The beacon of youth

Chapter 209 The Main Force of the Field Army Has Arrived

The main force of the Northwest Field Army was approaching quickly. The Liu Kan Corps of the Kuomintang knew that it was the most critical time, so they frantically attacked the Chakou Independent Regiment's position. Soldiers, the front positions of the independent regiment suffered heavy casualties, and the head of the regiment Li Yong asked Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua's supply battalion to reinforce them.

On behalf of the soldiers, He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, expressed to Li Yong and Wang Chengde that they must complete the tasks assigned by the regiment party committee and beat down the enemy.

Li Yong nodded, and said to Sun Quanhou, He Cuihua, Xiaocheng and Sanniu: "When you get to the front line, listen to the command of the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu. You should pay attention to your own safety. To complete the task, you need an arm and a leg. Can’t be less, come back to me, let’s go.”

Li Yong also made up his mind and asked He Cuihua to lead the team up. The girl who had a good relationship with him didn't say anything to him at this time, and rushed up with the team.

More than 700 people from a battalion and two companies quickly sent reinforcements. The arrival of Sun Quanhou, He Cuihua and others made Wang Huo, who was gradually feeling insufficient in strength, very happy. Well, it's a new force.

Wang Huo didn't use all his strength. He only used about one-third of his troops to the front line, while the remaining troops were kept in his hands as a reserve team.

After Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua left with the soldiers, Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, Gao Xiang and Li Yuming all asked Li Yong why he didn't let them go up?Instead of sending He Cuihua?

Li Yong, the head of the regiment, still has Ma Quanyou's second battalion, Ma Changsheng's third battalion, the Gaoxiang battalion with all the guns fired, and Li Yuming's two guard platoons that have not been used. These troops are the most powerful in the independent regiment. combat unit.

These few people are not because He Cuihua is a woman, He Cuihua has already proved to everyone with her own actions that she has all the qualities of an excellent commander, and she has also been recognized by everyone. [

A few of them just wondered why the head of the regiment sent the supply troops to the front line, and let them, the main battle battalions, watch the excitement.

Li Yong just glanced at a few people indifferently: "It's very simple, because you are the last force. Our regiment has not yet reached the final and most critical time. Don't worry, you will be useful."

Liu Kan, the commander of the 29th Army of the Kuomintang at the foot of the mountain, was restless in his headquarters. The planes assisted in the battle, and the artillery fire and the aircraft's flight blew up the entire mountain several times, and the fire burned the soil and stones to black, but the resistance strength of the communist army on the mountain has not decreased so far. What should we do?what to do?Could it be that I, a heavy army group, can't get out of this small fork?

When the lieutenant general and commander of the corps of the national army was swearing back and forth in his headquarters, an officer came to report: "Report to the military seat, and the 42nd Division of the rear guard reported that the brigade of the Northwest Field Army of the Communist Army has caught up. We're about to go to war with the communist army."

This Liu Kan was like a conditioned reflex, and shouted at the officer: "Order the 42nd Division, we must block the main force of the Communist Army and buy time for the entire Corps. We will be able to break through the Communist Army's position immediately."

Hearing that the 42nd Division of the Guard had already met the main force of the Northwest Field Army, Liu Kan was like crazy. He put on his helmet and came to the front attacking force regardless of the danger. The machine guns of the People's Liberation Army on the mountain are within range.

It seems that Liu Kan was really anxious when he heard the news of the arrival of the Communist Army brigade. He personally came to the supervisory team and directly commanded the supervising officer. For battlefield discipline, it's time for Liu Kan to jump over the wall.

In several large ravines more than ten kilometers away from the Chakou Independent Regiment's position, there were crowds of black people, mules, horses, vehicles, and various supplies and medicines everywhere, and soldiers in gray uniforms sweating all over their faces They are running forward rapidly.

Crowded, bumped, shouted, weapons clinked and clinked, at first everyone wanted to get out early, but no matter how many people left, some went east, some went north, They staggered and squeezed together, and the crowded situation was better after walking a few miles away. Some troops walked through this ditch, and some troops walked through that ditch. Gradually, the troops dispersed and marched. The speed of the army also increased, and the Northwest Field Army's brigade finally arrived after a arduous and rapid march.

General Wang Zhen, the commander of the second column headquarters, excitedly said to a staff member: "Send a report to the independent regiment, the main force of the field army has arrived at the Chakou area one day in advance, and now we will encircle the enemy immediately, let them hold on for the last paragraph Time, we must block Liu Kan."

