The beacon of youth

Chapter 187 The 1st Infantry Battalion Departs

Yuan Shan Bu.The attacking nationals led ten soldiers and were bombarded by Gao Xiang's artillery battalion. Forty dozen mortars focused their fire on them, making the density of the shells reach a terrifying level.

The Hu Zongnan Group of the Kuomintang has never been bombarded like this since it entered the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. In the past, it was the Communist Army who suffered shells. Unexpectedly, Feng Shui is going to change a bit today, and the government has also been bombed.On the ground beside the bomb crater, dead bodies were everywhere, and the soldiers retreated one by one.

In the command post of the No.90 Division under Yamashita Reorganization, Yan Ming, who was observing the battlefield with binoculars, was so angry that he slammed his fist on the lid of the jeep: "Why does the Communist Army have so many artillery fires? He can still be a local The Eighth Route Guerrilla? This is clearly the main force of the main force of the Communist Army. It is a hard nail to crack. When did such a unit emerge from the Northwest Communist Army?"

At this time, a junior officer ran over from the front and came over panting to report: "Reporter, the artillery fire of the communist army on the mountain is too powerful. The more and more the artillery fires, the more and more the shells are getting denser. The brothers have suffered too many casualties. I can't stand it anymore, this posture doesn't look like a guerrilla, there can be dozens of small steel cannons, with so many artillery, the mountain should be the main force of the communist army."

Yan Ming immediately stopped this.The officer went on.He yelled at the officer, "What big army of the Communist army? Why can't the army see the attack of the Communist army? You have dealt with the Communist army a lot. The Communist army saw it When our army retreats, we always want to chase, but why don’t the communist army on this mountain chase? This shows that what is defending here is not the main force of the communist army, but a small force or guerrilla with a small number of people and strengthened firepower. , order the troops to continue to attack and not to retreat."

Yan Ming is very clear about the current situation on the battlefield, regardless of whether the army on the mountain is a large army of the Communist Army or not.We must take down this mountain, and we must continue to fight all the troops, otherwise the entire regiment will not be able to get out of this Huanglong mountain area.

Back down and bombard with artillery fire, then charge, then bombard with artillery fire, and then charge up.In this way until it was dark at night, the reorganization of the No.90 division did not achieve any results.But it is undeniable that the enemy's desperation also brought certain casualties to the independent regiment.

Under the repeated coverage of the enemy's artillery fire, no matter how well the fortifications are done, casualties cannot be avoided.Not only Gao Xiang's artillery battalion, but also the soldiers in the two front lines of defense also suffered certain casualties.

Some of the wounded soldiers were extremely depressed. You said that if the soldiers of the Gaoxiang Pao Battalion were injured, it would be fine. did not let go.It's too irritating to get hurt just standing there in the trenches.

Tianyi saw that the attack of the [-]th Division of the Black Kuomintang finally stopped. After fighting for a whole day, people are all fleshy and have to eat and rest. Xiao Yanming gritted his teeth and ordered the troops to suspend the attack.

At this time, the voice of Liu Kan, the commander of the corps, came from the walkie-talkie: "Yan Ming, what's the matter with your [-]th Division? Why can't you even take down a position held by the guerrillas? A small fork position blocked us. It's been a whole day, and we're not just here for sightseeing, and the main force of the communist army is chasing us. Do you want to bury us all here? Do you still know battlefield discipline? Do you want to go to a court-martial? ?”

Although Yan Ming said that he has a good relationship with Liu Kan, it depends on when. Liu Qin doesn't care about brotherhood if he is impatient.

Yan Ming wiped the sweat from his head with his hands, and stood at attention and replied: "Commander Liu, Commander Liu, it's not that I don't work hard, it's because the Communist Army is too powerful. Our [-]th Division has been fighting non-stop all day today, brother. They suffered a lot of casualties. But they couldn't attack. The communist army on this mountain is not like a guerrilla army. There are dozens of mortars alone. Commander, when did you see dozens of mortars? The communist guerrillas with guns? Even the main force of the communist army has such strength, and we really tried our best."

Liu Kan in the walkie-talkie was silent for a moment: "There are dozens of small cannons? Is what you said true or false? There is no joke on the battlefield. If you report the military situation in a hurry, I will not be able to save you when the time comes."

Yan Ming quickly replied: "Commander Liu, brother, I am also a high-ranking official of the party state. I dare to guarantee with my head that the Communist army on Chakou Mountain is definitely the main force. It is not a guerrilla."

It really makes this strict statement right. Although the strength of the independent regiment on the mountain is very different from that of the enemy, it is true that the independent regiment is indeed the main force of the Northwest Field Army. It can also be said to be the strongest regiment in the entire field army. force.

Li Yong used one of Gaoxiang's artillery battalions to entangle the Kuomintang Reorganized No. 90 Division at the foot of the mountain for a day.Successfully blocked the enemy's six battalion-level and above attacks, killed a large number of the enemy's vital forces, effectively preserved himself, and concealed his combat effectiveness.After a day of fighting, the casualties of the independent regiment were not very large, and the bullets had very few penetrating injuries.Most of them were fragment wounds from shells, and the enemy's large-caliber howitzers were still very powerful, although Li Yong had considered the enemy's artillery in advance.Some arrangements were also made, but it was still a little underestimated.There are some blast holes that don't serve their intended purpose.

