The beacon of youth

Chapter 210 The Brave Howitzer Battalion

When the battle was at its most critical, Wang Huohu, the commander of the fifth battalion in the forward position, was seriously injured and fell down. Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion behind, waited for several old soldiers to rush forward after hearing the news.

At this time, Li Yong calmed down and ordered He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, to take over Wang Huhu's position through the walkie-talkie. The madness of the enemy.

The girl He Cuihua once again played a role at a critical moment. She never let herself be idle for a moment, shouting and running on the battlefield, showing up wherever the situation was urgent. I don't know how many clips have been changed.

Dozens of soldiers followed closely behind her, all armed with Tommy-type submachine guns and Czech-style light machine guns. The light machine gun shooters all hung the belts of the machine guns around their necks, and followed He Cuihua to shoot while roaring. Wherever they went, these dozens of people became the most advanced mobile force, turning the situation into safety several times. The soldiers all felt that the acting battalion commander who took over Wang Huhu's command was really a bit miraculous.

After Wang Huhu was injured, the instructor of the [-]th Battalion and Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the supply battalion, should have the highest positions in the forward positions. Logically, one of them should take over the command of Wang Huhu, but Li Yong considered that the instructor of the [-]th Battalion He also had injuries on his body, but the injuries were relatively minor and did not go away for the time being. It would be too burdensome for him to replace the battalion commander.

If it is said that managing money, property and food is Sun Quanhou's forte, fighting can only be regarded as mediocre, even though Lao Sun is also a soldier from the Laoba Road, but if he is leading troops to fight, he has to be called He Cuihua.

Regardless of the fact that she is a girl, she is indeed better than Lao Sun in commanding battles. This is recognized by everyone, and Lao Sun knows it very well. At this time, Lao Sun, like all soldiers, fought tenaciously under the command of He Cuihua.

While he was nervously observing the enemy's situation, a hearty voice came from the walkie-talkie carried by a soldier beside Li Yong: "Li Yong, are you there? I'm Wang Zhen."

The voice that came from the walkie-talkie turned out to be the voice of Commander Wang of the Second Column. Being able to call directly from the walkie-talkie meant that the main force was not too far away. [

Li Yong excitedly snatched the microphone from the soldier's hand: "Commander, I am Li Yong, we are all here, do you have any instructions?"

"You boy, where do you have any instructions? Let me tell you that the main force of our field army has completed the encirclement of the enemy, and the general offensive is about to start. Are there any difficulties for you? Can you hold on?"

Li Yong: "Report to the commander, we can persevere, no matter how difficult it is, we can persevere, please rest assured." Commander Wang: "Okay, that's all for now, see you after the battle."

A few minutes after putting down the microphone, Li Yong suddenly heard the voice of Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, from the walkie-talkie: "Regimental Commander, I am Zhang Jinsong, we have found it back."

Hearing Zhang Jinsong's voice, Li Yong shouted happily: "How are you? Where are you now? Are the troops casualties?"

Zhang Jinsong: "Regimental Commander, our current location is very hidden. I have touched the vicinity of the enemy's command post. This old boy Liu Kan is also impatient. His command post is very forward, not too far from our position. Our The big troops are coming up, and I am going to wait for the general offensive to start, and I will take our battalion to rush up and take Liu Kan's command post, what do you think?"

Li Yong: "No, do you think Liu Kan is a face-to-face? There are at least two guard battalions near his corps headquarters, and they are all direct descendants brought out by him. They are very powerful. Kan’s command organization is in disarray, and it is estimated that there are not many people left in your battalion.”

After shouting into the walkie-talkie, Li Yong immediately remembered the heavy howitzers that had not been used. These twenty or so howitzers were the housekeeping weapons of the independent regiment, and they would not be used until the last moment.

Hearing that Zhang Jinsong and the others had reached a place not too far away from the enemy's corps headquarters, they immediately thought that a quick fire attack on the enemy's headquarters with artillery fire would not only avoid casualties, but also ensure the suddenness of the battle. It would be even better to kill Liu Kan and his staff members. If the enemy's command organization is in chaos, what combat power can the troops have? This has the same effect as the beheading operations of later generations.

The Kuomintang Liu Kan Corps attacked the Chakou Independent Regiment's position until about [-] pm. At this time, it was already slightly dark. After hard work, the Northwest Field Army finally completed the encirclement of the enemy, and the general offensive began.

Boss Peng mobilized all the forces available to the Northwest Field Army, and launched an attack from all directions. The artillery fire shook the sky, and the shouts of killing echoed everywhere within a radius of tens of kilometers.

In order to relieve the pressure on Li Yong's independent regiment as soon as possible, Commander Wang Zhen led the second column under his command to put all three main brigades into battle from the beginning of the attack, and each main brigade used two regiments to fight forward. When it comes to recalcitrance, it is a charge to solve the problem.

