The beacon of youth

Chapter 197 The sharp gun Ning Jinshan 3

Ning Jinshan, the commander of the Fourth Battalion who was carrying out sniping operations with a rifle in Shanbu Lane, was very old. Why did his artillery fire so accurately.

Fortunately, he had a telescope on him. After more than ten minutes, the careful Ning Jinshan finally discovered that there was a big tree root that was blown out more than 300 meters away from the forefront of the position. The ground is crooked there, and there is a faint one behind the tree roots.The figure, this figure was lying behind the roots of the big tree, waving a small red flag in one hand to the back continuously.

Ning Jinshan, an old soldier, understood at a glance that this was an enemy artillery observer hiding behind a concealed object and directing the artillery fire at the foot of the mountain.

No wonder the cannon fire was so accurate, the reason is here, when did this kid touch it, we must find a way to kill this guy.

But this artillery observation post is very vigilant, and he also knows that there are snipers from the Eighth Route Army on the mountain, and people like him must be the focus of attention. If it weren't for this guy waving a small red flag in his hand, Ning Jinshan might not even be able to find it in the telescope.

To deal with such a target, you can use mortars and heavy machine guns to kill him, but now the artillerymen of the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain are still shooting non-stop, and the position is filled with gunpowder smoke. in the hole.

If you move slowly, you will be blown up by the enemy's artillery fire. There are not many people left outside. Since you can't count on heavy machine guns and small cannons, you can only rely on the [-] rifle that has not been blown up in your hand.

Ning Jinshan stabilized his emotions to find the law of the enemy's activities. Since it is an observation post, he cannot remain still. Only by finding out the law can he find a way to deal with it.

After another ten minutes of observation, Ning Jinshan, who was very patient, found that the observation post would expose an arm from the tree root every once in a while, and this arm was the largest part that the enemy could expose.

What should I do if only one arm is exposed hundreds of meters away?How can we get rid of this dangerous enemy?It depends on the hard work of Ning Jinshan, the top shooter of the independent regiment. Ning Jinshan, who made up his mind, thought to himself, let you see the skills of the old Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Since you can expose your arm, let's use your arm. Ning Jinshan slowly stretched out his [-] rifle through the gap in the rock, connected his eyes with the front sight through the mouth of the ruler, and then used the front sight Lasso the roots of big trees on the hillside.

Hold on, hold on, control your breathing. When you inhale, your abdomen bulges up slightly, and when you exhale, your abdomen goes down. During the meditation, Ning Jinshan regards the navel as a breathing tool, and imagines that his breathing is through the navel To proceed, use the navel instead of the nose as the breathing channel.

The breathing was long and slow, and the gentle long abdominal breathing lowered Ning Jinshan's heart rate. The heart rate dropped from more than 60 beats per minute to more than [-]. After more than a dozen gentle long breaths, Ning Jinzhi mastered the Very regular, fingers resting lightly on the flight of the [-] rifle.

When the arm behind the tree root swung out again, Ning Jinshan held his breath.The moment the arm fell, the notch of the rifle scale coincided with the front sight and the distant arm.

Ning Jinshan seized the opportunity to lightly pull the plane with his index finger, and the bullet of the [-]-type rifle was fired instantly. It took only a few tenths of a second to coincide with the waving arm hundreds of meters away, and a burst of blood burst out , How far was the little red flag held by this arm thrown.

The person behind the tree howled, grabbed his arm with the other hand and ran back from behind the big tree root. Ning Jinshan looked at the guy running back from behind the big tree root and sighed, fool, Lie down and don't move, I can't do anything with you, you can survive without an arm, can you run back without concealment?

Unshell, push the cartridge again to load, the [-] rifle does not have a gas guide device, and cannot shoot semi-automatically. Although manual loading is the shortcoming of this rifle, the accuracy of this rifle is also very high.

In modern times, the development of sniper rifles also presents two directions, one is manual and the other.It is semi-automatic, the advantage of manual is precision, and the advantage of semi-automatic is speed.

So far, no one has been able to convince anyone which of the two rifles is better, but there is a tendency that police sniper rifles are developing towards manual.The police are not the same as the military.They often have to deal with criminals. They don't need a high shooting speed to deal with criminals, but the accuracy must be high, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure the masses or cause the mission to fail.

The sniper rifles used by the troops are developing in the direction of semi-automatic. The reason is very simple. Semi-automatic rifles have a fast rate of fire. If they are touched by the enemy in battle, semi-automatic rifles are much more powerful than manual rifles. It deals with multiple targets, unlike the police who deal with a single target. Multiple targets require both accuracy and speed. This 01:30 automatic also has an advantage over manual.

