The beacon of youth

Chapter 186 Gao Xiang's Artillery Battalion 2

The [-]th Division reorganized by the avant-garde troops of the [-]nd Party attacked the Dugu Regiment's position all the way. Although the casualties were not small, it still had no effect.

The commander of the No. 20 Ninth Army behind, Liu Kan, was very dissatisfied with the progress of the Ninth Army, and used a walkie-talkie to supervise the battle. Although Yan Ming and Liu Kan had friendship, he did not dare to be sloppy at this time, and assured Liu Kan that, In the afternoon, we must launch a resolute attack and take down the fork position held by the communist army.Yan Ming, who put down the walkie-talkie, let out a sigh of relief. At this time, an officer beside him said, "I knew we were going to attack. Our 29th Division took the lead along the way. We were the ones who broke through, and we are still us now. How could he?" Don't let his [-]th Army come over, and it won't hurt your back when you stand and talk.

Yan Ming: "Okay, don't say weird things. Commander Liu is also in a hurry. Although our [-]th Division is leading the battle, it is better than the cover. As long as we can rush out from here, everything will be fine. When we return to Yan'an, everything will be easy. I still don’t know how those division commanders scolded Commander Liu, so let’s stop making trouble.”

The friendship between Yan Ming and Liu Kan is good. The two have been together for a long time. They fought guns together and went to prostitutes together. here.

Watching a movie with his concubine in the big theater was much better than working hard with the communist army. He was a little disgusted by the complaints of the officer below. This officer didn't dare to say anything when he saw that the teacher was a little unhappy.

The independent regiment on the mountain had dinner at the same time as the one down the mountain, and several battalion commanders went to the regiment headquarters to eat with Li Yong and Wang Chengde.At the same time, I also took the opportunity to have a small meeting by the way.

Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, said to Li Yong while eating with a large enamel jar: "Regimental Commander, we have been fighting all morning. Just because Gao Xiang is showing off, our battalion didn't fire a single shot. In the afternoon Let Gao Xiang and the others rest, let us deal with the enemies down the mountain."

Li Yong only cared about eating, and replied without raising his head: "Weigang, this is the best way to fight. Let the enemy not know our details, and beat him outside the range of their rifles, except when the enemy attacks with artillery fire. Casualties, there are no direct combat casualties yet, this is what we want, using your machine gun battalion will bring the enemy closer, is this good for us? First, it’s not good to think about it, you are a soldier and you still talk like that It's nothing, but a commander shouldn't speak like this, it's wrong to underestimate the enemy's thinking."

Wei Gang was very embarrassed by what Li Yong said, and Wang Huo, the commander of the Fifth Battalion, also had dinner with everyone. Fighting a war is not a child's play."

Gao Xiang raised his feet high, and said to Wei Gang with a proud expression: "Old Wei is not stupid, he is full. He still has opinions in such a war? When the enemy comes up again in the afternoon, you can use it The binoculars are good to see the excitement, if you really want to fight, when the enemy retreats, your battalion will attack and chase, so as to pick up what is left, don’t worry, no one will laugh at you.”

Once Gao Xiang finished speaking, the whole cave burst into laughter, while Wei Gang stared blankly and was speechless.Fourth Battalion Commander Ning Jinshan laughed so hard that he almost spit out his rice: "Gao Xiang, boy, when did your mouth become comparable to Li Jiangguo's?"

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, lay in a hay bed made of hay and said in a daze, "Don't rely on me for everything. I didn't mess with anyone. You are still guarding the position anyway. Wei Gang, didn’t you still see the enemy? Look at us, let alone the war, I didn’t even see the enemy’s figure. I just slept, isn’t it? I know how I slept at night."

Li Jiangguo's words suddenly reminded Li Yong, what are the strengths of our eight roads?Night combat and close combat are our family heirlooms. No matter what you say this night, you can't let the enemy down the mountain sleep well. You have to send an army to stir up trouble for the enemy. Who will you send?Of course, we have to send clever commanders who can deal with emergencies.

In terms of being clever in fighting, the battalion commanders in the regiment are of course Li Jiangguo. This matter has been thought about in Li Yong's mind but he has not said it. Now he is thinking about how to deal with the attack of the enemy's large army in the afternoon. Moreover.

The soldiers of the [-]th Division of the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain had just finished eating, and Yan Ming came among the soldiers. This guy also knew that it was time to rely on the soldiers to do their best.

Liu Kan: "Brothers, this is Chakou Mountain. After passing this mountain, there will be no more dangerous terrain, so this is the last hurdle for us to return to Yan'an. As long as we can take this Chakou position, the communist army will We can’t do anything about it, I’m here to announce that whoever is the first to step into the Communist Army’s position at Chakou will not only be rewarded with a thousand dollars but will also be promoted to three ranks.”