Liu Kan's rear guard 42nd Division fought desperately, but they were defeated in less than an hour in front of the overwhelming attack of the Northwest Field Army. Chaotic soldiers ran everywhere. Like a fly on the head, it slid into every crack, so the panic quickly spread to other troops.

Two hours after the start of the general offensive, Liu Kan's entire corps showed signs of faltering. Liu Kan, the first-year student in Whampoa, was not given for nothing. He fought in the War of Resistance, fought in the Northern Expedition, and killed little devils. The experienced commander ordered his subordinates to do their best to block the attack of the communist army and hold their ground. It was not so easy to eat the main force of my corps, but bad news came one after another.

A large number of commanders, including Zhou Youzhi, commander of the 31st brigade, Li Da, commander of the 47th brigade, and Han Zhizhen, commander of the 53rd brigade, were killed one after another, and the battlefield situation gradually became uncontrollable. [

It has been four days, and the soldiers in the heavy artillery position of the independent regiment are scratching their heads anxiously. What is it called fighting here? They are all a little downcast, it's over, it's over, this is really bad, it seems that this battle is about to be over, a big battle is about to be over, the whole thing has nothing to do with us.

At this time, the voice of the regiment leader Li Yong suddenly came from the walkie-talkie of the instructor who led the team: "Is there an artillery battalion? Order the troops to prepare for battle and prepare in 5 minutes."

The soldiers couldn't believe that the voice of their regiment commander came from the walkie-talkie. They were a little stunned, and the instructor shouted anxiously: "What are you looking at, are you stupid? The whole battalion removes the camouflage and prepares for battle." --fight."

The twenty-odd howitzers of the independent regiment removed their camouflage for the first time in a few days, and the battalion instructor shouted nervously through the walkie-talkie: "Regimental commander, let Zhang Jinsong of the reconnaissance battalion show us the target. We have already done it." Ready to fight."

Li Yong ordered Zhang Jinsong to point out the targets for the artillery, and act as an observation post for the artillery. Didn't Liu Kan's headquarters have a lot of guards, and weren't they all his direct troops?Let's use artillery fire to solve it. He has bombed us for several days. This time, let them taste the taste of artillery, attack with artillery fire, and don't need them to scout the battalion.

Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, was so excited. After firing their mortars, he had followed the regimental commander and political commissar to watch the excitement for more than a day. The artillery is the main force of the artillery battalion and the housekeeping weapon of the independent regiment.

Gao Xiang and Li Yong are together, using walkie-talkies on the top of the mountain to command the artillery positions on the back mountain. The whole battalion pays attention:

No. 002 target, parallel shooting, infantry, grenade, No. 2 charge, instant fuze, scale 365 (that is, the distance of the target)

009 to the left (9 mils to the left on the basis of the reference direction)

Height plus 2 (correction that the target and the gun are not on the same level)

4 platoons of 1 cannon and one round of real loading (one test firing of the standard cannon in the platoon)

Ready - let go!

Following Gao Xiang's command, the muzzle fire of a [-] howitzer flashed, and a shot was fired.

At this time, Zhang Jinsong was leading a few soldiers lying in a grass tree, nervously observing the explosion point of the cannon with a telescope, only to see a flash of fire, and a grenade exploded in the crowd. Zhang Jinsong observed carefully, and then put the data Tell Gao Xiang on the top of the mountain to direct the artillery to shoot, which is also one of the basic skills of scouts. Although Zhang Jinsong is usually joking, the expression on his face at this time is extremely serious.

Gao Xiang on the top of the mountain commanded the artillery on the back mountain to correct the shooting according to Zhang Jinsong's data:

Ruler-2 (far correction)

Right 002 (explosion point left correction)

Hi-Low -1 (HiL Correction)

Attention to the whole battalion: 6 rounds of rapid fire, (actual loading, full battalion salvo, 6 rounds per gun)

Ready - let go!

As soon as the red flag in the hands of the commanders on the ground fell, more than twenty howitzers let out a neat bang, the guns were unloaded, the gun door bolts were pulled open, the shells were ejected and reloaded, and they were fired with a neat bang. A six-round rapid fire was completed in 1 minute.

More than 120 large-caliber grenades accurately hit Liu Kan's command post. Immediately, the area was avalanche, ground cracked, and flames shot up into the sky. Arms and legs were broken everywhere. Where did the artillery fire come from?Aren't the Communist Army on Chakou Mountain equipped with some mortars? How could there be such a powerful howitzer?

Zhang Jinsong couldn't close his mouth after a sudden bombardment, and he kept shouting in the walkie-talkie: "Oh, Gao Xiang, your kid is really good at playing." Another month has passed, although the results It's very ordinary, but I still want to thank everyone, the brothers' support is all in my eyes. v! ~!

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