has a great impact on the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Zhang Jinsong and Chengdu participated in the party committee before the independent regiment battle. Both of them knew the order from the field army headquarters. Changing accounts, etc., this ring must not be frozen into a popsicle girl,

Zhang Jinsong: "Is there any way, this is our position, and we will stay for a long time. The mission given to our regiment by the headquarters is to stick to it for five days. The two of us arrived two days earlier than the regiment. How can we two brothers on this mountain? It will take seven or eight days and nights. It’s really exhausting. Just now some soldiers said to go back to sleep in the car. This is pure nonsense, the car is not warm, and we are here to fight, and we are not allowed to sleep in the car. The enemy gave us a pot, are we used to a good life, so we can't suffer and suffer? .

This Xiaocheng is a very smart fighter, he has been with Li Yong for a long time, and he has also learned the habit of using his brain in everything, at this time he rolled his eyes again: .Battalion Commander, do you still remember the big cave where we got our weapons during the battle of Marriage Dragon Town? "

Zhang Jinsong: "Of course I remember, the second son Ning was captured from that place. But now we can't find a cave here. I have searched for it several times. In this mountain, there are only trees, grass, or stones, let alone caves." I don’t even have a place to leeward, so tonight I think I’ll have to sleep in the trench we just dug.”

Xiaocheng: "Battalion Commander, sleeping in the trenches is enough. The temperature is too low at night, and it will be more troublesome if there is something wrong with the freezing. If there is no cave, why don't we dig it? It is suitable for digging caves. Do you think we should dig a few holes behind this big mountain ridge, which can not only shelter from wind and snow, but also prevent shells, and there will be a place to live when our group pulls up?

Zhang Jinsong thought for a while and then patted his thigh: "Xiaocheng, with you, it's really not in vain to mess with the head of the group. It's a good idea. Digging a cave is a good way. If we regenerate a stove in the cave, we will I can have a hot meal

He did what he said, and after the soldiers had finished eating, Zhang Jinsong shared his thoughts with everyone, and told the soldiers not to be afraid of fatigue.Try harder, as long as the cave is dug a little bit, there will be a place to live tonight, or else it's really not a place for people to stay on this big mountain ridge.

Most of the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion were locals, and they understood what Zhang Jinsong said, so it would be great if they had a cave to stay overnight.The soil quality of the northern Shaanxi plateau is very suitable for digging caves, otherwise the common people love to live in cave dwellings, one side of the water and soil support the other side of people, cave dwellings are the characteristics of the Northwest.

The soldiers chose several places to excavate at the same time behind the ridge line of the mountain top, that is, less than 100 meters away from the back of the mountain. Zhang Jinsong ordered the soldiers to dig one in each row.Anyway, whoever digs well sleeps comfortably.

After [-]:[-] in the evening, it was already getting dark. The soldiers shouted to each other to compete in the progress of the excavation. They first dug from the outside to the inside, and then expanded to the other two caves. It was a cave with a small mouth and a big belly. It is also reasonable for us to choose such a cave. The small hole not only keeps warm but also prevents direct bullets and shells.This work lasted in the middle of the night, and by the end of the night, these newly dug large caves had already taken on some appearance. Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng told the soldiers to eat some dry food as soon as possible, and then rest.

In the middle of the night, the temperature dropped sharply, and the guard posts outside, the soldiers all got into the newly dug cave, and then blocked the entrance of the cave with tree sticks and grass, and hung a lantern inside. It was much better than camping outside. The soldiers all praised Zhang Jinsong's move. Although it was a bit tiring, it really worked when you were tired.

Zhang Jinsong said with a smile that this was all Xiaocheng's idea, or he hadn't remembered that Xiaocheng was originally a member of the old reconnaissance platoon, and was later asked by Li Yong to be a guard by his side. Pretty much the same.The platoon leaders of each squad were also veterans at that time, and everyone was familiar with Xiao Cheng.

These old soldiers have the same opinion as their battalion commander. Xiao Cheng has grown up with the regiment commander, and his mind has changed. Xiao Cheng said with a smile, that's right. Who is the leader.It would be great if I could learn a little bit of skill.

The veterans said yes, yes, everyone was the same when our platoon was first established.Now that Xiaocheng has become a company commander, he must be capable, and we fools can't compare.

Xiaocheng:.Who said you are all fools?There are also many capable people in the reconnaissance battalion.Do you still remember the meeting when you hit the dragon town?At that time, one person was still a prisoner, and now he is also a platoon leader. "

Everyone laughed when they heard it, knowing that Xiao Cheng was talking about the second son of Chang Ning in the reconnaissance battalion.


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