The beacon of youth

Chapter 212 The Witty Cavalry Division

After receiving the order, the soldiers of the two regiments launched an attack from behind the infantry brigade of the national army. The sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground rumbled, and the sound like muffled thunder suddenly sounded, and the shining saber swung in the blink of an eye. to the head.

The soldiers of the infantry brigade of the national army did not expect that a cavalry unit of the Eighth Route Army would rush out from behind, and they suddenly panicked. The soldiers of the two cavalry regiments rushed to the crowd in an instant under the high-speed sprint of their horses. inside.

The soldiers rushed to the vicinity and began to slash with sabers. The cavalry slashed very fiercely at close range. Every time the sword flashed, a Kuomintang soldier fell down. The struck head falls, or the struck shoulder falls to the ground with an arm.

The infantry who was rushed into the crowd by the cavalry is very miserable. The infantry can only fight the cavalry far away, and the infantry has no power to fight back when they are close. Even if the soldiers are desperate, the battle loss ratio is too high. up.

The reason is very simple, the hand is fast and the hand is slow, and the speed is fast and the speed is slow. In addition, the soldiers riding on the horses have an advantage in height, and it is very smooth to swing a knife from top to bottom.

In this way, the rear of the national army's buttocks suddenly became chaotic. This is the use of tactics. Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. The order given by Boss Peng is to let them hold back the Kuomintang troops from Yan'an. How to fight and how to fight is the responsibility of the on-site commander. The task is given to you. How to complete it is your own business. Boss Peng and the head of the wild division did not interfere too much.

When the commander of this cavalry division saw that there was only one reinforcement of the Kuomintang infantry brigade, he did not blindly adopt a very simple defensive battle, but decisively implemented the cavalry-to-infantry charge tactics that best utilized his advantages , and succeeded in one fell swoop, if you fight a defensive battle, with the crude weapons in your hands, even if you block this group of enemies, you will suffer a lot of casualties.

The original idea of ​​the infantry brigade coming out of Yan'an was to walk slowly, and when it was about the same time, it would feint a shot, make contact with the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army, and then retreat quickly, as if Shangfeng explained that we met When the main force of the communist army resisted tenaciously, the troops could not move forward.

I didn't expect that there was a cavalry unit of the Eighth Route Army with very strong combat effectiveness. The troops were disrupted at once, and the cavalry of the two regiments rushed through the middle of the brigade's troops like a gust of wind, and waited for the soldiers to turn their horses around. During the second charge, the soldiers of this brigade no longer had the intention of resisting, and fled for their lives regardless of the officer's yelling. [

The commander on the mountain saw that the soldiers of the Kuomintang brigade showed signs of confusion, and immediately ordered the soldiers of a regiment on the mountain to rush down, trying to get rid of the support troops from Yan'an in one go.

The soldiers of this regiment rushing down from the mountain pressed forward again, and the infantry brigade sent by the Kuomintang suddenly lost control. The brigade commander turned around and ran away in a jeep. Now there is no support or no support, even himself. Now, let’s run, but it’s so easy. On the simple road, the speed of the jeep can’t run. A few PLA cavalry soldiers chased it close, and immediately threw several grenades at the jeep. With the sound of an explosion, the brigade commander and his jeep turned into a pile of Feitie.

Sun Tzu said that soldiers are always in shape, and water is always in shape. He who can win the battle due to the change of the enemy is called a god. This is the brilliance of this commander of the Eighth Route Army. A commander who knows that the machine executes orders is likely to use all his strength on defense. The final result is that he can complete the task, but he can't achieve any great results, and the troops will suffer heavy casualties, let alone wipe out the enemy. Annihilated, this is the ability of a commander.

As soon as the brigade commander of the national army died, the cavalry division had no doubts about the victory. The soldiers excitedly captured the prisoners all over the mountains and plains to pick up the spoils of war. Everyone joked with each other that the central army of the Kuomintang is still rich. Look at this weapon, this The guys are brand new and brand new, this time it’s alright, and it’s not in vain to let their American masters have a hard time if they fall into the hands of our People’s Liberation Army.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the infantry of this brigade is not too bad, but they were not prepared and were attacked suddenly. In addition to the PLA's tactical opponent, the brigade commander of the Kuomintang died early, and the troops were scattered all at once. There is a mountain of weapons and medicines, the commander of this cavalry unit can't open his eyes with joy, okay, great, what we need is weapons and medicines, this time it's okay, with these guys, even if we never We can stop one or two divisions coming out of Yan'an.

Send a report to Boss Peng, my brave department (the code name of the Northwest Field Army), the independent cavalry division, wiped out one brigade of the enemy, wiped out [-] enemies, and killed the enemy brigade commander. The prisoners and seizures are being counted.

