The beacon of youth

Chapter 282 The Courage of the People's Liberation Army in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 282 The Courage of the People's Liberation Army in the Battle of Xifu

After the fourth column of the Northwest Field Army withdrew from the Qishan area, the Kuomintang Peichanghui Corps flocked to Majiashan in front of Baoji City like a blocked flood that suddenly opened its mouth. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The second column of Commander Wang Zhen, one of the most powerful main force of the Field Army, was guarding the position around Majiashan.

From the morning to noon, at the position of the old 2nd Regiment of the [-]th Brigade at the front of the [-]nd Column, six or seven group attacks were repelled in a row. The bayonets and grenades of the soldiers exerted great power. In the process of counterattack, they have already turned around, and the enemy's corpses are lying everywhere on the hillside.

It is undeniable that the Kuomintang also has its own advantages. Their strengths are artillery fire and air strikes. The most direct threat is the dozen or so tanks parked at the foot of the mountain. Can cover his infantry attacks with direct-point artillery and machine guns mounted on tanks.

The soldiers of the second regiment didn't know much about tank guns at first, so they suffered a big loss. The firepower points composed of heavy machine guns and mortars on the position were fired in succession by more than a dozen.

This made the second regiment's already limited heavy firepower even more stretched, and the defensive firepower density dropped greatly. In those days, the power of a burst-firing heavy machine gun could sometimes be as powerful as half a company's firepower. Whoever can capture a heavy machine gun in battle is considered a great achievement.

Seeing heavy machine gun shooters sacrificed one after another, and the few mortars being blown up, the soldiers were very angry. They aimed their rifles and light machine guns at the tanks and fired, but the bullets hit the steel plates of the tanks without even a white mark. Can't come down, let alone damage anything.

The Kuomintang officer who organized the attack was suffering from a headache. At this time, he suddenly discovered the role of the tank, and his eyes lit up. Yes, the communist army is powerful because of their rifles and bayonets, right? Don’t I have tanks? Forgot about this?No matter how powerful the communist army's bayonets are, they can't do anything to the tanks, so let the communist army and our tanks also fight with the bayonets.

Another large-scale attack began. This time, the Kuomintang soldiers who attacked were well-learned and followed the tank step by step, but they didn't show up.

Slow down, it's better than letting the communist army kill them. The tanks drove to the bottom of the mountain and stopped, and covered the infantry with artillery and machine guns to rush up.

In this way, the soldiers of the second regiment felt tremendous pressure. The tanks parked at the foot of the mountain could easily suppress the heavy machine guns and the few mortars on the position, while the machine guns on the tanks could Shoot at the defending side without any scruples (tank guns can shoot directly, which is quite a threat to the infantry in the fortifications on the front slope, and grenades can also kill a large number of people).

The non-stop firepower of the machine guns made the soldiers with rifles in their hands unable to raise their heads, and the bullets hit the edge of the trench with a puff.

Seeing his soldiers being knocked out one by one by the machine guns on the tank, Commander Zhao almost rushed over to join the soldiers, but reason told him that it was impossible.

what to do?We must organize forces to blow up the tanks, and no matter how much we pay, we must kill these iron bastards, otherwise we will no longer be able to hold our positions.

Make up your mind, but it is not easy to blow up these tanks parked at the foot of the mountain. The Second Regiment has no anti-tank weapons, not to mention the [-] Wu and [-] fire dedicated to post-modern infantry. There were not many [-] infantry guns, and they were all destroyed in the battle.

Now if you want to destroy the tank, you have to rely on the most primitive method, what method?What else can I do? Use someone to deliver the explosives.

What is the use of people to send explosives?Relying on the courage and perseverance of the soldiers, it is not easy to face the enemy's charging infantry and the flame-spraying machine guns on the tanks, daring to carry explosives between them, at least they must not be afraid of death.

If the army of any other country or nation encounters such a situation, it may be difficult to solve it. Can it still fight in such a situation?

But what the People's Liberation Army troops lack most is courage. There are no weapons and ammunition to snatch from the enemy's hands, and no food to tie up their waistbands. I have never heard of the lack of courage in the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army.

As soon as Commander Zhao gave the order to blow up the tanks, many soldiers rushed to sign up. These soldiers knew very well that this was a job with a narrow escape, and it was very likely that they would never come back after going up. Go up, otherwise what kind of army is it called?What is it called a soldier?

This point is definitely not fabricated. This is what the PLA can win battles. It is fearless and does not take any opponents seriously. All enemies in front of the soldiers can be trampled under their feet.

The commando team was quickly selected, and the soldiers standing in front of Commander Zhao formed a combat team of two, each carrying a five-kilogram explosive pack in addition to their own weapons.

It is very knowledgeable to choose the commando team and the blasting team. The PLA troops have the most say on this issue. Who told us that our weapons and equipment are not good enough.

However, it boils down to two points. One is courageous, and the other is that there are many methods. Simply not afraid of death cannot do the work of blasting. To put it simply, the fighters in the blasting team must choose to be bold, careful, and clever. soldiers, and such soldiers are also treasures in the army, they are the material of the grassroots commanders, so Captain Zhao is reluctant to let them go up unless it is absolutely necessary.

