The beacon of youth

Chapter 196 The sharp gun Ning Jinshan 2

At one point, Changning Jinshan took the special shooters of the independent regiment to fight against the attacking enemy.A large number of low-level officers in the Kuomintang ranks were knocked down in a blink of an eye, and these officers, who were still yelling at the soldiers just now, were so frightened that they lay on the ground like the soldiers.His buttocks were pouted and he didn't even dare to lift his head.

The soldiers looked at the officers who were lying on the ground like them and said to each other: "Damn, I thought they were so capable, what's the matter, they will brag to us if they are capable, and charge up this time if they are capable!"

Another soldier said, "Damn shit. Whoever goes up will lose his head. We only have one head, and we have to save food. Let these very capable officials go for it."

Thus.The soldiers of the 29th Army who charged were all suppressed by heavy machine gun fire on the middle of the mountain, and the officers who urged to advance were knocked down by Ning Jinshan and the others one after another, while lying on the ground were repeatedly killed by small cannons on the mountain. A few minutes later, these soldiers were defeated again in a mess, go fuck him.This place is really not for people.

Looking at the defeated soldiers, the commander who organized the attack at the foot of the mountain jumped into a rage, and commanded the artillery to prepare for artillery fire on the mountain. After the artillery bombardment, there was a new round of attack.

Ning Jinshan led two soldiers and got out again after the artillery bombardment. The said rifle was unhurriedly loaded and loaded, and shot accurately at the crowd hundreds of meters away. Almost every gunshot sent someone down. , and most of the people who went down were some officers, machine gun shooters, and soldiers who rushed forward.

The two soldiers behind Ning Jinshan were stunned by their battalion commander. They only knew that their battalion commander could shoot accurately before, but they didn't expect to be so accurate. The power of this battalion has caught up with the heavy machine gun.Sometimes it is more powerful than a heavy machine gun.

The heavy machine gun can only conduct blockade shooting, while the battalion commander's own battalion commander is a precise strike, powerful, too powerful.No wonder the battalion commander always carries a [-]-type rifle in addition to his own shell gun, that's how it is.

The two soldiers simply stopped firing.Follow Ning Jinshan to load the bullets for him. There is no problem with the accuracy of the [-]-style, but it can only press five bullets one by one. The two soldiers will hand over the rifle bullets to their battalion commander when they are full. .Ning Jinshan handed the empty rifle to the soldier behind him.

In this way, Ning Jinshan used three rifles to shoot alternately, and killed more than 100 people in more than an hour. Anyone who had a leak, pointed, or waved with a command flag was shot down.

Just when they were working hard, the cannons of the 29th Army under the mountain suddenly rang out to cover the attack.Ning Jinshan and the two soldiers hurriedly found a single anti-blasting hole to hide, which was strange.The Kuomintang soldiers fired before they withdrew?

It turned out that Liu Kan, the commander of the 29th Army at the foot of the mountain, saw that he was really unable to attack and became cruel, and ordered the artillery at the foot of the mountain to carry out indiscriminate attacks regardless of the enemy or ourselves.As a result, the threat of artillery fire to our soldiers suddenly increased.The soldiers were fighting against the attacking enemy on the ground, but they did not expect that countless shells suddenly fell around them.High-caliber shells ripped through the air with a piercing screech.Then there was a sea of ​​flames and bomb craters on the position.

Now the independent regiment has placed three battalions of soldiers on the surface of Chakou Mountain, and they have no time to retreat to the artillery hole in the back mountain, so they have to find a hiding place on the spot.

The trenches dug by the Independent Regiment set up a single anti-blasting hole every few meters on the reverse slope, but this kind of anti-blasting hole is more effective for small-caliber artillery, and there is nothing to do with the direct bombardment of large-caliber artillery.

In addition, the enemy's artillery fire was very sudden, and the soldiers were not mentally prepared. They thought that the enemy's artillery at the foot of the mountain would not shoot until the attacking enemy was shot down. Suddenly, a fork appeared among the soldiers. casualties.

Li Yong was also commanding the battle in Gaoxiang's artillery battalion on the mountain at this time. He didn't expect Liu Kan down the mountain to be so crazy, so he underestimated Liu Kan.The so-called arrogant soldiers must be defeated, I am still a little careless at this stage.

Gao Xiang and several soldiers dragged Li Yong into a nearby bomb defense hole.The soldiers ran and scolded, shit, the Kuomintang artillery at the foot of the mountain is too damaged, and they fired before their own people went down. It seems that this posture is going to boil us and their own soldiers in the same pot.

Li Yong, who was dragged into the artillery hole, was fooled for a moment, and then quickly asked Gao Xiang to use the walkie-talkie to inquire about the casualties of the troops.

In addition to Wang Huo's first battalion, Gao Xiang's artillery battalion and Wei Gang's machine gun battalion are currently on the ground, and there are more than 100 riflemen led by Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion. The number exceeds a thousand. It will be ruined if it is suffocated, and the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment will drop by one-third. Now Li Yong is really anxious.