At the foot of Chakou Mountain, the Kuomintang reorganized the No.20 Ninth Army Headquarters. Liu Kan and Yan Ming stood beside the table with a map. When the two were a little at a loss, an officer ran in: "Military seat, it's not good, it's artillery fire from the communist army on the mountain, it's a heavy howitzer, it's dangerous here, hurry up."

Liu Kan: "Nonsense, the communist army on this mountain has dozens of mortars, which is already great, so what kind of howitzers are there? You can ask the various troops again, is it because our medicine trucks are not careful?" A sacrificial explosion occurred."

Officer: "Sir, let's go, it's not a matter of medicine. I can see clearly that they are all large-caliber anti-personnel grenades. The communist army's artillery fire is very accurate. Our corps command organization has probably been discovered by the communist army's reconnaissance force. gone."

Seeing what the officer said, Liu Kan looked hesitantly at Yan Ming, the division commander of the [-]th Division beside him. Liu Kan was really unwilling to leave. His departure would easily cause the soldiers to panic and shake the morale of the army.

Yan Ming: "Commander Liu, let's go, whether it is the artillery fire of the Communist Army on the mountain or not, it is definitely the artillery of the enemy. The artillery fire of the Communist Army is so accurate. The sooner the better."

Seeing that Yan Ming said the same thing, Liu Kan told the officers around him to tidy up and leave immediately, but when Liu Kan and Yan Ming put on their helmets and just walked out of the entrance of the big tent of the command headquarters, overwhelming artillery fire swept over again.

A 20mm caliber explosive grenade hit the top of the big tent that the two of them had just stepped out of with great accuracy. Liu Kan, the general commander and commander of the corps, Yan Ming, the lieutenant general and division commander of the reorganized No.90 division, and the officer who ran over to deliver the letter went to the sky together.

These people turned over a few times in mid-air, and then they went out of their bodies to report to their principal and chairman. (In the historical battle of Yichuan, Liu Kan, the lieutenant general of the Kuomintang, was killed in battle and committed suicide with a grenade. Yan Ming, the lieutenant general and division commander, was killed in battle and shot to death with a machine gun. Here, the plot needs to be interpreted as a cannon blast.)

As soon as Liu Kan and Yan Ming died, the Kuomintang troops immediately fell into disarray. The troops without the command organization could have no combat effectiveness. Well, what are we going to sacrifice our lives for?" [

There was chaos in the back, and the panic spread like the wind to the Kuomintang troops who attacked the independent regiment's position at the front. What kind of attack is there even when the top officer is dead?If you can't get out, you can choose your life, so what if you are caught by the eight roads?The soldiers scattered like birds and beasts with a bang.

In this way, the lower-level officers at the grassroots level no longer have any restraint, and the entire large corps has become a mess, with people running everywhere.

The troops of the Independence Regiment on the top of the mountain were fighting, and suddenly they felt the attacking Kuomintang soldiers retreating with a bang, and they were still running around in an unorganized manner.

What's going on here?The situation on the battlefield was also seen by Li Yong and Wang Chengde. They looked at each other, and Li Yong picked up the walkie-talkie and asked: "Is Zhang Jinsong, what's going on, why did the enemy's attacking troops suddenly run away? Is there anything unusual?"

Zhang Jinsong: "Regimental Commander, I was about to tell you, the good news is that the enemy's troops in the back are all in chaos. I took a few soldiers and captured a prisoner. This guy told me tremblingly that their troops The commander Liu Kan and the division commander Yan Ming of the [-]th Division were killed by our artillery. I don't know if the news is true or not. Anyway, the enemies down the mountain are all in chaos. Now they are running everywhere. I am afraid that we will hide The place was discovered by these rebels."

Li Yong became more excited as he listened, and looked at Wang Chengde with his eyes: "Old Wang, do you think the information provided by Zhang Jinsong is true?"

Wang Chengde: "Dayong, it doesn't matter whether he is real or not, it is a good thing if the enemy is in chaos, let's take him seriously."

Wang Chengde's words were right on point. A general who leads an army is the soul of an army. As long as his soldiers think that Liu Kan is dead, that's fine. There is no difference between him being dead and not dead.

Li Yong patted Wang Chengde's shoulder vigorously: "Old Wang, you are right, let's just assume that Liu Kan was killed by the bomb, and his own soldiers thought he was killed, so why don't we believe it?"

Seeing Wang Chengde nodding his head, Li Yong excitedly said to Wang Chengde for the first time in a few days: "Old Wang, what do you think? Is it time?"

Li Yong, who was supported by Wang Chengde, turned around and shouted to the correspondent: "Order the artillery fire to extend backwards, the squadron, stand at the highest point on the top of the mountain, blow the charge, and attack with the whole regiment." v! ~!

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