(It seems that last year, a TV series about Dong Cunrui blowing up bunkers was re-filmed. The actor xxx in it played the hero as an image of a fool who is not afraid of anything. The characters are very different. When he was young, Dong Cunrui was the famous kid king in the village. When he was a little older, he was the head of the children's regiment. After he joined the army, he was also a famous and very smart soldier. He was also very handsome and handsome. The difference is too big. Dong Cunrui relied on the fearless courage and wit of the people’s soldiers to blow up the bunkers. He was not stupid. The author’s unit is not far from the hero’s hometown, so I know a little bit)

It’s a bit much to say, let’s look back, the Kuomintang soldiers who rushed up were undoubtedly beaten down by the soldiers of the 2nd Regiment again, and the old [-]nd Regiment launched a counterattack again, but this time it was different from the previous ones. The counterattack of the soldiers chased even further.

And the farther they chased, the closer they were to the tanks parked at the foot of the mountain. Dozens of soldiers from the blasting team were hiding among the counterattack troops.

Of course, the people in the tank were not fools. They used the parallel machine guns in the car to shoot at the soldiers. From time to time, some people were hit by machine gun bullets and fell down.

Although the tank is still there, the infantry behind the tank screamed and ran away when they saw the People's Liberation Army rushing down. They were also scared of being beaten, and they were mentally shocked. If the infantry did not run, the soldiers would not be able to rush. near the tank.

The infantry ran away, and it was not a good thing to have only the tank left. The people in the car also knew that the situation was not good, and the turret was rotating, trying to knock down all the soldiers who rushed up with machine guns.

The tank has its advantages. It is equipped with defensive armor and offensive artillery and machine guns. It is equivalent to a combination of spear and shield. It is called the king of land warfare.

But no weapon is perfect, no matter how powerful it is, it has its shortcomings, and the line of sight is one of its shortcomings. People in the tank have to rely on periscopes if they want to see out, regardless of whether it is the mirror used by the driver or the gunner. The mirror used by the commander has a very narrow field of vision.

In this way, the tank has a lot of shooting blind spots, and the soldiers are running and jumping, taking advantage of the opportunity of the turret on the tank to rotate back and forth, and using several combat teams to approach it quietly from several angles.

The soldiers in the demolition team were knocked down by machine guns one after another, but the tank without infantry cover was too vulnerable. Finally, someone leaned up and hung the explosive package on the tank.

The fuse locks on the explosive packs were cut very short by the soldiers, only about two inches long, and it would not work if they were too long. Such lengths would burn to the end in a few seconds or so, leaving time for the soldiers who bombed the tanks to remove them. It was very limited, and if one failed, even the man and the tank were blown up, but none of the soldiers hesitated. They knew what was going on before they came up, and they had to do it even if they couldn't withdraw.

The fuse suo with blue smoke burned to the end quickly, and then detonated the detonator at the end, and the detonator detonated the explosives again. With the violent explosion, the tanks in front of the position were blown up one by one.

In fact, the fighting process was only a few minutes. Seven or eight tanks were blown up when they stopped at the foot of the mountain. The remaining few turned around and ran at full speed depending on the situation.

The tank ran away, and Commander Zhao on the top of the mountain did not feel any joy, but was very sad. After a counterattack, the soldiers who bombed the tank suffered dozens of casualties. The tanks that were destroyed were bought by these soldiers with their lives. These guys are some of the best fighters in the army, and it just doesn't feel worth fighting tanks with them.

"What a good fighter, what a good fighter, it would be great if they don't die, and after training for a while, at least one person can bring out a platoon."

Letting go of the uncomfortable Commander Zhao, Li Yong and the people from the Independent Regiment, who were shrinking to defend Baoji together with the teaching brigade and the cavalry division, were also very annoying.

The 82nd Division was defeated, and Li Yong's biggest concern was solved, but then the troops were idle, and thousands of people were less idle than Liushou.

Now the position defended by the troops is not far from Baoji, and the sound of rumbling artillery fire and aircraft bombing from another direction of Baoji can be clearly heard.

The teaching brigade was still responsible for the defense of the position. Brigadier Chen Haihan placed the cavalry division and the independent regiment behind him, saying that he was using these two troops as a reserve.

This is even worse, the thousands of people in the independent group have nothing to do, except for eating and sleeping.

The head of the regiment, Li Yong, took Li Yuming and several guards to the battalions and companies below to check the casualties and the mood of the soldiers.

Thank you for your support, the old bus has to stop for a while, and the future updates are expected to be intermittent. I bow to my brothers and express my apologies. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Without your support, the old bus would not be able to make it to today.

In addition, Lao Ba has also seen everyone’s comments. First of all, I would like to thank the book friend "Mao Shiba" for his carefulness. I would like to express my own views on the rifle army. In the movie "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai", Lao Ba felt that he still saw that very clearly. The marks left by the killer on the dead man's neck with military stabs should be three-edged, and the three-edged ones should be five or six semi-automatic bayonets, or the old bus may have misread it. Thanks again, Brother Mao Shiba.Of course, I also have to thank the "taste of life" brothers for their messages.

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