The beacon of youth

Chapter 189 Heavy Artillery Position

The fierce battle at Ershan continued all day long, and the attacking troops of the Kuomintang Corps bombarded the Independent Corps' positions with heavy artillery. After the bombardment, the infantry took turns to charge.

At this time, the reconnaissance battalion sent by Li Yong was hiding in a large ravine north of Chakou Mountain. The battalion commander Zhang Jinsong was mobilizing the soldiers: "I won't talk nonsense, everyone has heard that our regiment is under fire. Tonight we will go out as soon as it gets dark. Separately, the target is the enemy's artillery position. When we go out, the regiment leader and the political commissar have explained that whoever blows up one artillery is considered a meritorious service, and whoever blows up three cannons is a great meritorious service.

The soldiers lying in the caves and the grass were anxiously looking forward to the dark.From the position defended by their own regiment, there was a burst of shell explosions. The soldiers knew that the Kuomintang's large corps at the foot of the mountain had begun to attack, and the main force of their regiment was under the enemy's artillery bombardment.

Zhang Jinsong kept walking among the soldiers. Hearing the violent explosion sound from a distance, he felt tense. The regiment leader, political commissar and comrades must be looking forward to his actions, hoping that he can lead the troops to kill them. Enemy artillery.

We must think of a good way, we must attack tonight, and we must stop the enemy's artillery at all costs, and we must fight the enemy if we risk our lives, no, you can't do it recklessly, the soldiers are watching For myself, I have to use my brains to think of ways like the head of the team.

Just as Zhang Jinsong was spinning around.A row of Changning's second sons murmured, "I said Battalion Commander, can you sit down and rest for a while? You turned my head so dizzy, isn't it still dark?"

Zhang Jinsong glared at Erzi Ning: "What do you know, what are you talking about, don't you see that I am thinking about something?"

Ning Erzi said unconvinced: "I know you're thinking about something, but have you come up with something after wandering around like you?"

Zhang Jinsong: "I'm thinking, don't make trouble for me, boy. Just rest."

Ning Erzi stretched his waist, lay there halfway holding his submachine gun, and said, "Battle Commander, if you really can't figure it out, let the soldiers divide into several groups and discuss it together. It's no better than your own thinking with so many brains." Think much stronger."

Hearing what Ning Erzi said, Zhang Jinsong's eyes lit up suddenly, that's right, how can one's own brain compare with everyone's, wouldn't it be better for the soldiers to use their brains to find a way together.

Zhang Jinsong: "Okay, your method is a good second son, don't you see it, you have a lot of thoughts."

The second son Ning replied disdainfully: "What is this? My brother has said that I have a lot of mind since I was a child. Or let me be a scout as soon as I join our army. Anyone can do this scout." ?.

Ning Erzi's answer made Zhang Jinsong very enlightened, yes, all he has are scouts.Most of the fighters were handpicked by themselves.Everyone is so clever, it would be a waste to let their heads idle, so let everyone figure out a way.Under the leadership of Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion held a group discussion with the platoon as a unit. Not to mention, the heads of these scouts are easy to use.For the enemy's artillery to exert its power, three conditions must be met. One is to have artillery.The second is to have shells, and the third is to have well-trained artillery. If one of these three is missing, his artillery will not be able to exert its due power.Therefore, the reconnaissance battalion must start from these three to destroy the enemy's artillery.

Zhang Jinsong was very happy, the soldiers in his hands are powerful, and his brains are very useful. When he picked people, he really didn't work for nothing. After the meeting, Zhang Jinsong decided to disperse the troops in platoons and scout the situation during the day. , Do it at night.

Watching the soldiers go out along the ditch mouth one by one, I also led a platoon of soldiers wearing Kuomintang uniforms to wander out of the ravine, turned a few turns, and walked swaggeringly towards the defense area of ​​the 29th Army.

To say that the vigilance of the soldiers of the 29th Army is good, the Central Army of the Kuomintang is still Liu Kan's direct line of troops, and of course their vigilance is better than other troops.

The soldiers standing guard saw Zhang Jinsong and one of his platoon soldiers approaching from a long distance: "Stop, don't go forward, what part is the password?"

Zhang Jinsong continued to walk forward as if he didn't listen.The soldier of the 29th Army who was standing guard saw that the visitor ignored him, and pushed the bullet into the chamber with a clatter: "Did you hear that? Which part? Stop, password?"

"What are you talking about, we are from the 42nd Division, we just came from behind, and I don't know the shit password of your 29th Army.

The 42nd Division is the last division in the entire corps in charge of the rear. It is more than ten kilometers away from the 29th Army. Zhang Jinsong is filled with soldiers from this division.

The soldier on guard: "Aren't the 42nd Division behind us? What are you doing here? .

