The beacon of youth

Chapter 281 The Battle of Xifu: The Bayonet Sees Red

Chapter 281 The Battle of Xifu: The Bayonet Sees Red

The Kuomintang Pei Changhui Corps used superior air and ground firepower to bombard the position of the second column for a long time, and then the infantry launched a charge. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

According to the understanding of the Kuomintang officers, under such fierce artillery fire and aviation firepower, even the stones were blown into powder, so what life can survive on the battlefield?The so-called attack is just going through the motions, and it's over if you directly occupy the place.

But things were different from what they imagined. The People's Liberation Army on the opposite position not only survived tenaciously, but also launched a fierce counterattack.

The soldiers chased after the fleeing Kuomintang soldiers and rushed, and the soldiers with submachine guns kept firing. At a distance of several meters or tens of meters, shooting in the back with a submachine gun was more enjoyable than hitting a target.

The sound of the submachine gun's "tat-tat-tat" shot continued, and every time a shot was fired, a fleeing soldier was killed.

Most of those equipped with submachine guns are veterans. They are the squad leader and deputy squad leader in the infantry combat squad, and they are also the backbone of the army. The skills of the veteran soldiers are fully reflected at this time. It is accurate and tricky.

(This habit of the People's Liberation Army has been maintained until the counterattack against Vietnam in [-]. At that time, the standard equipment of an infantry squad was that the squad leader and deputy squad leader were submachine guns, one squad used light machine guns, and the rest of the soldiers were semi-automatic rifles. Of course, such equipment There are also many problems exposed in the battle, these are all things in the future, and I will talk about them later)

The precise burst of fire smashed the back of the fleeing Kuomintang soldier. Sometimes the muzzle of the gun was slightly raised, and a bullet hit the back of the head. At that time, the head exploded like a watermelon, and the red and white brains collapsed. all over the place.

However, most of the soldiers in the second column still held rifles in their hands, and the rate of fire of the bullets was not as fast as that of bayonets after chasing them close and shooting them again.

The long point of the bayonet pierced through the back, and then protruded from the front chest, and then kicked the dead body out. While kicking the body out, the bayonet was pulled out. The soldier who was stabbed was dying. The screams are frightening.

One bayonet stabbed one to death and then chased the next one. After catching up, he was stabbed to death again with a bayonet. His back pierced his chest and his heart was pierced. They were all a little weak, let alone turned around to confront the PLA. Once their feet were weak, let alone fighting, their running speed dropped.

This time it was even worse. Soldiers were constantly being overtaken by the counterattack troops of the People's Liberation Army. The fleeing soldiers suddenly saw a bloody bayonet point protruding from their hearts. It felt like it was stabbed by a bayonet of the People's Liberation Army.

The soldiers kept chasing after them, and kept stabbing the attacking Kuomintang soldiers to death on the ground. The blood stained the bayonet red and dripped down the blood groove of the bayonet. It's called bayonet red, that's what the People's Liberation Army talks about in war. When the two armies meet, bayonet red red.

The bayonets of the old-fashioned rifles were all flat, and the long bayonets were similar to daggers. After stabbing six or seven people with such bayonets, the flesh and bones could bend the bayonets.

(The old-fashioned [-] and [-] rifles used by soldiers at that time were different from the bayonets of the later Type [-] and [-] rifles. The bayonets of the Type [-] and [-] semi-automatic rifles were folded on the body of the gun, and the front pointed part was triangular. There are three blood grooves for bloodletting. After the air enters the body, the blood will be released immediately. It is very different from the marks left by ordinary knives. The connection between the base and the gun body is round at the back. It is not easy for a round bayonet Curved, the killer in the movie "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" uses the bayonet of the Type [-] or [-] semi-automatic rifle, which is a very common infantry bayonet, not for special forces)

The experienced soldiers all put the bayonets of their rifles on the ground, stepped on them straight with their feet, and stabbed them again. With one breath, they stabbed the attacking Kuomintang troops from the position on the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

A counter-charge of the second column drove the attacking Kuomintang attack troops from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and the troops who were stabbed by bayonets did not react for a long time.

It was only when the shocking soldier was trembling that he managed to breathe a sigh of relief that he realized that he was not dead, that he was alive, he had already run back, but his heart was still shaking.

Fighting is all about momentum. I am invincible, and it is also killing people, but the impression left by guns and bayonets is different. The bayonets of the soldiers in the second column frightened the Kuomintang soldiers who had just come into contact with it. .

On the Majiashan position a little farther behind, Commander Wang, holding a telescope, kept working hard for his soldiers in his command post: "Okay, good fight, kill these bastards, isn't it just Do you bully us for not having aircraft and cannons, this time I will show you the bayonets of our People's Liberation Army."

A chief who stood there watching with a telescope smiled and said, "Okay, Huzi, did you just repel an attack? I'll make you happy. The enemy will not be willing to fail. Tell the soldiers, pay attention For artillery and air defense, use this opportunity to consolidate the fortifications."