The hasty tones of Wei Gang and Wang Huhu came from the walkie-talkie.The two first asked about Li Yong's situation.Wei Gang shouted loudly in the walkie-talkie: "Old Gao, the leader is with you, how is he?"

Wang Huo, who has always been prudent, is also a little melon ganger He Gaoxiang, is the leader okay?Hearing that Gao Xiang said that Li Yong was fine, that Yao Guahui was with Gao Xiang and several soldiers, Wei Gang and Wang Huhu both breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yong is the backbone of the entire independent group.As long as he's okay.Everyone was concerned, and Wei Gang cursed on the walkie-talkie: "So far, the casualties of their battalion have not been clarified. The enemy's shelling has not stopped. According to what he saw and reflected by the soldiers around According to the situation, at least six or seven heavy machine guns and more than a dozen combat teams were blown up. It is estimated that this round of shelling caused at least fifty casualties to their battalion.

Li Yong turned around and asked Gao Xiang how their camp was doing. Gao Xiang's answer was similar to Wei Gang's, and we can't figure it out yet.Casualties were not small, the enemy's artillery strike was too sudden, I didn't expect that the independent regiment was also beaten by the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain, and was caught off guard. This result made Gao Xiang very irritable. He had never suffered such a big loss. And how much the fighters were blown up.

Only the answer from the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu on the walkie-talkie made Li Yong slightly relieved, although the Fifth Battalion was all on the ground during the shelling just now.But they have never been exposed.

The Kuomintang commander at the bottom of the mountain didn't know that the Communist army on the mountain had deployed an infantry battalion of soldiers at the front of the position. On the heads of Jin Shan and others, although the Fifth Battalion also suffered casualties, the casualties were not serious, and they were still within Wang Huo's tolerance.Only the fourth battalion commander, Ning Jinshan, has not yet been contacted. Ning Jinshan let more than 100 soldiers shoot freely on the position all the time, and he took two soldiers to wander around the position.

Ning Jinshan, who chose multiple shooting positions, made the most of his shooting skills. Two hours later, the number of soldiers who fell under his gun was close to the [-] mark.

The two soldiers behind them didn't know what to say, they just kept pressing the bullets.Then he handed the gun to the battalion commander in front.

Just when the few people were fighting more and more happily, the cannons at the foot of the mountain suddenly rang, and then there were shells overwhelming, and then the position was covered with flames, and several people were blown into a daze. Did the Kuomintang soldiers fire while they were still attacking?

But no matter what you think.The shells really came, and Ning Jinshan and the two soldiers crawled into a small anti-shell hole.

Just a few minutes after entering, and before I could catch my breath evenly, a large-caliber grenade hit, which happened to be near the bomb-proof hole where several people were hiding, only a few meters away from the bomb-proof hole. When the shells were fired, more than half of the bomb defense hole was blown down, and Ning Jinshan felt that he didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it has passed.Ning Jinshan woke up slowly, and felt his head buzzing, and acid water came up from his stomach intermittently, making him feel sick and want to vomit.

After a while, when my head was a little more awake, I opened my eyes and saw that half of my body was buried in the soil, only the parts above the chest were still exposed.Well, fortunately, God bless, there is no injury on his body, and he didn't bury his head in the ground, or he would have been suffocated to death if he wasn't killed by the bomb.

Looking around again, the two soldiers who had been following him had already died, and the shrapnel pulled out their intestines. Ning Jinshan didn't feel any fear or disgust, but was very angry.

This old Balu who beat up the little devil has never seen any scenes before. He has seen many scenes of bayoneting with the little devil and picking people to death. Ever since he joined the army.He didn't know how many comrades died by his side, and such a thing was nothing to him.

But what makes Ning Jinshan feel a little strange is that the artillery fire at the bottom of the mountain is so accurate, and he has been moving the shooting position all the time, so why was he almost blown up?Things are a little sinister.

After a while, Ning Jinshan felt that his strength had recovered, so he crawled out little by little. It is not a good idea to be buried in the soil all the time. If you can't hide, you can only wait to die.

It is easier to think than to do, it is really hard to get out the body that is buried in the soil, Ning Jinshan pushes the soil down bit by bit with his hands, and it takes a lot of effort to finally get out I figured it out myself.

At this time, the cannons of the 29th Army of the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain kept ringing, and stones and shrapnel flew around the entire position. Ning Jinshan slowly climbed out and watched quietly from the gap between the two blasted stones.

The smoke and dust rose so high on the battlefield, and the line of sight was not good. It was difficult to see the situation on the battlefield clearly, but Ning Jinshan had equipment that ordinary soldiers did not have. He was the battalion commander of the independent regiment, and he was equipped with binoculars. Through the lens of the telescope, Ning Jinshan looked down the mountain carefully. , if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to Xin, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!


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