The artillery observation post of the Kuomintang ran down the mountain from behind the roots of the tree. This time, the target was Dagang training Jiukouyang... What a different experience! ". Shen Jinshan stared closely at the figure in the aiming circle of the rifle with his eyes

A small blackhead was exposed on the tip of the front sight in the notch of the ruler. Using this small blackhead to aim at the back of the running figure, Ning Jinshan lightly pulled the plane again, and the bullet roared out of the chamber. The heart got in from the back of the observation post, and then came out from the front chest. A stream of blood arrows shot out from both sides of the body, and the dead body fell down with a plop.

After solving the artillery observation post, Ning Jinshan felt a little better because of the sacrifice of his comrades. He pulled the [-] rifle back from the crevice of the rock and climbed back little by little.

When Ning Jinshan climbed back along the traffic trench that was mostly blown down, Li Yong and Wang Chengde finally breathed a sigh of relief. The casualties of the troops were already not small, and the fourth battalion commander, the number one sharpshooter of the independent regiment, was lost to Li Yong. Yong and Wang Chengde should even have the heart to cry.Ning Jinshan hurriedly asked how the soldiers he brought out were they, have they all returned?Political commissar Wang Chengde told Ning Jinshan that he came back late, and most of the soldiers came back, of course not all of them, how could they all come back when they were covered by enemy artillery fire?

Political commissar Wang Chengde was also very sad. Ning Jinshan brought out all the special shooters of the whole regiment. At that time, there was no such thing as a sniper in the Eighth Route Army, and those who performed sniper operations were called sharpshooters.

The soldiers with good marksmanship in the whole regiment were basically taken out, and were attacked by the enemy's artillery fire, and lost more than 20 at once." It is not easy for a good shooter to replenish, and there is no years of experience. It is very difficult to achieve results in combat. The more than 100 special shooters are basically veteran fighters with combat experience in the independent regiment, and only a few are new fighters.

Ning Jinshan stomped his feet anxiously when he heard that more than 20 soldiers had been lost. Although the soldiers he brought out were selected from the whole regiment, in fact most of them were from their fourth battalion. Very emotional.

Hu Xiaolian also ran over at this time to check Ning Jinshan's physical condition. Ning Jinshan told Hu Xiaolian that she was stunned by the shell and had no other injuries. According to the experience of the veteran, it should be a slight concussion. A few days off will do.

It was getting dark, and another day was about to pass.Fighting up and down the mountain for a whole day, whether it is the Kuomintang or the independent regiment of the mountain group, the soldiers are exhausted, especially the soldiers of the 29th Army of the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain. The whole day's attack has paid huge casualties. Treat body wounds.

Liu Kan, the commander of the reorganized No.20 Ninth Army, was so angry that he flew into a rage for two whole days, one by one.The large corps was trapped on the mountain and did not make a move. This is not bad. The front-line commander was about to be shot when he drew his pistol. .”

Liu Kan suppressed the anger in his heart, and told the frontline commander that he had committed a crime and made meritorious service. Tomorrow is the last day. If he can't take down the Chakou position, he will definitely be killed.

Just when Liu Kan was restless, someone from below came in to report the news. The divisions behind asked why they couldn’t take down the communist army’s position in two days. Is your 29th Army okay? If not, you can withdraw and replace them. , especially the last division in charge of the rear, told Liu Kan very clearly that the large troops trailing by the communist army were getting closer and closer, and they couldn't leave even if they wanted to pass through quickly.

Liu Kan knew that some of the division commanders who were temporarily transferred had opinions on him, so he tore up the telegram: "Tell them, my 29th Army is the elite, not a coward, and it will definitely win the position of the Communist Army tomorrow. They relax and get ready for a quick pass

In the big cave on the back of the mountain, cadres above the company and battalion of the Independence Regiment were having a meeting, and the political commissar Wang Chengde was reading the statistics of casualties in the past day: "The machine gun battalion suffered 56 casualties, and eleven of the heavy machine guns were destroyed.

"The artillery battalion suffered 48 casualties, eight mortars were damaged, and the special shooters brought out by Ning Jinshan suffered 23 casualties." The least casualty was the fifth battalion of Wang Huo, who was on the front line, and they only suffered eleven casualties. indivual.warrior

Ning Jinshan, who is usually not very talkative, took the words of Wang Chengde, the political commissar, and said: "It is not surprising that the fifth battalion of the tiger has not been exposed, and the enemy does not know where they are guarding. There was an indiscriminate attack on the mountain, and one of us was unprepared. In addition, the enemy sent an artillery observation post to observe us closely, so the artillery fire was very accurate. I killed this observation post, but we still found it. It was too late, and I almost didn't come back. The two soldiers who followed me were all killed by shells.

I wrote a few chapters as the plot of sniper combat, and I don’t know if it can satisfy everyone. I don’t want to engage in master duels as soon as I write sniper combat.That's a bit similar to Bing Lincheng, that's it. Finally, thank you book friend Stupid Little Xiong for your support. , if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to Jiba, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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