Commander Wang patted the chief on the shoulder: "That's right, our old buddy is thoughtful, do as you say, order the troops to pay close attention to repairing the fortifications, and replenish the ammunition."

The Kuomintang officers at all levels commanding behind were also frightened by the counterattack of the PLA soldiers, "***, the PLA is too ruthless, which unit of the Northwest Communist Army is this?"

Later, the intelligence personnel told us that according to intelligence reconnaissance, the Communist army defending in front was the second column of the Northwest Field Army, which was commanded by the well-known Wang Zhen.

I heard that the troops of the People's Liberation Army in front were the second column commanded by Commander Wang Zhen, and the attacking Kuomintang officers at all levels were a little scared.

Why?I have heard it a long time ago. It is not the first time to deal with the second column. It has never been able to take advantage of it. The second column, which is harder than a rock, is not easy to deal with. It doesn't care how many people are in front of you and how strong the opponent is. , as long as we meet, we will fight to the death with you.

A counterattack by the People's Liberation Army shocked the attacking Kuomintang soldiers, which made the commander Pei Changhui very annoyed. He pointed at the nose of the officer in charge of commanding the battle and shouted: "Worthless, useless, a second column will scare you into death!" Is this so? No matter how powerful the Communist Army is, it is still a human being. What we hold in our hands is not a stick of fire. You immediately lead someone to charge me up. I will let the ground and air fire support. If you can’t go up, you, the commander, don’t do it. ? You will personally lead the people to rush up.”

Another large-scale artillery preparation began, and the sky was still full of shells. At the request of Pei Changhui, Hu Zongnan ordered the plane taking off from Xi'an to refuel and reload and then launched a second fire strike on the PLA positions.

The soldiers of the second regiment standing on the front line looked at the shells all over the sky and the planes circling non-stop without fear. Isn’t it just shells, isn’t it just planes? We have seen too much, what else can we do?No matter how powerful your plane is, you dare not come down to catch Lao Tzu's prisoners?When it really comes down, it must have been captured by Lao Tzu's People's Liberation Army as a prisoner.

After the firepower was prepared, the infantry charged as before. This time the Kuomintang also learned a lesson, opened up a long line of skirmishers, and used a large number of multi-directional attacks to distract the attention of the People's Liberation Army.

There was a full brigade or so of troops attacking the second regiment's position. Six to seven thousand soldiers, under the cover of more than a dozen tanks, swarmed up like locusts again.

The old 2nd Regiment is the most capable main force of the [-]th Brigade. It is the tip of the knife in the hands of Brigadier Chen. This kind of troops completely ignored the Kuomintang's attack and wanted to break through from the defensive position of our [-]nd Regiment?Really blind your dog's eyes.

The fierce fighting continued non-stop, and the front attack troops of the Pei Changhui Corps were also ordered to die. At this time, they also took out all their belongings and old books, and fought with the Communist army.

The soldiers of the Second Regiment beat down the attacking Kuomintang soldiers again and again with the weapons in their hands. From morning to noon, they fought a total of six attacks.

Compared with the old 2nd regiment, the weapons of the old [-]nd regiment have been greatly improved, and the supply of ammunition is also sufficient. They can build whatever they want, as long as they can kill the enemy.

But it is undeniable that the Kuomintang's attack also brought considerable casualties to the Second Regiment. The biggest threat was not the charging infantry. It was not difficult to beat down these wretched infantry. With bayonets, these soldiers don't even have the courage to fight desperately.

The greatest pressure on the Second Regiment was the enemy's heavy firepower. The casualties caused by long-range artillery fire and aircraft to the soldiers were several times that of the infantry, and the tanks parked in front of the position were also quite a headache.

The Second Regiment dug a deep anti-tank trench in front of its position, so the tanks of the attacking Kuomintang troops could not drive to the position.

Although tanks cannot drive up to the position, there are artillery and machine guns on top of the tank. The tanks parked below the position use their artillery to aim at the firepower of the People's Liberation Army on the position and shoot non-stop. direct aiming artillery, unlike howitzers), is very accurate at rest.

The second regiment didn't have much heavy firepower, and with the lack of understanding of tanks, more than a dozen limited heavy firepower points were knocked out in succession, which greatly reduced the firepower density of the second regiment.

Later, the remaining heavy machine guns and mortars on the position can only be fired and changed places immediately, otherwise it is easy to attract tank gun attacks.

The soldiers looked at the tanks parked under the hills and hated their teeth. They just couldn't think of any effective methods. Machine gun bullets were useless, and small-caliber mortars had no effect on the tanks. At that time, the tanks were as difficult and difficult to attack as hedgehogs.

Thank you for your support. A new week has started again. If you give me some recommended tickets, other old buses don’t dare to ask for them. I’m sorry.

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