As soon as Liu Kan finished speaking, the second soldiers were buzzing, and some ten soldiers whispered together! "Everyone is the real fart palace" is rewarded and promoted. What did you go to do in the past, but now you can't see it, you know the reward. No matter how much money you have, you have to live to get it. Even if you lose your life, why should you be an official? What money do you want? It is said that the Eighth Route Army is better for soldiers than officials. "

After mobilizing for battle, Liu Kan ordered his officers with a sullen face. After the artillery fire was prepared, the troops took battalions as units and attacked the Communist positions in waves. After one battalion went up, the other battalion followed up a few hundred meters behind. , No retreat without order.

The artillery of all levels assigned to the reorganized No.90 Division bombarded the positions held by the Independent Regiment without interruption. The howitzer regiment of the division and the howitzer battalion of the brigade bombarded the fork position together.

The reorganization division of the Kuomintang is different from the division of my army. The organization model comes from the US military. The division has a brigade, and the brigade is a regiment. A reorganization division is actually an army. In addition to three infantry brigades and nine regiments, it is also equipped with artillery regiments. It is comparable to the size of a column of our army with the Automobile Regiment and some affiliated troops.

The soldiers were all cats in the artillery hole, listening to the explosion of the bombardment outside, holding their weapons and making no sound, Gao Xiang crowded beside Li Yong and muttered: "Regimental Commander, the enemy's artillery is too rampant. Why don't we let our artillery also fight with them, suppress their firepower, and reduce the pressure on our frontal positions."

Li Yong shook his head hastily and said: "This is not possible. The [-] howitzer of your battalion is the last card in our regiment's hand. It must not be used until the critical time. Tell comrades to persevere. After the artillery fire, the enemy's infantry will die." It's coming up."

Sure enough, the enemy's artillery fire prepared for about half an hour, and then the enemy's infantry swarmed up. Li Yong asked people to take the wounded down while the enemy's artillery fire stopped. There were still casualties under the bombardment of the caliber artillery. Some of the anti-aircraft holes were collapsed by the artillery, and the soldiers were buried inside.

It is very dangerous for this person to be buried in the soil. If he cannot dig it out within 5 minutes, it will be enough. The soldiers took advantage of the limited time when the enemy's artillery stopped and the infantry rushed to the front. In this way, some soldiers died. .

Most of the soldiers who were buried and sacrificed were suffocated to death. Li Yong was very sad. Although he said that he dug a lot of anti-aircraft holes, it was too useless to wait to be bombed. In individual bunkers, one shell is fine, but a few dozen in a row will not work.

After the artillery fire ceased, the enemy's large infantry rushed in. It seemed that Yan Ming had made up his mind. He organized his troops into battalions, and each battalion was separated by a distance of several hundred meters to form an echelon attack. Another wave continued to attack. This guy also saw that there were not many people on the mountain, and planned to use this continuous attack method to wipe out the eight roads on the mountain.The positions of the independent regiment on the mountain, the ring position, individual bunkers, curved trenches, concealed heavy machine gun positions, and the infantry of the fifth battalion of the first line of defense King Tiger Battalion are still silent, only the mortar battalion of the third line of defense to deal with.

In the face of multiple waves of enemy attacks down the mountain, Li Yong ordered Gao Xiang's artillery battalion to adopt the strategy of rotten head, censored tail, and focusing on the middle. The distance of four to five hundred meters is the best time for the mortar to exert its power. .The distance from the range of the enemy's infantry weapons is still far away. This battle has caused the attacking enemy infantry to be devastated. Just hearing the whistling sound of shells from the sky about to hit the ground, followed by explosions everywhere, let alone shooting at the communist army , You can't even see the figure of the communist army, just rushing up with the shells.

However, there were more and more shells. Li Yong initially used ten small cannons, and later increased to twenty. Seeing that the twenty small cannons still could not stop the enemy's attack, he simply ordered all forty small cannons from the Gaoxiang Battalion to participate. Attack, this time it’s lively, the density of shells fired by the forty mortars is terrifying. At the beginning, the attacking infantry still rushed upwards, but then they couldn’t stand it anymore, and they all lay on the ground. But this mortar is a curved gun, and the shells are different from the bullets, so lying on the ground is useless.

The attacking soldiers were frightened by the huge casualties. Who can stand up to the firepower density of small shells all over the sky like rain?Lying on the ground didn't work, so they went to bed, ran, hula, and all the guys ran down, the ones in front retreated, and the ones behind squeezed up, forming a large group of lumps in the middle of the mountain.

Li Yong saw that this opportunity was too good, and immediately ordered the artillery fire to be aimed at the crowd of people crowded in the middle of the hillside. Ten shots were fired in a hurry. Rotten clothes from guns were flying all over the sky, and rivers of blood flowed underground. , if you want to know what will happen next, please go to 400..., more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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