In fact, this is no wonder for Li Yong. The enemy's [-]th Division used artillery to cover the fork position many times. No casualties were simply impossible.

Fortunately, there are a large number of steel rings prepared for the "Second" alone. Basically, it is a man-year-old top, and the pattern is greatly built with fragments caused by shells.

For quite a long period of time, due to financial and technical reasons, the PLA did not equip a large number of steel helmets. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, many soldiers were shot in the head and neck due to the superior artillery fire of the US military, accounting for half of all casualties. many.

The U.S. military also conducted psychological warfare attacks on the volunteers because of the steel helmets. The so-called sugar bomb warfare of the U.S. military.To slander the Chinese government is to let the soldiers be cannon fodder and deliberately not equipped with helmets.However, these leaflets dropped by the planes were used by the soldiers as notebooks for practicing writing and toilet paper for going to the toilet.

Now the soldiers of the independent regiment wear the steel helmets captured by the US military in World War II and the official helmets produced by the Kuomintang government.

In fact, it is officially the Chinese version of the U.S. military helmet. During the founding ceremony, the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army wore these two helmets. All the weapons and equipment of a country's army come from seizures.It is too incredible to think about it, such an army may be the only one in the world.

In the Chakou area in February, it was completely dark just after [-] o'clock in the evening. Li Jiangguo led his [-]st Battalion out, and the soldiers slid down from behind the Chakou Mountain position holding each other.

After Li Yong's proposal and the study and decision of the regiment party committee, Li Jiangguo's first battalion was sent out to carry out harassment missions, with the purpose of causing psychological panic to the enemy.As far as possible, the Kuomintang soldiers could not rest well at night, so as to relieve a little pressure on the next day's battle, and if possible, they had to touch the enemy's artillery positions down the mountain.

After a day of fighting, the fighters of the independent regiment have a deep memory of being bombed. Li Yong believes that no matter what kind of battle it is, even if it is a defensive battle like the present one, it is necessary to grasp the initiative on the battlefield as much as possible. If the situation permits, we must take the initiative to attack the enemy.

After the first battalion went down the mountain, it turned around.big bend.Then he quietly walked towards the enemy's occupied area. What Li Jiangguo meant was that he wanted to penetrate through the enemy's joints. The enemy's divisions, regiments, and battalions all had joints. Before coming to Yichuan, these troops were not always together, but were temporarily drawn together to form a large corps. Such a troop must be unfamiliar to cooperate.

Li Jiangguo wanted to take advantage of this small advantage to penetrate into the enemy's large army and stir up chaos from the inside and outside, so that the enemy could not eat well, sleep well, and have no peace all day long, and relieve the pressure on the frontal position at the fork. This is Li Jiangguo. Yong and Wang Chengde entrusted them with the task of the First Battalion.

The sky was dark, with only a small moon and stars all over the sky. Li Jiangguo led his troops and walked northward for a few miles in the dark, and came to a small ravine between two mountains. The machine guns fired indiscriminately.

Li Jiangguo took a few soldiers to check the situation. They crawled forward on the ground covered with a thin layer of snow, observing the terrain while climbing. Li Jiangguo is an old soldier who is used to life in war. For example, he can accurately remember the terrain and features he has scouted in the dark, and he can roughly distinguish which is the enemy and which is his own. This is the skill of an old soldier. In terms of such ability, Li Yong is no match for Li Jiangguo.

It took about half an hour, and the situation was almost settled. The enemy had a company stationed at Mizoguchi, and for some unknown reason, the enemy in this company kept shooting blindly.

But the random shooting of the enemy from this company also caused troubles for the first battalion. The enemy's machine guns fired randomly and irregularly, but inadvertently blocked the mountain pass that the first battalion wanted to pass through.If you want to get in from here, you have to kill this machine gun.

Li Jiangguo ordered the platoon leader of the vanguard platoon to take a few soldiers to deal with the enemy's machine guns. There are too many people in the place and the target is too big.The platoon leader of the vanguard platoon climbed up from one side with a few soldiers, and when he reached the machine gun position of this company, there was a meal of grenades.

It was dark, and a dozen grenades exploded violently, and the enemy's machine gun on duty and several soldiers were blown away.I saw the brother's reminder to update the ticket, and there is one more chapter. Originally, this chapter was planned for tomorrow morning.The time of the old bus is limited, and I have been very busy repairing the train recently, and the busier is getting busier during the holidays. Friends, please forgive me, thank you for your support.

Discuss with book friends again, question, some friends said whether it is possible to merge the first column and the second column into the first army.This old bus is a bit afraid.It's not the author's original intention either. Lao Ba's idea is to let Li Yong form a brand new army that is different from other troops. This point has been explained to a certain extent in the previous chapters.

Finally, I would like to talk about an old question. Some friends scolded Laoba for being an expert in civil war. Laoba explained again that sometimes civil war is unavoidable. Japan’s shogunate period and warlord period were civil wars. The American War of Independence and the Civil War They are all about the civil war, and there are many kinds of books, but I really haven’t seen a few of them were written during the War of Liberation. This book written by Lao Ba also has the meaning of exploring.Even if it's a change of taste for everyone, wouldn't it be good, ha, it won't be an old civil war.

Let me say one more thing, Lao Ba is a very stupid person, and the rewards in the book review area have not been figured out yet. If you want to improve it, you can say a few words in the comment area. , please go to 6 old, more chapters, support the author.Support genuine reading!

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