The beacon of youth

Chapter 211 The Brave Howitzer Battalion 2

A salvo of more than twenty howitzers hidden behind the mountain by the Independent Regiment blew up the area around Liu Kan's headquarters in a mess, and Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander who led a few soldiers to indicate the target, shouted happily into the walkie-talkie.

Gao Xiang said coquettishly: "What is this? The good show is yet to come. Don't patronize Le. Hurry up and show us the target and direction."

Zhang Jinsong quickly shut his mouth, carefully observed the effect of the bombardment, and then reported various data to Gao Xiang on the mountain.

Gao Xiang held the microphone of the walkie-talkie on the mountain and kept shouting:

Far!The gauge minus 20, the direction is 0-11 to the right, ready-release!

close!Add 10 to the gauge, 0-06 to the left, two rounds—let it go!

Fork!The whole battalion fired eight rounds in a hurry, ready to release!

The whole battalion shoots at the enemy's No. 101 target!Infantry in the trench, quick-fire, short-delay fuze, No. 4 charge, gauge 465, direction reference shot to the left 0-20! 4 rapid shots, ready-release!

The whole battalion shoots at the enemy's No. 102 target, exposing the infantry, takes the No. 101 gauge and adds 58, the direction is 0-09 to the right, 4 rapid shots, ready-release! [

Landslides and roaring artillery fire blasted the Kuomintang troops at the foot of the mountain into howls of wolves and ghosts, crying for their fathers and mothers, and the howls of artillery flying in the sky rang together.

Because of the accurate instructions of the scouts like Zhang Jinsong, the artillery of the Independent Regiment fired very accurately. The two guard battalions of Liu Kan were blown up immediately. The chances of the soldiers surviving under the terrifying firepower were very small. The headquarters was completely destroyed by artillery fire, and it is not known whether the lieutenant general and commander of the corps ran out.

The fork defense battle has been fought for four days. The independent regiment paid a heavy price, but it also inflicted heavy damage on the enemy. Many cadres and soldiers joined the party and made meritorious service. All of this was seen by the soldiers of the artillery battalion hidden in the back mountain In the eyes, but also in the heart, so anxious, the heart is about to jump out.

I heard that the main force of the field army is about to encircle, and the soldiers in the artillery battalion can't stand it anymore. A big battle is about to be over, but the howitzer, which is the main weapon of the independent regiment, still hasn't been fired at once. What's wrong with this? In fact, when the meritorious service was awarded after the war, didn't people like myself not even get a single credit?

For this reason, the soldiers asked the instructors leading the team to find the regiment leader Li Yong and the political commissar Wang Chengde several times to ask to join the battle, but each time they were dismissed by the regiment leader Li Yong.

The reason for the leader is still very good, why are you the treasure of our regiment, the main force and trump card of our regiment, good steel should be used wisely.

The truth is this, but if there is no fire, the battle will be over. What kind of good steel should be used on the blade? In this battle, even the most powerful knife is not used.

When they heard that there was a combat order, they all jumped up for joy. The soldiers unbuttoned their cotton coats, threw their arms and fired desperately, shouting and smashing with American cannons, hitting these American grandsons with American cannons. Look, they still bully our People's Liberation Army without cannons.

The artillery fire shattered the world, the soldiers of the artillery battalion unbuttoned their cotton coats, and some of them simply took off their arms and sweated all over their bodies. All the grievances from the sky were exhausted, and more than 1000 cannons were thrown out in a short time.

The soldiers had a great time fighting, and this kind of guns and money-free situations have never happened in the Northwest Field Army. The Northwest Field Army is poor, so poor that the leaders of other field armies can't believe it.

In order to fire a few shots in a battle, you have to ask your superiors for instructions. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there are many times when you ask for instructions to delay the battle. In the old 2nd regiment, the only seven-five field mountain cannon had only eight rounds.

An infantry regiment has only eight mountain cannons. No one dares to believe it, but the Northwest Field Army has been dealing with the main force of the Northwest King Hu Zongnan of the Kuomintang for three years with such simple weapons and equipment, and has continued to grow and develop.

No one would be willing to use these cannons unless it really didn’t work. The regiment leader’s requirement for the artillerymen is that they must hit every shot. In this way, the artillerymen will be careful every time they fire a cannonball, wishing that the cannons will have a pair of eyes , but this kind of situation does not exist in the independent regiment. The family background of the independent regiment is so strong. When starting out, the standard for each artillery piece is [-] rounds. This also makes the soldiers very confident. This is the strength of our PLA artillery.

Li Yong's requirement for the soldiers in the artillery battalion is to use the fastest speed and most ferocious firepower to cover the enemy's key targets with firepower in the first time.