Zhang Jinsong: "Why do you and our little ones stipulate that only your 29th Army is allowed to defend here? We have to resist the attack of the Communist Army for you in the back. We are the 42nd; Come to the front to see the situation, guess the commander wants us to see why the troops don’t move on, what are they stopping for? Don’t you know that the communist army is still trailing behind?”

The soldier on guard of the 29th Army let out a long breath after hearing Zhang Jinsong's words: "Brothers, do you still need to check this matter? Your division headquarters has a telegram and a walkie-talkie that can directly talk to our commander. It’s because the walkie-talkie is too far away to hear, isn’t there a phone? It’s so convenient for your division headquarters to have a direct line with our military headquarters, isn’t your division commander asking you to run errands on purpose?”

Zhang Jinsong: "You know what bullshit, what about telegrams, we are from the division headquarters of the 42nd division, your commander Liu is a famous old fox, and you never told the truth to our division commander on the phone, our division commander asked us to come to the front Check why it stopped moving."

Hearing Zhang Jinsong's nonsense, the soldier of the 29th Army was completely relieved. He backed off the bullets on the big gun he was holding, and then recited again:

"Brothers, did you say it earlier? See, there was almost a misunderstanding. It's worth your visit just for this little thing. It's dozens of miles back and forth. You don't have to go any further. Let me tell you, on the Chakou Mountain in front of us. The communist army appeared and blocked our way back to Yan'an. The 29th Division fought all day yesterday and failed to take it down. Today our army commander ordered the [-]th Division to withdraw and our [-]th Army troops to continue the attack. That's all."

Zhang Jinsong: "It's too useless to fight for a whole day without defeating it. Could it be that the 1-man reorganized [-]th Division of the Communist Party can't even deal with the Communist Army's Tuba Route guerrillas?"

Soldier on guard: "Brothers, I don't know. I also listened to what the brothers who came back from the front said. It's not like some guerrillas blocking our way. When the 42th Division attacked, they were all bombed back by shells. It is said that this The communist army is full of mortars all over the mountains. When we attack the communist army, the artillery shells are like raining. When did the guerrillas of the communist army have such powerful artillery fire? Your [-]nd division has often dealt with the guerrillas in the back? How many times have you been bombed? The [-]th Division charged many times a day and died, and many of them didn't go up." Zhang Jinsong continued to talk nonsense to the soldier: "The Communist Army has artillery, so don't we have artillery? The [-]th Division has The division belongs to the artillery, and the brigade and regiment also have their own artillery, why not use it? Don’t they just wait for the gods of the communist army?”

Sentinel: "That's not the case. The [-]th Division is not a fool. Why didn't they use artillery? I heard that they had shot out all the shells. They used artillery fire to the Communist positions several times. The mountain is full of bomb craters." , it stands to reason that the casualties of the communist army are not small. But I don’t know why they can’t go up, the communist army on this mountain is really slanted.”

Hearing this soldier say that the [-]th Division used artillery fire to blow up the positions on the mountain several times when they attacked, Zhang Jinsong felt a cold war in his heart. What the regimental commander and political commissar were worried about was the enemy's artillery fire, so they sent out their own reconnaissance battalion It's just to deal with the enemy's artillery. This is great. Before I can do anything, the comrades on the mountain are bombed. It seems that I have to act tonight.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinsong said to the soldier standing guard: "Thank you, brother. Brother, I will take the brothers back and explain to our master seat. Brothers, let's go."

Not far from this sentry post, Zhang Jinsong led the soldiers to turn a corner and go around another hillock and continue walking. Going back is impossible, and the situation has not yet been figured out how to go back.

Along the way, there were many interrogations by soldiers of the 29th Army, all of which were dealt with by Zhang Jinsong with the number of the 42nd Division.Walked for nearly two hours.It is estimated that after turning around and walking for more than ten miles, I finally saw the target I was looking for.

Rows of large-caliber artillery are lined up in front of a sunny hillside, all of which are American [-]-caliber howitzers. The car was parked below the hillside.The cannonball boxes were piled up layer by layer not far from the artillery, and the shells next to the artillery were all standing upright on the ground. The tips of the shells shone yellow with the sunlight. Stop busy.

Zhang Jinsong checked carefully, and found more than 40 large-caliber howitzers. It seems that this is the howitzer regiment of the 29th Army.Cannonballs placed so close to the cannon are not afraid of being detonated?It seems that the soldiers of this artillery regiment are also lazy enough.

Zhang Jinsong took a few soldiers for a stroll.No one came to inquire until Da Pao was in front of him, Zhang Jinsong was puzzled.Why can't you see the sentinel standing guard in this artillery-heavy place?But it's better not to have a sentinel, and I'm just making do with it.The last chapter was a gill chapter, I am sorry that the old man apologized to everyone.

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