Staff officer: "Commander, the telegram from the Nose Division has been sent in duplicate, one for our column and one for the independent regiment, do we need to resend it?"

Commander Wang: "Send it, you must send it, tell Li Yong and Wang Chengde that they are both good, the soldiers of the independent regiment are good, my soldiers are good, I will invite them after the battle Drink and give them credit."

On Chakou Mountain, Li Jia, the communication platoon leader, took two telegrams and handed them to Li Yong: "Regimental Commander, Yesi and Column have sent telegrams to our regiment."

After reading it, Li Yong relaxed his brows, which were frowned because of the casualties of the troops, and said to the political commissar Wang Chengde: "Old Wang, the good news is that the main force of our field army has arrived a day earlier and is encircling the enemy. The general offensive is about to begin." When it started, both the wild division and the column ordered us to hold on until the last minute to ensure the smooth progress of the battle."

Excited political commissar Wang Chengde took the two telegrams and read them carefully: "Great, I was worried about how we could hold on for another day, but I didn't expect the main force to arrive as soon as it was said. This is great, hold on until the general offensive begins." should be no problem."[

While the two of them were talking, the battle at the front became more and more intense. Under the threat of machine guns from the supervisory team, the Kuomintang's attacking troops launched a frenzied attack on the mountain, constantly using group charges to shake the positions held by the soldiers.

Because most of the fortifications were blown up, the casualties of the soldiers of the independent regiment increased significantly. Wang Huo had to replenish part of the infantry platoon with heavy casualties every once in a while. Gradually, the number of soldiers in his hands became less and less. The fierce battle lasted until about four o'clock in the afternoon, and Wang Huo used all the strength of the reinforcements. At this time, he only had one battalion guard left in his hands.

There was no distinction between commanders and soldiers on the battlefield for a long time. Wang Huo and their battalion instructors, as well as Battalion Commander Sun Quanhou of the Supply Battalion and Deputy Battalion Commander He Cuihua all went directly into the battle.

Of course, the regiment leader noticed the tense situation in the forward position, and the battalion commanders in the back hurriedly turned around, but Li Yong refused to let them go up.

When Wang Huo and the soldiers kept shooting together, suddenly a mortar shell hit the trench not far from him.

Wang Huo felt his body lighten all of a sudden, as if he was flying in the sky. After flying for a certain distance, he fell to the ground. Wang Huo rolled over and got up, but found that he could not hear , everything fell silent.

But the slaughter on the battlefield continued, his eyes were like watching an audio movie, the corpses of both the enemy and us lay in a mess, and a thigh that was blown off was right in front of his eyes.

Wang Huo picked up a fallen soldier beside him, and found that he had stopped breathing long ago. Wang Huo staggered and walked a few steps, and saw another fallen soldier.

Both feet of the soldier were blown off, but the soldier was still alive and was struggling to crawl forward. Blood gushed out from the broken legs and feet, and the blood that flowed out mixed with the soil on the ground , Wang Huo feels very distressed, they are all his good comrades-in-arms, and they are all his soldiers.

He rushed over and wanted to carry the soldier back to the bomb defense hole, but he kept thinking in his mind that he should hurry up and tie the soldier's wound with a rope, so that he could save his life if he rescued it in time, and it would be too late after the blood dries up. .

But at this time, I felt that my whole body was weak, and I couldn't exert any strength. No matter how hard I tried, my heart was exerting strength, but my body didn't listen to me. What's wrong?Could it be that he was injured too?

Another cannon exploded not too far away from Wang Huo. For a while, Wang Huo, who couldn't hear the sound, heard a bang in his ears, and everything came back again. Hearing recovered. The sound of explosions and the shouts of the soldiers filled his head again, Wang Huo couldn't exert any more strength, and it spread there like a puddle of mud, and the old soldier fell down.

The news of battalion commander Wang Huhu's serious injury was immediately reported by the soldiers to regiment commander Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde through walkie-talkies. Hu Xiaolian organized the health team to lift Wang Huo off immediately. His eyes were squinting, his face was pale, and his body was covered in dust and blood. He didn't know whether the blood on his body was his own, the enemy's, or the wounded soldiers.

I can't see where the injury was, but the helmet worn on the head was broken into a big hole. It seems that if there is no helmet King Tiger, it is really enough. Li Yong told the health team to do everything possible. The old soldier came to the rescue.

Seeing Wang Huhu was injured, Ma Quanyou and Gao Xiang's eyes were almost red. The old comrades who got out of the dead together couldn't explain their feelings for each other. If possible, they could stand up for each other. Son, this is a brother for life. v! ~!

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