With Zhang Jinsong as an observation post, the artillery battalion bombed the vicinity of Liu Kan's command post to pieces immediately. Cars, tents, and personnel all flew up, and some explosives exploded. [

Zhang Jinsong shouted vigorously in the walkie-talkie: "Regimental Commander, Gao Xiang's shooting is too accurate. Liu Kan's command post was taken up by our cannons. I still don't know whether Liu Kan is dead or not. Anyway, the enemy It's all messed up."

It is said that Liu Kanzheng, the commander of the 29th Army and Corps of the Kuomintang, and Yan Ming, the division commander of the [-]th Division, are discussing the situation of the war together to see what method can be used to break out of the encirclement. At the critical moment, Yan Ming, an old man who has been partnering with him for many years, can rely on him.

Yan Ming is asking Liu Kan if the support troops sent by He Wending, the commander of Yan'an's garrison and the commander of the reorganized No.17 Division, have set off?Liu Kan told Yan Ming very breathlessly that He Wending, a fear of death, only sent out a brigade of troops, and now he doesn't know where this brigade has gone, and he probably won't be there anytime soon.

Yan Ming sighed: "Hey, this He Wending has three divisions in his hand but only one brigade. Our party and country have been ruined by such people. If this He Wending can really go all out and send out all three main divisions to fight We join forces together, the outcome is not yet certain, maybe we can turn the tide of the battle and wipe out the Northwest Communist Army in one fell swoop."

At this time, Yan Ming said that a brigade of thousands of people from Yan'an was marching. The soldiers walked forward crookedly with their big guns on their backs. How dare a few people go to war with the main force of the Communist Army? Whose idea is this bad idea? His wife is definitely not good at raising children."

Another soldier: "Brother, don't worry about this, you can see all this, can't our commander see it? Look at our current marching speed, does this still seem like a reinforcement? This How is it different from traveling in mountains and rivers?"

There was a jeep in the middle of the marching queue, and an officer sitting in the co-pilot seat said to the officer behind him who closed his eyes and meditated: "Brigade seat, when are we going? The further we go, the farther we will be from Yan'an. If you encounter the main force of the communist army, you will be in trouble.”

The brigade commander of the national army didn't even open his eyes: "Don't worry, brother, if you go forward, the main force of the communist army will be placed on Liu Kan. What communist army will there be along the way? At best, they will be stubborn Guerrilla, although we have few people, it must be safe, rest assured before walking, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the officers."

Not too far in front of the Kuomintang infantry traveling army, there is a hill that is not too high. The rocks on the hill are overgrown with grass. The position of the hill is just stuck on a simple road passing through the foot of the hill. Some soldiers in gray uniforms Standing on the mountain pointing.

These soldiers in gray uniforms were sent out by Boss Peng, the only fast-moving cavalry division in the Northwest Field Army. It is said that the cavalry division has only a few thousand people. There are many, and the weapons and equipment are even more incomparable.

It is very poor in itself, and because it is a cavalry unit, this division only has some rifles and light machine guns, and the weapons that come down are grenades and sabers.

Boss Peng sent this army out to fight defensive battles. There is really no other way. The field army has been adjusted. I don't expect their cavalry troops to achieve any great results. As long as they can hold back the Kuomintang support troops from Yan'an It will be fine for a while.

The commander of this cavalry division is very aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his troops. The cavalry is good at field warfare on the plains. After finishing, he changed the soldiers of one regiment from cavalry to infantry and placed them on the top of the mountain, and arranged the remaining two cavalry regiments behind the mountain, preparing to attack the Kuomintang troops from both sides after the battle started.

Seeing the KMT soldiers approaching through the binoculars, the commander said to the people around him: "Boss Peng is really right. It seems that He Wending, who is afraid of death, only dispatched one brigade, so we can have a bottom line in our hearts. Order Troops ready for battle."

This staggering marching Kuomintang infantry brigade gradually got closer and closer. When the soldiers of this brigade had completely reached the bottom of the mountain, there was a sudden burst of gunfire on the mountain. There was no preparation at all, and a large area was knocked down by the guns, and the soldiers shouted in horror: "The Communist Army, it is the Communist Army, the main force of the Communist Army is here."

The brigade commander of the National Army broke out in a cold sweat from the shock of this attack, but this guy was also a bit perceptive. Judging from the firepower on the mountain, although he was not a guerrilla, the firepower was not very good, and there should be room for turning around.

This guy asked his subordinates to occupy the commanding heights around him, and let's see the situation.The commander of the Eighth Route Army on the mountain also saw the mind of the brigade commander of the national army. It would be impossible to let the enemy occupy the commanding heights. It would be so easy to turn the battle into a stalemate where no one can subdue the other. The commander of the Eighth Route Army decisively ordered the two soldiers in Yamate The cavalry regiment attacked, give him a shot from the side.

Some information comes from the support of netizens, thank you, Mr. Ba.Two, thank you brothers for your monthly tickets and rewards.Third, thank you for your suggestions or opinions. v! ~!

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